Board RepresentationsIn the early days of chess programming, memory was extremely limited (some programs ran in 8K or less) and the simplest, least expensive representations were the most effective. A typical chessboard was implemented as an 8x8 array, with each square represented by a single byte: an empty square was allocated value 0, a black king could be represented by the number 1, etc. When chess programmers started working on 64-bit workstations and mainframes, more elaborate board representations based on "bitboards" appeared. Apparently invented in the Soviet Union in the late 1960's, the bit board is a 64-bit word containing information about one aspect of the game state, at a rate of 1 bit per square. For example, a bitboard might contain "the set of squares occupied by black pawns", another "the set of squares to which a queen on e3 can move", and another, "the set of white pieces currently attacked by black knights". Bitboards are versatile and allow fast processing, because many operations that are repeated very often in the course of a chess game can be implemented as 1-cycle logic operations on bitboards. Part II of this series covers board representations in detail.
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