Conversion from QuaternionsTo be able to use quaternions effectively, you will eventually need to convert them to some other representation. You cannot interpret keyboard presses as quaternions, can you? Well, not yet. Quaternion to MatrixSince OpenGL and Direct3D allow rotations to be specified as matrices, this is probably the most important conversion function, since homogenous matrices are the standard 3D representations. The equivalent rotation matrix representing a quaternion is
Matrix = [ w2+x2-y2-z2 2xy - 2wz 2xz + 2wy
2xy + 2wz w2-x2+y2-z2 2yz - 2wx
2xz - 2wy 2yz + 2wx w2-x2-y2+z2 ]
Using the property of unit quaternions that w2 + x2 + y2 + z2 = 1, we can reduce the matrix to Matrix = [ 1 - 2y2 - 2z2 2xy - 2wz 2xz + 2wy
2xy + 2wz 1 - 2x2 - 2z2 2yz - 2wx
2xz - 2wy 2yz + 2wx 1 - 2x2 - 2y2 ]
Quaternion to Axis AngleTo change a quaternion to a rotation around an arbitrary axis in 3D space, we do the following:
Another variation I have seen is that the scale = sin(acos(w)). They may be equivalent, though I didn't try to find the mathematical relationship behind them. Anyway if the scale is 0, it means there is no rotation so unless you do something, the axis will be infinite. So whenever the scale is 0, just set the rotation axis to any unit vector with a rotation angle of 0. A Simple ExampleIn case you are getting confused with what I'm getting at, I will show you a simple example here. Say the camera orientation is represented as Euler angles. Then, in the rendering loop, we position the camera using
where each compmenent is a 4x4 matrix. So if we are using a unit quaternion to represent the camera orientation, we have to convert the quaternion to a matrix first
A more specific example in OpenGL:
The above implementations are equivalent. The point I'm trying to get across is that using quaternions for orientation is the same as using Euler or Axis angle representation and that they can be interchanged through the conversion functions I've described. Note that the above quaternion representation will also incur gimbal lock like the Euler method. Of course, you do not know how to make the rotation to be a quaternion in the first place but we will get to that shortly. Note: If you are using Direct3D or OpenGL, you may not have to deal with matrices directly, but matrix concatenation is something that the API does, so it's worth learning about them. |
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