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 Why Assembly

 Win32 ASM Basics
 The Design

 Code Framework
 Until Next Time

 Printable version


  The Series

 Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3
 Part 4
 Part 5
 Part 6


Until Next Time

Well, this is the end of the first article. The good news is all of the dry boring stuff is behind us. The bad news is you won't get to see any code until I complete the next article. In the meantime I would suggest brushing up on your assembly language and maybe searching on the Internet for some references on Win32 assembly language. You can find links to a lot of Win32 ASM resources at my website: Http://www.fastsoftware.com.

Researching more information isn't a must ... but for those of you that still think this might be difficult, I would suggest taking the time to do so. It isn't like you will be hindered by learning more. You may find another resource that helps you learn this stuff and that is ALWAYS a good thing.

In the next article we will get a skeleton version of SPACE-TRIS up and running along with coding our Direct Draw library functions. The goal is to get a bitmap up onto the screen and I think we can accomplish it next time. If everything goes as planned, you should see the work starting to pay off in a loading game screen. I know it doesn't sound like much ... but appreciate how slowly we are progressing before we get further along. Because once we have the basics down, we are going to pull out all of the stops and then you will be thankful we took the extra time to cover this stuff.

So young grasshoppers, until next time ... happy coding.