Graphics |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
Crytek GmbH Presentations [Added: 6/15/2009]
A repository of lecture slides from Crytek engineers given at various game development conferences on a broad range of graphics and game development - with additional video and PDF documents |
Subcategory: Alpha Blending |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
2D Alpha Blending Using MMX Technology [Added: 9/1/2001]
Matthias Hofmann
Provides an improvement to a blending technique described in an earlier article. |
8-Bit Indexed Color Translucency [Added: 7/5/2000]
Travis Bemann
Covers how to use 256 indexed color translucency. |
Additive Alpha Blending Routine in Assembly [Added: 8/21/1999]
Jim Bellinger
This is example source code of an alpha blending routine in assembly. According to it's author, the code can easily be inserted into VC++, in fact, that's what you're supposed to do. |
MMX Enhanced Alpha Blending [Added: 10/21/1999]
John Hebert
Covers optimizing alpha belding by taking advantage of MMX. |
Really Fast Software Blending [Added: 11/20/2001]
Kevin Gadd
Presents the author's method of performing fast alpha blending in software using a variation on lookup tables. |
The CodeDemon's Guide To Translucency [Added: 12/22/1999]
Jesse Towner
Covers several methods of translucency, focusing on alpha blending. |
True-color Software Blending [Added: 9/14/1999]
Seumas McNally
Covers additive blending and alpha blending. |
Subcategory: Denthor's Asphyxia Tutorials |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
3d Solids [Added: 7/16/1999]
Animation [Added: 7/16/1999]
ASM and Fire Code [Added: 7/16/1999]
Basic 3d Programming [Added: 7/16/1999]
Circles and Lines [Added: 7/16/1999]
Cross-Fading [Added: 7/16/1999]
Glenzing, Fast Polys, etc [Added: 7/16/1999]
Hidden Surface Removal [Added: 7/16/1999]
Lookup Tables [Added: 7/16/1999]
Mode 13h [Added: 7/16/1999]
Mode-X Scrolling [Added: 7/16/1999]
Palette Changing [Added: 7/16/1999]
Pixel Morphs [Added: 7/16/1999]
Plasmas [Added: 7/16/1999]
Scaling Bitmaps [Added: 7/16/1999]
Scrolling [Added: 7/16/1999]
Starfields [Added: 7/16/1999]
Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
VGA Mode-X [Added: 7/16/1999]
Virtual Screens [Added: 7/16/1999]
Subcategory: Dithering |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
8 bit deep b/w dither [Added: 7/16/1999]
Advanced Dither Needed (untested) [Added: 7/16/1999]
Advanced Dither Needed (untested) II [Added: 7/16/1999]
Dither Source [Added: 7/16/1999]
Dithering (Floyd-Steinberg) Source [Added: 7/16/1999]
Floyd-Steinberg Notes [Added: 7/16/1999]
Subcategory: Michael Abrash's Articles |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
256-color VGA Animation [Added: 7/16/1999]
3d Animation [Added: 7/16/1999]
80x86 Optimizations [Added: 7/16/1999]
Catching up (various topics re-examined) [Added: 7/16/1999]
Color-modeling in 256-color mode [Added: 7/16/1999]
Fast 3-d Animation : Meet X-Sharp [Added: 7/16/1999]
Fast Antialiasing [Added: 7/16/1999]
Fast Convex Polygons [Added: 7/16/1999]
Fast Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
Further ruminations of the Edsun CEG/DAC [Added: 7/16/1999]
Mode X: 256-color VGA Magic [Added: 7/16/1999]
More 3-d Animation [Added: 7/16/1999]
More on Bresenhams run-length slice algorithm [Added: 7/16/1999]
More on Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
More undocumented 256-color VGA Magic [Added: 7/16/1999]
Moving, faster lines and page flipping [Added: 7/16/1999]
Raw Speed and More (X-Sharp 3-D Prog) [Added: 7/16/1999]
The Polygon Primeval [Added: 7/16/1999]
The Sierra Hicolor DAC [Added: 7/16/1999]
The Simplicity of Complex Polygons [Added: 7/16/1999]
The Virtues of inexpensive approximation [Added: 7/16/1999]
Subcategory: Lighting and Shading |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
A Closer Look At Parallax Occlusion Mapping [Added: 6/28/2006]
Jason Zink
Presents a guide to parallax occlusion mapping as well as a sample implementation. |
Cel-Shading [Added: 7/13/2001]
Sami Hamlaoui
Provides an introduction to cel-shading, a technique for creating cartoon-like images using conventional 3D methods. |
Fast Phong Shading (OTMPHONG.DOC) [Added: 7/16/1999]
Fast Phong Shading by Gary Bishop [Added: 7/16/1999]
Gouraud [Added: 7/16/1999]
Gouraud Shaded Polygons [Added: 7/16/1999]
High Dynamic Range Environment Mapping On Mainstream Graphics Hardware [Added: 2/22/2005]
Adam Lake and Cody Northrop Intel® Software Solution Group (SSG) Modern Game Technologies Project
This article discusses the capture, storage, and display of high dynamic range images. |
Light Based Tessellation [Added: 10/11/2001]
Jeff Andrews
Light Based Tessellation technology is used for adding enhanced lighting effects to three-dimensional objects. Current lighting algorithms operate only on each vertex of a polygon in order to create lighting effects. By tessellating (breaking up) a polygon, more vertices will be created with which the lighting algorithms can work, thus producing better lighting effects. |
Phong Illumination Explained [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
Nettle explains Phong illumination in this article. (not phong shading) |
Phong Lighting and Specular Highlights [Added: 7/16/1999]
Shaders and Metaprogramming [Added: 7/3/2007]
Promit Roy
Discusses how to robustly expose shader constant parameters from a .NET 2.0 application using the reflection and metaprogramming abilities of managed code |
Texture Shading by Tom Hammersley [Added: 7/16/1999]
Subcategory: Radiosity |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
Radiosity in English [Added: 8/22/1999]
Paul Nettle
In this article, Paul Nettle describes radiosity in an easy to understand way. |
Radiosity in English II: Form Factor Calculation [Added: 8/22/1999]
Paul Nettle
This is the second part of Paul Nettle's Radiosity in English Series. |
Radiosity Methods [Added: 12/2/1999]
Hin Jang
A good and somewhat technical introduction to radiosity. |
Real-Time Radiosity [Added: 2/19/2000]
Nathan Vegdahl
Presents a method of attaining realistic lighting in games using radiosity. |
Real-Time Radiosity Part II [Added: 7/5/2000]
Nathan Vegdahl
This follow-up to the original article gets into the actual method, explaining radiosity mapping, dynamic light source radiosity, and dynamic object to static object radiosity.
Subcategory: Voxels |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
Voxel Engine [Added: 8/22/1999]
Tim Clarke
Newsgroup posting that discusses how to do a voxel engine. |
Subcategory: General |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
3D Basics [Added: 8/23/1999]
Thierry Tremblay
3D Decals [Added: 8/28/2003]
Francis "DeathWish" Woodhouse
This article explores a possible method of implementing true 3D decals in arbitrary places, without splitting up polygons. |
3D Engines for Games: A Broader Perspective [Added: 10/19/2000]
Søren Hannibal
Discusses taking your diverse knowledge and bringing it all together to create a complete game engine. |
A Simple Third-Person Camera [Added: 11/13/2001]
Explains how a polar coordinate system can be used to implement a 3rd person camera. |
Advanced Image Panning [Added: 2/26/2001]
Daniel Wilhelm
Discusses a method to pan images in any direction at any speed with wrap-around. |
Advanced raycasting techniques [Added: 12/2/1999]
Andreas Christian Seidel
Describes an approach to raycasting that overcomes some of its shortcomings. |
An Introduction To Digital Image Processing [Added: 10/20/2003]
Frédéric Patin
The aim of this document is to give the reader a little overview of the existing techniques in digital image processing. |
Architecting a 3D Animation Engine [Added: 2/23/2000]
Scott Corley
Presents some guidelines to developing the C/C++ interface for your animation engine. |
Avoiding Redraw in Graphics [Added: 11/18/1999]
Joshua Cantrell
Goes over a technique of avoiding overlap/redraw when drawing graphics. This method requires that images are drawn in the order of visible to hidden.
Basic Line Drawing Algorithm [Added: 7/16/1999]
Amod Karve
Behind the Scenes of Messiah’s Character Animation System [Added: 6/7/2000]
Michael 'Saxs' Persson
Presents some real-world problems, solutions, and nuggets of wisdom learned in the development of Messiah. |
Benefits of A Micro-programmable Graphics Architecture [Added: 2/16/2001]
Dominic Mallinson
Examines the benefits of a micro-programmable graphics architecture and considers the graphics pipeline and where hardware and software techniques can be applied. |
Bitmap Rotation [Added: 10/19/1999]
Mike Morton
A series of newsgroup postings where it is explained how to rotate a bitmap. |
Bresenham's Line and Circle Algorithms [Added: 10/7/1999]
Mark Feldman
A great description of these scan conversion techniques. |
Camera Class Tutorial [Added: 4/20/2003]
Ian Kerr
Designs and implements a handy camera class. |
Compiled Bitmaps [Added: 10/19/1999]
John Amato
Covers creating transparent bitmaps by making them part of your code. |
Concatenating Triangle Strips [Added: 11/27/2002]
Marc Reilly
Explains how to use degenerate triangles to improve batch processing of triangle strips. |
Creating a 3D Game: 3D Basics [Added: 10/14/1999]
John De Goes
Covers 3D clipping, rotations, perspective view, Z-sorting, and Z-buffering. |
Creating a Custom AppWizard for 3D Development [Added: 2/17/2002]
Kim Pallister
Shows you how to create a custom Microsoft Visual C++ AppWizard for 3D application development. |
Creating Procedural Objects in 3D Studio MAX [Added: 6/7/2000]
Gurjeet Sidhu
A procedural object is created by an algorithm that takes a set of parameters that define the object and produces the object representation from that set. This article explains how to write a plug-in to create procedural objects in 3D Studio MAX. |
Devil in the Blue Faceted Dress: Real Time Cloth Animation [Added: 5/17/2000]
Jeff Lander
A look at simulating cloth in real time. |
Dual Paraboloid Mapping in the Vertex Shader [Added: 4/17/2006]
Jason Zink
Explains what paraboloid mapping is and demonstrates how to use it with HLSL. |
Entering The 3rd Dimension [Added: 12/20/1999]
Jeff Weeks
A basic introduction to rotation, translation, and projection. |
Fire How To [Added: 1/15/2001]
Another explanation of fire using palette animation. |
Fire Tutorial [Added: 1/15/2001]
Phil Carlisle
Describes a fire technique using palette animation. |
Flex Your Facial Animation Muscles [Added: 5/17/2000]
Jeff Lander
Jeff continues his examination of facial animation techniques by investigating how to construct and manipulate meshes. |
Four Tricks for Fast Blurring in Software and Hardware [Added: 2/16/2001]
Alex Evans
Presents a few tricks which can help make real-time blurring possible, and hopefully will provide enough material to inspire you to invent your own hybrid techniques. |
Graphics Programming Black Book [Added: 2/17/2002]
Michael Abrash
Michael Abrash's legendary book, now available online for free. |
High Dynamic Range Rendering [Added: 6/19/2004]
Anirudh S Shastry
An introduction that'll help you get your first HDR app running |
Intro to 3D Graphics Programming: Volume I [Added: 10/19/1999]
Chris Hargrove
Covers the basics of 3D math, the Cartesian coordninate system, and perspective projections. |
Intro to 3D Graphics Programming: Volume II [Added: 10/19/1999]
Chris Hargrove
Part 2 covers rotations in 2D and 3D |
Intro to 3D Graphics Programming: Volume III [Added: 10/19/1999]
Chris Hargrove
Discusses the all-important normal. |
Intro to 3D Graphics Programming: Volume IV [Added: 10/19/1999]
Chris Hargrove
Begins the discussion of polygon fillers with flat and Lambert lighting. |
Intro to 3D Graphics Programming: Volume V [Added: 10/19/1999]
Chris Hargrove
The last article in this never-finished series covers BSP trees. |
MegaTexture in Quake Wars [Added: 11/5/2007]
Richard Connery
An overview of MegaTexturing in the new Doom 3 (Tech 4) engine, with a look at advantages and disadvantages of the tech |
Nature in computer graphics [Added: 9/7/2007]
Shaun Kichenbrand
A research paper outlining various graphical techniques and advancements in rendering natural objects |
Read My Lips: Facial Animation Techniques [Added: 5/17/2000]
Jeff Lander
This article covers the basics of rendering facial animations in real time. |
Real-Time Rendering Chapter 6: Special Effects [Added: 2/24/2000]
Tomas Möller and Eric Haines
An excerpt from an essential resource for all graphics programmers. |
Rendering the Great Outdoors: Fast Occlusion Culling for Outdoor Environments [Added: 4/20/2003]
Michal Bacik
Presents one technique for hidden surface removal usable in 3D engines using tilizing object occlusion. |
Run-Time Pixel Format Conversion [Added: 3/2/2000]
Michal Bacik
Creates a class to handle general purpose pixel conversion. |
Secrets of Simple Image Filtering [Added: 9/14/2003]
Christopher Atkinson
This article will explain the theory behind image filtering. |
Spherical Scale Mapping [Added: 3/4/2005]
Stephan Reiter
Presents a practical approach to the interpolation between arbitrary convex polygonal models. |
Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
Sean Barret
From the PC-GPE |
The Quadratic Curves, Circles and Ellipses FAQ [Added: 7/29/1999]
An FAQ on curves, ellipses, and circles the quadratic way. |
The World of 3-D Graphics Part 1: An Introduction [Added: 6/26/2001]
David Bull
This new series will provide a complete introduction to 3D concepts. Part 1 introduces the series, and starts off by explaining coordinate systems. |
The World of 3-D Graphics Part 2: Vectors and Planes [Added: 7/26/2001]
David Bull
The second installment in this series provides a basic introduction to vectors and planes and how to work with them. |
Thinking in 3D - Part I [Added: 3/30/2000]
Jonathan Tanner
This series introduces the reader to non-API specific 3D graphics. To kick things off, coordinate systems and primitives are explained. |
Subcategory: Hidden Surface Removal |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
3D Backface Culling [Added: 7/5/2000]
Jeff Weeks
Explains what backface culling is and why it's used. |
A Compact Method for Backface Culling [Added: 3/24/2000]
Osnat Levi, Ronen Zohar, Haim Barad, Alex Klimovitski
Introduces a method of front-end culling for improved performance. |
Binary Space Partitioning Trees and Polygon Removal in Real Time 3D Rendering [Added: 2/16/2002]
Samuel Ranta-Eskola
This article documents the author's work developing a BSP-tree engine with physics, radiosity and network optimization. |
Geometry Culling in 3D Engines [Added: 10/9/2000]
Pietari Laurila
Takes a look at all the major visibility culling algorithms in use today, including view frustum, occlusion, and contribution culling. |
Occlusion Culling Algorithms [Added: 7/10/2000]
Tomas Möller and Eric Haines
From Chapter 7 of Real Time Rendering, this discusses the class of acceleration schemes known as the occlusion culling techniques. |
Quake Hidden Surface Removal [Added: 8/22/1999]
Derek Nickel
Covers how Michael Abrash handled hidden surfaces in the original Quake. |
Subcategory: WWH Series |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
WWH - 3D Clipping to an arbitrary FOV with 3x3 or 4x4 Matrices [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
This WWH describes a 3D Clipper that results in convex n-gons. |
WWH - Calculating a Rotation Matrix Based on Location/Target [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
The purpose here is to describe how to obtain a proper matrix given a
location and a target (or a vector), and an amount of roll. This document also emulates the specific nature of 3DS cameras, when it comes to the degenerate case. |
WWH - Properly Reordering Face Vertex Indices (y/z swap) [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
The purpose of this WWH is to explain how to properly re-order the
face indices of triangular polygon patches when the Y/Z is swapped. |
WWH - Rendering Convex N-Gons [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
Requires basic understanding of (triangular) polygon rendering and scan conversion. |
WWH - Sub-pixel Accuracy [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
This WWH describes sub-pixel accuracy. The purpose of a WWH is to expand one's knowledge on a topic they already understand, but need a reference, a refresher course, or to simply extend what they already know about the topic. |
WWH - Sub-texel Accuracy [Added: 8/23/1999]
Paul Nettle
This article describes sub-texel accuracy. This document relies on the fact that you have already read WWH1
(sub-pixel accuracy) as they are interrelated, and especially since
you can't achieve sub-texel accuracy without first achieving
sub-pixel accuracy.
Subcategory: Texture Mapping |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
2D Bump Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
A Texture Mapping Technique [Added: 7/5/2000]
Joshua Cantrell
General Information about a way to implement perspective projection texture mapping. It may not be standard, but it shows the derivation of the formulae involved. |
A tutorial for 2d and 3d vector and texture mapped graphics [Added: 7/16/1999]
Applying the Texture Mapping Technique [Added: 7/5/2000]
Joshua Cantrel
General Information about a way to implement texture mapping. This uses the formula derived in the first article and describes a way to put this into code. |
Bilinear Interpolation Of Texture Maps [Added: 10/19/1999]
Tom Hammersley
Focuses on bilinear filtering, and touches on trilinear filtering and mip-mapping. |
Constant Slope Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
John McCarthy
Documentation and source for a DOS-based texture mapping routine. |
Environment Mapping [Added: 10/14/1999]
Tom Hammersley
Describes how to make objects in your game reflect the environment around them. |
Free Direction Texture Mapping [Added: 1/11/2001]
Hannu Helminen
A very introductory texture mapping tutorial. |
Hardware Accelerated Spherical Environment Mapping using Texture Matrices [Added: 8/16/2000]
Rob Wyatt
The title pretty much sums it up. |
Midpoint Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
Incomplete article that describes the mid-point filtering method. |
Mip-Mapping in Direct3D [Added: 11/9/2000]
Johnathan Skinner
This article explains what mip-maps are, how to create them, and how to use them in Direct3D. |
Perspective Corrected Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
Perspective Corrected Texture Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
Perspective Texture Mapper (source) [Added: 7/16/1999]
Real-Time Procedural Texturing Techniques Using MMX [Added: 11/18/1999]
Barad, Atkins, Gerlitz & Goehring
This article focuses on procedural texture mapping. This style of texture mapping is used in raycasters and excels in simulating organic textures. Among this, there are a number of other advantages as discussed in the aritcle. |
Refractive Texture Mapping, Part One [Added: 11/16/2000]
Gustavo Oliveira
Investigates the use of sphere mapping to simulate curved-surface reflections. |
Refractive Texture Mapping, Part Two [Added: 11/28/2000]
Gustavo Oliveira
Looks at how refractive texture mapping can be implemented to simulate refractions. |
Rendering to Texture Surfaces Using DirectX 7 [Added: 3/2/2001]
Kim Pallister
Explains using this technique and applying it to dynamic environment maps and soft shadows. |
Run Time Mip-Map Filtering [Added: 2/23/2000]
Andrew Flavell
An introduction to using mip-maps to overcome aliasing in texture mapping. |
Texture Mapped Polygons [Added: 7/16/1999]
Texture Mapping [Added: 8/25/1999]
Thierry Tremblay
Texture Mapping (Walls only) [Added: 7/16/1999]
Texture Mapping : A new tool for molecular graphic [Added: 7/16/1999]
Texture Mapping Mania [Added: 11/18/1999]
André LaMothe
Introduces the reader to affine texture mapping |
Texture Mapping Polygons in Perspective [Added: 7/16/1999]
Texture Potential Mapping [Added: 7/16/1999]
The Power of the High Pass Filter [Added: 5/31/2001]
Peter Hajba
Offers some solutions to texture tiling problems using incredibly handy little filter that most people seem to ignore - the High Pass filter. |
'Ups and Downs' of Bump Mapping with DirectX 6 [Added: 3/15/2000]
Kim Pallister
Serves as an introduction to the DirectX version of bump mapping. |
Subcategory: Ramblings in Realtime |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
Chapter 1: Inside Quake: Visible-Surface Determination [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Reprints of Abrash's Quake articles, originally posted by Blue's News. |
Chapter 2: Consider the Alternatives - Quake's Hidden Surface Removal [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Reprints of Abrash's Quake articles, originally posted by Blue's News. |
Chapter 3: Sorted Spans in Action [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Reprints of Abrash's Quake articles, originally posted by Blue's News. |
Chapter 4: Quake's Lighting Model - Surface Caching [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Reprints of Abrash's Quake articles, originally posted by Blue's News. |
Chapter 5: Surface Caching Revisited - Quake's Triangle Models and More [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Reprints of Abrash's Quake articles, originally posted by Blue's News. |
Chapter 6: Quake's 3D Engine - The Big Picture [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Reprints of Abrash's Quake articles, originally posted by Blue's News. |
PDF Version [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Adobe Acrobat version of the series. |
Permissions and Author’s Note [Added: 4/24/2000]
Michael Abrash
Redistribution agreement and credits |
Subcategory: Cg |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
Cg Bumpmapping [Added: 4/15/2003]
Razvan Surdulescu
This article describes how to implement a simple and effective bump mapping effect using nVIDIA's Cg programming language and OpenGL. |
Cg Shadow Volumes [Added: 9/4/2003]
Razvan Surdulescu
This article describes how to implement a very realistic shadow effect using nVIDIA's Cg programming language and OpenGL. |
Subcategory: Cartoon Rendering |
Topic |
Author |
Description |
Real-Time Cartoon Rendering with Direct-X 8.0 Hardware [Added: 12/6/2003]
Vishvananda Ishaya
This article focuses on using programmable hardware for creating cartoon-like graphics from 3D models. |