OverviewAbove all, before you start programming, you should have a detailed design planned out of exactly how the logic in your program is going to operate. There is no bigger mistake you can make than to just sit down and start coding right away. It will all seem clear and organized at first, but soon you'll start to realize how many things you didn't think of, and as you start adding them to your code in whatever place you can find for them, your program will quickly become disorganized and inefficient. Trust me; that's why I started over on Terran. :) You should start with the WinMain() function, as that's where the program begins. This may seem obvious to you, but a lot of people start off by writing fading routines, or collision detection functions, and all the rest of the specific, detailed stuff, before writing the main functions that bring them all together. This is a little backwards. In an ideal top-down design, you should write the main function, followed by every function called by that main function, and so on. This is a good way to do things for at least two reasons. First, everything is functional right away. If you start your game project by writing all kinds of technical functions, you can't test and debug them without creating some temporary code that sets up a scenario in which they would be used. On the other hand, if you design your game from the top down, the idea is that you should be able to run it at any time, which is essential because you'll probably be wanting to test your game constantly as you go. At each stage of development, more and more of the details are added, and the game starts to take shape. Second, the overall structure of the game is apparent from the beginning. When you write the details first, you may find later on that you're making your more general functions messy in order to call the details in the correct way. In essence, the details would be dictating the structure of your program, whereas the structure of your program should be defining how the details should be implemented. So the better approach is to go from general to specific. If you have your general program structure up and running by the time you start developing the details, you have several advantages. You know exactly how that last level of functions needs to be written in order to work with your design, and you don't have to write test cases for your functions, because they're already in place! What I have done with Terran is to divide the main program into five sections, and then proceeded with a top-down design on each section. Four of the sections are the actual game content: the scrolling engine, the scripting engine, the battle engine, and the menu system. The fifth component encompasses all of the things that need to be done with Windows and DirectX to make things run. This includes initialization, shutdown, and things like changing from fullscreen to windowed mode. Each of the four game components has multiple substates which further break down the roles of each function. What I'm going to do with this article is to cover them all in detail, so you can see how everything is organized. Hopefully it will give you an idea as to what you'd like to do with your game, and make it a bit easier to understand how to implement specific game components when I start going through them in the next article. Example Implementation: TerranBefore anything else, let me show you a little map of the program flow in Terran, to illustrate what I'm talking about: This diagram by no means represents all of the functions in the game, but it shows the basic flow of things. Let's work through the whole thing, one step at a time. Execution starts at the Initialization element of the map, which is basically the first call made from WinMain(). It's broken down into many more stages than are shown, but if I showed every function in Terran on this map, it would be impossible to read. :) You should be pretty familiar with the Windows and DirectX components of this function -- they create a window, and all the required DirectX interfaces. There are a lot of interfaces we haven't covered yet, but that's not important for this article. We'll get to them as we go. The Load Game Data element loads all sorts of information from external files. This includes data on the items available in the game, data the scripting engine needs to operate, magic system information, etc. The last thing done in initialization is to load a script which tells the program where to go from there. Almost every aspect of Terran is driven by the scripting engine, as I'll talk about in detail later. In fact, there will be an article in the future devoted to creating a very basic, albeit very useful scripting engine for your own games. After initialization is complete, the program enters the main loop, where it stays until the user's had enough and shuts the game down. Each iteration of the main loop takes four basic steps that are shown on the diagram. First, the input devices are updated. There are two input devices in Terran, the keyboard and the joystick. This function takes the current state from each device and logically ORs them together into one master input table which has two columns. Column 1 tells whether or not the button or key is currently up or down, and column 2 tells whether or not the button has been pressed just that instant. Column 1 is used for continuous input, like walking around on the map, whereas column 2 is used for discrete input, like making menu selections. Step two of the main loop is to update the music state table. Basically all this does is checks through all the game songs to see if any of them are flagged as playing. If they are, the game checks to make sure they're really still going, or if they've stopped since last time the main loop ran. If they've stopped, the function sets their flags to reflect this. Don't worry about the details of this right now -- implementing music is a topic for much later. The third step is the most important one: the main loop calls one of the game's five states. These are World Map, Menu System, Battle System, Scripts Only, and Shutdown. You get the basic idea of what each one does. Note from the diagram that Shutdown is a single-use function; once it gets called, that's it. Everything closes down. The other four require a bit of explanation. Each of the game's states has a number of substates, which are shown in light blue on the diagram. Each state function (for example, WorldMapMain()) performs some tasks that are common to all the instances of that state, and then branches into actions specific to each substate. In some cases this is a simple if or switch statement, and in some cases it is a whole set of functions. World Map: The world map state is very simple. First it runs any scripts that are currently loaded. Second, based on the substate, it either interprets the current user input or ignores it. Finally, all onscreen characters are updated, the map is drawn, and any effects currently loaded are performed. (More on implementing effects later.) That's it! Menu System: The menu system is a bit more complex, because it has to handle everything from loading games to generating characters, from purchasing items to setting equipment. The main function sets the colors for the menu based on which options are active, then branches to the appropriate menu subfunction. This is done using an array of function pointers. The game substate is an integer that serves as an index into this array. The line looks like this: (*lpfnMenuSubfunctions[substate.current])(); If that looks a little weird to you, you might want to read up a little on function pointers, as they can be rather useful. Each substate handles the menu-specific details like determining which options are valid and taking the final action if the user makes a choice in the final level of a menu. It also renders the current frame, since the method used to do this may vary depending on the menu. After that's taken care of, the main menu function runs the current scripts, applies any active effects, and plots any auxiliary text boxes, like one showing the player's current gold, or a character's stats. Battle System: Battle is a strange one because it's closely linked to the menu system; the battle system is semi-active, a la Final Fantasy, so whenever a menu pops up to control a character, the battle system transfers control over to the menu system. Thus, since both the menu system and the battle system must be able to handle the battle logic, nearly all of the logic is placed in another function, which can be called from either game state. The main battle function, then, is largely a placeholder. It does, however, handle the turn queue, which I'll get to in a second. The function that handles all the logic works something like this: First, all active characters and enemies are checked to see if their turn has come up. If an enemy's turn comes up, the enemy AI takes over and makes a choice for that enemy. If a character's turn comes up, and the menu system is not currently active, then the menu system is activated and the player receives control of that character. If the menu system is already handling another character, then the character whose turn has come up is placed in a data structure called the turn queue. Once the main battle function is active rather than the menu system, it will check the turn queue. If it's not empty, the function dequeues the character who's been in there the longest and sends control back to the menu system. In either case, once a character or enemy's action has been decided, the details of that action are placed into a second queue, called the action queue. Each time the battle logic comes up (from either the battle system or the menu system), one of two things happens. If there's an action currently underway, the script controlling that action is run. If there is no action currently happening, the game checks the action queue and sets up the next action, if there is one. After all that is done, the background is copied, the characters and enemies are drawn, and any active effects are applied, at which point the battle logic is finished. The difference between the substates for regular and boss fights is simply that you can't escape the fight -- you must finish it. This corresponds to a simple if statement. The third substate, Victory, is a bit different. It reports the gains of the battle. There's no additional logic needed for it, though, because it's all handled by a script, as usual. Scripts Only: This last of the four main game states is dead simple: it runs any scripts that are loaded. That's it! This state is usually not encountered during play except duing initialization, but it can come up whenever the game isn't displaying anything and is doing some behind-the-scenes work. Shutdown: This does exactly what you'd expect: it exits the main loop, releases all the DirectX objects that were created, deallocates any memory that's still being used, and shuts the program down. The final step of the main loop is to display the current frame, which is simply copying the back buffer to the screen, using double-buffering if the game is in windowed mode, or page-flipping if the game is in fullscreen mode. I don't think we've covered page flipping yet, but it'll come up sooner or later. :) |
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