Game Design |
12/24/99 |
Irreconcilable Differences: Game vs. Story by Mark Barrett |
10/13/99 |
Deeper Meaning and Form in Video Games by Jonathan Mak |
9/25/99 |
Designing for Online Communities by David Michael |
9/25/99 |
A Practical Guide to Building a Complete Game AI: Volume II by Geoff Howland |
8/24/99 |
Practical NPC Management Using Free NPCs by Brent Newhall |
7/13/99 |
What Language Do I Use? by John Hattan |
7/2/99 |
How Do I Make Games?: A Path to Game Development by Geoff Howland |
6/15/99 |
The Focus of Gameplay by Geoff Howland |
Game Industry |
12/1/99 |
Game Development Schools Part 1 by Joseph Fernald |
10/26/99 |
An Antidote for Magnetic Mocap Skeptics by Nancy Anisfield |
10/6/99 |
XGDC Report by Dave Astle |
7/30/99 |
Contracting Art For Your Game by David Michael |
6/23/99 |
Game Development in a Virtual Environment by Jason McIntosh |
Music and Sound |
6/12/99 |
In The Mind of a Game Musician by Marcus Knudsen |
Programming |
12/24/99 |
Tile/Map-Based Game Techniques: Handling Terrain Transitions
by David Michael |
12/24/99 |
Unraveling Bézier Splines by Justin Renyen |
11/24/99 |
Direct3D 7 Immediate Mode Framework Programming 1: The Basics by Wolfgang Engel |
11/18/99 |
Win32 Assembly Part 4 by Chris Hobbs |
11/12/99 |
DirectInput: Converting Scan Codes to ASCII by Photon |
11/8/99 |
Working With AVI Files by Jonathan Nix |
11/2/99 |
Why Pluggable Factories Rock My Multiplayer World by Mason McCuskey |
10/30/99 |
Tile/Map-Based Game Techniques: Base Data Structures by David Michael |
10/21/99 |
Writing Readable Code by Brent P. Newhall |
10/17/99 |
Win32 Assembly Part 3 by Chris Hobbs |
10/11/99 |
DirectX 7 Enumeration by Nathan Davies |
10/8/99 |
Real-Time Rendering Chapter 6: Special Effects
by Tomas Moller and Eric Haines |
10/5/99 |
A DirectPlay Tutorial by Sobeit Void |
9/23/99 |
Win32 Assembly Part 2 by Chris Hobbs |
9/15/99 |
Developing A GUI Using C++ and DirectX Part 4 by Mason McCuskey |
9/14/99 |
Direct3D Immediate Mode by Bipin Patwardhan |
9/9/99 |
Creating a Quake-like Console Using DirectDraw by Pranay Uppuluri |
9/9/99 |
Taking Advantage of the New Quake 3 Compatable Drivers for Voodoo1/2 by Ryan Haksi |
9/3/99 |
Writing a Font Engine by Ben Hanson |
9/1/99 |
Win32 Assembly Part 1 by Chris Hobbs |
8/28/99 |
Resolution Switching Without Using DirectX by Ashley Matheson |
8/25/99 |
Developing A GUI Using C++ and DirectX Part 3 by Mason McCuskey |
8/12/99 |
The Water Effect Explained by Guy Willemse |
8/9/99 |
Game Programming Beginners Guide by Dave Astle |
7/29/99 |
OpenGL Texture Mapping: An Introduction by Nate Miller |
7/5/99 |
Using Gamma Controls to Perform a Fade by Joseph Fernald |
7/4/99 |
Developing A GUI Using C++ and DirectX Part 2 by Mason McCuskey |
6/24/99 |
Statistical Client Prediction by Jakob Ramskov |
6/24/99 |
Developing A GUI Using C++ and DirectX Part 1 by Mason McCuskey |
6/23/99 |
An Overview of Direct3D by Bipin Patwardhan |
6/14/99 |
MMX Enhanced Alpha Blending by John Hebert |
Visual Arts |
No listings |
Other years |