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Full Name David Williams
Nickname PolyVox 
State/Province, Country Derby   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Derby, Derby, United Kingdom
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Member Since 11/24/2002 10:24:51 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Accessing C++ containers from multiple threads Hi Guys, Sorry for the slightly noobish question but I'm not that experienced with threading. In my engine I have a thread pool and am able to send it tasks derived from a 'Runnable' base class. I would like to have my main thread retrieve the res... 
Posted February 13, 2010 6:49:15 AM
Mesh Processing on IndexVertex Buffers Hi all, There is a large amount of research on mesh processing topics such as simplification and smoothing. Generally, the developed algorithms make use of data structures such as half-edge or winged-edge meshes as these provide fast access t... 
Posted February 2, 2010 1:45:38 PM
Exponential Shadow Maps Hi all, I have a working implementation of Exponential Shadow Maps, but there are a couple of aspects which I don't fully understand and would like clarified. Firstly, I am currently writing linear depth (though multiplied by a depth scale fact... 
Posted November 24, 2009 9:08:55 AM
Dynametric Light Tightening, Reframbriance, and Approxiflexion That's right, these are apparently amoung the latest tricks and techniques to be developed by High Voltage Software for their Quantum3 engine. Read the interview here: Now if I was cynical, I mig... 
Posted May 20, 2009 3:44:32 PM
Demystifying the Art of Video Games Hi Guys, I came across this article via the Blender website and thought it might be interesting for some people here: Demystifying the Art of Video Games It's a good guide to many of the graphics and animation tricks used in video games today.... 
Posted July 8, 2008 12:25:12 PM
Where do you promote your projects? Hi Guys, I was wondering if anyone knows of good places to promote your game projects, in order to get them noticed by the wider community and potential employers. My engine is not really ready for use yet, but it's still nice to get feedback and... 
Posted July 7, 2008 12:29:14 PM
Fully Destructible Environments Hi guys, Thermite is an experimental 3D game engine which allows for fully destructible environments through the use of PolyVox technology. PolyVox is an open source (GPL) library which stores environments using a volumetric representation and the... 
Posted May 23, 2008 5:16:39 PM
Quick virtual function overhead question (C++) Hi, Imagine I have a C++ class Base with a pure virtual function x() and a class Derived which inherits from base and reimplements x(). Like so: class Base { public: virtual void x() = 0 { //... } }; class Derived : public Base ... 
Posted April 16, 2008 3:08:52 PM
Mimicking texture arrays with multiple texture units. Hi Guys, As you probably know, DirectX 10 supports texture arrays which let you easily choose a texture in a shader via an index (I believe). I will be switching my engine to DirectX 10 once Ogre supports it, but for the time being I am tryin... 
Posted April 12, 2008 3:34:19 PM
Monitoring or controlling the mipmap level? Hi guys, Imagine I have a 256x256 repeating texture but wish to avoid sampling the texels round the edge of the texture. Using a shader I can compress the texture coordinates from the range 0.0-1.0 to a slightly smaller range using code like the... 
Posted January 9, 2008 5:29:44 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Providing 3D Models Quote:Original post by slayerstudios Hello My server provider has just informed me there is a temporary issue with the server. It should be up shortly. If you want to see it now just pm me and I will give you a download link to the images. Tha... 
Posted January 4, 2011 5:55:18 PM
Marching cubes, Octree, and LOD seams Have a look at this: I haven't looked in detail, but I believe he is introducing new MC cases which straddle the different LOD levels. 
Posted January 2, 2011 9:33:39 AM
Explanation regarding salary In general, I would say it is your annual salary before you pay taxes, and would be divided by 12 and paid once per month. This makes sense because, depending on where you work and where you are from, the company won't know what deductions... 
Posted December 31, 2010 7:52:21 AM
Smoothing out turns in pathfinding I'm planning to do something like this myself soon, but I haven't tried it yet so I don't have a proper answer for you. But my plan was to delete most of the points and only keep every 5th point (for example). Then to use a Bezier curve to inter... 
Posted December 11, 2010 5:46:09 AM
Lighting sparse meshes You should investigate per-pixel lighting. Instead of doing your lighting calculations in the vertex shader you do them in the pixel shader. You'll need to make a few extra tweaks, like interpolating the normal across the triangle so you have a per-p... 
Posted December 5, 2010 4:52:14 AM
Dynamic Lighting With Marching Cubes I don't see why it's that different to any other mesh really, except you can't use precomputed approaches if the mesh is changing at runtime. This guy is doing some interesting work using my surface extraction library and lighting it from a Preeth... 
Posted December 1, 2010 6:23:46 PM
noise shaders GPU Gems 1&2 have Perlin noise shaders, and are available for free on the NVidia website. As I recall, the article in GPU Gems 1 is a cheap approximation, and the article in GPU Gems 2 is the real thing. I have used the version from GPU Gems... 
Posted November 29, 2010 6:25:23 PM
3d noise texture Quote:Original post by Vilem Otte You really did generate your noise with GIMP =o, that must have taken a lot of time! Maybe even longer than if you would like to write simple perlin noise generator and generate 3D noise. It wasn't so bad... and... 
Posted November 29, 2010 4:33:43 PM
3d noise texture Huh, so there is. Well there's an hour of my life I'm never getting back :-) The version in the SDK is 64x64x64 (whereas mine is 32x32x32) and the SDK version is actually ARGB where as mine is just greyscale. So I guess you can just use what ever... 
Posted November 28, 2010 5:30:34 PM
3d noise texture It just so happens I needed one of these myself recently. You can download my 32x32x32 noise texture here: I don't think it has mipmaps but I can't quite remember. I created it by making... 
Posted November 28, 2010 11:45:12 AM
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