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Full Name Mark Grocki
Nickname Arsenal 
State/Province, Country MI   United States
GD Gathering City Birmingham, MI, United States
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ICQ ID 5752061 
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Member Since 10/1/2001 4:35:13 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Creating a new coordinate system with gluLookAt, normals and arbitrary up vectors Ok, I have no idea what's going on here. Here's my situation... I want to create a texture decal, a detail model, or SOMETHING on an arbitary triangle to make like a "bullet hole" or explosion effect. Given a center point, the triangle's... 
Posted March 28, 2008 3:29:31 PM
Rubik's Cube game for Windows Mobile 5.0 NOTE: I'm not related to the earlier Rubik's Cube OpenGL IOTD, but took that as an inspiration to post this IOTD. As an experiment in learning Windows Mobile (5.0) programming, I created this Rubik's Cube-style game, affectionately named "Rac... 
Posted September 5, 2006 11:02:12 PM
Developing C++ in Vista with Radeon 9800, how do I activate "real" OpenGL? The code I have in Win32 that creates an OpenGL context always uses the OpenGL-D3D translator. I have a Radeon 9800 with the latest Vista beta drivers, and Vista build 5308 installed. I'm reading that I need to create a device context that points t... 
Posted April 15, 2006 11:38:14 PM
Using "Carmack's Reverse" in Lesson28 Lesson28 provided a great tutorial into implementing stencil buffer shadows. A flaw in the stencil technique is that the shadow can get screwed up if the shadow volume intersects the near plane. I decided to try the "Carmack’s Reverse" techni... 
Posted March 23, 2002 1:36:47 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Creating a new coordinate system with gluLookAt, normals and arbitrary up vectors Holy smokes. I think that matrix inversion worked great, and got me exactly what I wanted. I think for now I'm gonna leave the translation out so that I can maybe store the matrix for that face for later, because matrix inversion is expensive. T... 
Posted March 28, 2008 6:49:53 PM
Creating a new coordinate system with gluLookAt, normals and arbitrary up vectors Here it is. void MATRIX::LookAt (VECTOR eye, VECTOR center, VECTOR up) { MATRIX xform; VECTOR forward, side; forward = center - eye; forward = forward.Normalize(); /* Side = forward x up */ side = forward * up; // Cross... 
Posted March 28, 2008 6:42:36 PM
Ball Race Ooh I'm gonna try downloading the source and compiling this for Xbox 360 when I get home. 
Posted December 22, 2006 3:41:48 PM
Tuss Toss Sorry to be a nitpicker, but please fix the grammar on the cutscene text. The name of the team is the "Tussers" and Trixie is the "Tussers' all-star pitcher"  
Posted October 20, 2006 3:47:12 PM
Rubik's Cube game for Windows Mobile 5.0 Yes, it's animated. I just added a link to the original post of a video showing it being played on a device. As far as the emulator, you can download the Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC or Smartphone SDK from Microsoft. I use Visual Studio 200... 
Posted September 6, 2006 6:52:22 PM
Rubik's Cube game for Windows Mobile 5.0 Thanks for the comments so far! Maybe I was thinking more of those hardcore competition coders that have to "code a simple complete game in 48 hours with one hand tied behind your back and a compiler with only stdio.h". Also, this was a w... 
Posted September 6, 2006 7:24:54 AM
ARCO Update Oooh, looks quite Silpheed-ish, which is always a good thing, in my opinion. "A big tally ho, look at the size of that thing!" 
Posted May 23, 2006 11:09:19 AM
Putting MS3D Models in Vertex Arrays It is enough, yes... but it's not enough if you want correct lighting and texturing using vertex arrays. 
Posted March 24, 2006 5:15:29 PM
Putting MS3D Models in Vertex Arrays Yep, that's it. I'm sure there are different ways to manage the large structures, how they're created and such, but that's the idea. 
Posted March 24, 2006 5:07:21 PM
Putting MS3D Models in Vertex Arrays Those big arrays (or the MegaVertex) holds all the information you need to draw all the groups. For each group, you have an array of indices that points to the vertices within the big array. You pass THAT array into glDrawElements for each group to... 
Posted March 24, 2006 4:57:44 PM
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