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State/Province, Country Hlavni Mesto Praha   Czech Republic
GD Gathering City Prague, Hlavni Mesto Praha, Czech Republic
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Member Since 3/6/2006 9:46:27 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Lightsprint SDK 2010 Released, New Licensee Lightsprint SDK 2010 Released, New LicenseePosted by: Stepan Hrbek at January 17, 2010 5:25:18 PMLightsprint released Lightsprint SDK 2010, realtime&offline global illumination solution for games and 3d visualizations. New version brings * out of... 
Posted January 17, 2010 5:25:18 PM
Lightsprint global illumination hits 1000fps, new licensees Lightsprint global illumination hits 1000fps, new licenseesPosted by: Stepan Hrbek at June 9, 2009 7:09:04 PMLightsprint announces 100% speedup in real-time global illumination. New technology is immediately available in Lightsprint SDK - lighting mi... 
Posted June 9, 2009 7:09:04 PM
Lightsprint SDK integrated with major game engines, New licensee Lightsprint SDK integrated with major game engines, New licenseePosted by: Stepan Hrbek at January 11, 2009 11:15:17 AMLightsprint announces new Lightsprint SDK generation with out of the box support for Gamebryo and other major game engine, availabl... 
Posted January 11, 2009 11:15:17 AM
Lightsmark 2008 (RTGI benchmark) Hello, I released new real-time global illumination demo/benchmark Lightsmark 2008 It's nearly 2x faster than Lightsmark 2007 (average fps 500 not exception), it adds per-pixel indirect shadows and per-pixel color bleeding, Linux versions an... 
Posted August 17, 2008 1:06:29 AM
Lightsprint realtime GI on PS3 and Linux, licensed by 3D Render Lightsprint realtime GI on PS3 and Linux, licensed by 3D RenderPosted by: Stepan Hrbek at June 26, 2008 6:56:55 PMLightsprint released new version of Lightsprint SDK, physically based lighting middleware for both realtime and offline lightmap buildin... 
Posted June 26, 2008 6:56:55 PM
Lightsprint SDK 2008 released, licensed by EGN Interactive Lightsprint SDK 2008 released, licensed by EGN InteractivePosted by: Stepan Hrbek at January 21, 2008 8:18:45 AMLightsprint, developer of realistic lighting middleware, released Lightsprint SDK 2008, integrating unique realtime global illumination e... 
Posted January 21, 2008 8:18:45 AM
Lightsmark, realtime global illumination benchmark released Lightsmark, realtime global illumination benchmark releasedPosted by: Stepan Hrbek at November 7, 2007 7:53:30 PMLightsmark, new benchmark, shows real-time global illumination, penumbra shadows, color bleeding, infinite light bounces. With average fr... 
Posted November 7, 2007 1:53:30 PM
Lightsprint posts Eurographics RTGI videos Lightsprint posts Eurographics RTGI videosPosted by: Stepan Hrbek at September 6, 2007 3:34:41 PMVideos from Eurographics talk "Real-time Global Illumination for Next Generation Games" by Lightsprint are online: Sponza atrium, color bleeding. Th... 
Posted September 6, 2007 3:34:41 PM
Real-time Global Illumination at Eurographics 2007 Real-time Global Illumination at Eurographics 2007Posted by: Stepan Hrbek at August 22, 2007 6:51:32 PMIn Eurographics 2007 talk Real-time Global Illumination for Next Generation Games on September 5th, Stepan Hrbek, founder and CTO of Lightspri... 
Posted August 22, 2007 6:51:32 PM
Lightsprint SDK announced, licensed by Team Bondi Lightsprint SDK announced, licensed by Team BondiPosted by: Stepan Hrbek at June 23, 2007 7:28:24 AMLightsprint, developer of realtime global illumination middleware, integrated all of its products into single Lightsprint SDK, including unique realti... 
Posted June 23, 2007 7:28:24 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Lightsmark 2008 (RTGI benchmark) Quote:Original post by DonnieDarko Very nice demo, although I got the same problem with jerky movement as mentioned above. Now a few questions for the algorithm, since I was looking through your website and found it difficult to understand the li... 
Posted August 25, 2008 12:30:28 PM
Lightsmark 2008 (RTGI benchmark) Yeah, pivo is very important word, good choice :) You are right. CPU<->GPU transfers are expensive, but not that much as people think, I still spend majority of time in calculations or rendering. It's critical to use CPU/GPU only for w... 
Posted August 21, 2008 5:43:00 AM
Lightsmark 2008 (RTGI benchmark) Quote:Original post by spek Any chance we get to know how the GI works (raytracing, probes capturing the environment, updating a lightmap in realtime, using the current screen contents, ...)? I mean, how does Lightsmark get so fast while the other t... 
Posted August 19, 2008 7:30:30 PM
Lightsmark 2008 (RTGI benchmark) Quote:Original post by DaveG One strange thing though. In some scenes it seems quite jerky yet the fps counter is reading > 100fps. Is the fps counter going wonky? Fps is correct, fraps shows the same. I think some frames take longer than th... 
Posted August 19, 2008 7:11:20 PM
Lightsmark 2008 (RTGI benchmark) Thanks, web works right now, but my webhost is unreliable, I'm looking for better one. If it fails again, here are external downloads: Lightsmark 2008 Windows installer torrent Lightsmark 2008 Win32+Win64+Linux32+Linux64 archive torrent ... 
Posted August 18, 2008 3:58:29 AM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by klhurley We were given a license to include the Ageia Physx system in our engine a while back maybe a year ago or more before Nvidia bought Ageia. Ok, but isn't current offer from Nvidia better for you? It seems to be fre... 
Posted August 17, 2008 3:22:45 AM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 Do you really use old "Ageia PhysX" instead of new "Nvidia PhysX"? Does it have some legal or technical reasons? 
Posted August 16, 2008 1:10:08 PM
Lightsmark realtime GI - how do they do it? Quote:Original post by AndyTX Quote:Original post by Dee_ Demo runs with original untesselated mesh taken from WoP. Right, and the lighting is fairly low frequency. It is not enough to capture something like ambient occlusion from indirect light,... 
Posted November 8, 2007 11:49:23 AM
Lightsmark realtime GI - how do they do it? Jonas, I would write it in English next time, sorry :) Paper described also CPU monte carlo technique in two versions - updating only parts of scene where objects move (shooting from light sources to dynamic objects and beyond to cast shadows)... 
Posted October 28, 2007 11:54:27 PM
Lightsmark realtime GI - how do they do it? Quote:Original post by AndyTX 1) You need a fairly tesselated mesh to get any real details. Demo runs with original untesselated mesh taken from WoP. It can be improved by tesselation, but what's the point NOW if 19 of 20 won't see any differenc... 
Posted October 28, 2007 11:35:43 PM
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