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Get to know Lithic...  
Full Name Jim Suffolk
Nickname Lithic 
State/Province, Country Kent
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ICQ ID 304988304 
AIM ID JimMadeThisSN000 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Programmer 
Job Description I work in C#, SQL, and VB with a lot of SQL database stuff. 
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Member Since 2/10/2003 2:58:01 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Highly Developed 3D Game Project - Artists Wanted Team name: Team Vertigo Project name: Nanocide Brief description: Searching for 3D artists for the Nanocide game project. Need several new models for ships, planets, and other things, as well as normal mapping for all existing models. XBox... 
Posted May 25, 2009 5:43:46 PM
New Nanocide Screenshots Here's some new screenshots of the Nanocide game project. These depict the new(ish) HUD, some enemies not yet depicted in Screenshots, and an enemy in the process of spawning. Particle effects, Phong lighting, HDR, and a custom 3-color shield effect... 
Posted August 13, 2008 10:00:52 AM
Nanocide Website - Screenshots and More! I have launched a great new website for my Space Shooter game Nanocide. The game features state-of-the-art graphics, coop, singleplayer, LAN, splitscreen, and XBox Live multiplayer and is for the XBox and PC platforms. Check it out at www.nanocidegam... 
Posted June 28, 2008 8:28:14 PM
Nanocide Website - Screenshots and More! I have launched a great new website for my Space Shooter game Nanocide. The game features state-of-the-art graphics, coop, singleplayer, LAN, splitscreen, and XBox Live multiplayer and is for the XBox and PC platforms. Check it out at www.nanocidegam... 
Posted June 28, 2008 8:22:22 PM
Bashing Some Baddies These are images of the Nanocide Video Game under development at Case Western Reserve University. Development started last semester in the Advanced Game Development Class and is being continued this semester as an independent study. Currently feature... 
Posted March 7, 2008 11:55:05 AM
Nanocide Game Finished the game development class at Case Western reserve university. Here's a trailer and downloadable version of the finished project: Nanocide Its written in XNA and there's quite a few shaders I wrote and good stuff to make it look pretty... 
Posted January 4, 2008 3:11:56 AM
College Gamedev Project I'm an extremely old member of gamedev but I haven't logged in for roughly 3 years. This semester I'm taking my college Case Western Reserve University's advanced gamedev class in collaboration with the Cleveland Institute of Art. Here's a brief game... 
Posted October 12, 2007 10:55:45 AM
Tao.NET text options Tao.NET doesn't have access to many of the handy text libraries of C++ OpenGL. For a project at work I need fully scalable text, preferably using system fonts. The Tao.NET site is down, giving me no opportunity to check there. Does anybody know what... 
Posted April 19, 2005 6:52:50 PM
Client Verification I'm writing a FPS game engine that massively revolves around modularity and DLLs, giving clients a massive capability to cheat by simply switching around DLLs. I haven't began on the networking code yet, but I am trying to eliminate possibilitie... 
Posted April 14, 2005 6:01:24 PM
Reflection is slow? I have been designing a very robust game engine where much is made into plugins. I need to have plugins for custom renderable types, but the renderables must inherit a particular interface (or an abstract class). This can be done one of two ways... 
Posted January 24, 2005 10:31:27 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Bashing Some Baddies Thanks, the screenshots hide the temporal parallax effects and downplay how good the game actually looks. It's really hard to snap a good screenie when you yourself are playing. It will be available in some time over XBox Live - mainly as a multiplay... 
Posted March 11, 2008 10:53:38 AM
College Gamedev Project Don't think the wmv extension worked with my university's filer. Here's a zipped version. Zipped Game Preview 
Posted October 14, 2007 7:59:42 PM
C# OpenGL Framework for .NET 2.0 AMAZING... as long as it's not just a wrapper over Managed DirectX [Quote]"EDIT: Oh wait, only the basic version is free.[/Quote] Sure, but the other features don't look terribly useful for hobbyists anyway. 
Posted November 27, 2005 9:11:46 PM
Video games linked to aggression, study finds Ok, lets calm down a second and look at what the APA really did. Obviously this is just a case of several cross-sectional studies being publicized as a causual relationship. All cross-sectional studies can show is that two things are linked, not caus... 
Posted August 24, 2005 9:36:36 AM
Next-gen approaches, Sony and MS still not turning profit This news doesn't seem like it should be here... Nintendo's profit drops 80% was a perfectly accurate news post that didn't mention Nintendo's competitors (which the post had nothing to do with). This news post, on the other hand, is criticizing... 
Posted August 5, 2005 1:23:28 PM
using opengl in a windows forms app Quote:Original post by intrest86 And it works with both Microsoft's implementation and Mono's, because they both fit the same CLR standard. So what exactly are you worried about? I haven't really read up on Mono and I was worried that Tao w... 
Posted June 28, 2005 5:33:54 PM
using opengl in a windows forms app I don't know if it's just me, but I haven't seen a downloadable package for Tao in a long time. Now that it seems to be linked to the mono project it doesn't look like its going in the right direction. I wrote some stuff with it for work and I've bee... 
Posted June 27, 2005 2:02:24 PM
Playstation 3 able to run linux confirmed The cell processor has 7 or 8 HARDWARE subprocessors, so basically for anything to run fast on it it has to be optimized to run over 7 or 8 different physical threads. This is not going to be fun to program for, so even if it will run linux it w... 
Posted June 10, 2005 7:42:00 PM
Microsoft to subsidize Xbox 360 by $75 each unit? If the XBox is that much cheaper (465 vs 299) I can all but guarantee they get the ENTIRE college crowd. 
Posted June 7, 2005 9:52:19 AM
C# Programming Contest I'm sure this has been said a million times on the forums but criticizing Microsoft for their patents is unwarranted. Microsofts patent's are purely defensive. Sure, they've patented the double-click but you'll also notice that nobody pays royal... 
Posted June 1, 2005 2:07:42 PM
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