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Member Since 5/12/2000 3:55:15 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Terrain Texturing I have been researching terrain rendering now for a while and thin I got a pretty good grasps of geometry, but still not really sure about texturing. I know about the different blending techniques and so on, but I am missing some more indepth in... 
Posted October 25, 2010 10:55:54 AM
Deferred Shading vs Pre-pass lighting I just changed my implementation of deferred shading to pre-pass lighting (the algo discussed here: I still had the code for the old rendering and did some test to... 
Posted October 22, 2010 1:32:12 PM
Long time OpenGL user must learn Direct3D. Where to start? Hi all, I consider myself a fairly advanced programmer of 3D graphics. I have been using OpenGL for 6 years now and have coded a 3D engine for a commercial game with it. Now I intend to learn Direct3D (and DirectX I suppose). Where would be the... 
Posted September 23, 2010 5:35:08 PM
problem with GLSL and arrays I have a shader where do I like this: const float vMul[9] = float[9](0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05); const float fOffset[9] = float[9](-3.35, -2.35, -1.35, -0.35, 0.0, 0.35, 1.35, 2.35, 3.35); void main() { //... This wor... 
Posted July 29, 2010 3:33:21 AM
OpenGL + WIndows 7 + ATI = Problems UPDATE: I have collected a lot more data on the problem and posted in a later post. Please check the post for more info! I am getting reports from user that have Windows 7 64 and ATI cards, that they cannot run our game. It seems like drawi... 
Posted June 16, 2010 10:39:43 AM
Penumbra: Overture and Engine goes open source Just wanted to notify all that the horror game Penumbra: Horror and its engine have now gone open source. Hope some one will find it interesting/useful! More info here: Announcement on blog 
Posted May 14, 2010 6:26:06 AM
3D Fractals and Deferred Rendering Introduction After seeing renderings of a 3D Mandelbrot of the 8th degree, I knew I had to try and do that by myself. The renderings I had seen had taken minutes to days to complete so I was not sure how possible this would be. I turns out it was po... 
Posted November 19, 2009 12:36:05 PM
glScissor and glViewport strangness I am having some really strange problems when combining glViewport and glScissor and hopefully someone can help shed some light. What I am doing is this: 1) Setting up a framebuffer object of 1024x768 in size. 2) Setting up a viewport with the s... 
Posted September 15, 2009 6:38:56 PM
Render to Depthtexture with Alpha test fails on ATI So I encountered something that might be an ATI driver bug, but not sure so want to see if anybody knows a work around / fix or see that I have made an error: What I am doing is rendering a model to a shadow map. This I am doing by using a FrameBu... 
Posted March 19, 2009 4:40:18 PM
FBO and floating point issue I have done some testing with rendering to floating point textures using FBO and it seems like some cards only support RGB/RGBA textures. On my Radeon HD 2600 PRO it works very nicely to render to IlluminanceAlpha floating point textures and... 
Posted July 11, 2008 4:45:25 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Deferred Shading vs Pre-pass lighting Seems like you results are the same as mine! I also want to like pre-pass ligthing :) But as you say, it is very rarely that it is better than deferred and when it is, the difference is slim. Regarding the difference is light accumulation, I d... 
Posted October 22, 2010 3:13:09 PM
Long time OpenGL user must learn Direct3D. Where to start? Quote:Original post by Krohm You're not getting the point. Hardware capabilities in D3D are decoupled from API capabilities. D3D10 feature level 9.3 is a very different beast from D3D9 shader model 3. They both allow you to do the same. The differe... 
Posted September 24, 2010 11:12:25 AM
Long time OpenGL user must learn Direct3D. Where to start? Quote:Unfortunately, in the casual market there's still plenty of cards doing only D3D9Ex for which no D3D10 driver exists (or driver is not up-to-date or, even worse, it is not reliable). I think we will have Radeon 2000 and Geforce 6000 as mi... 
Posted September 24, 2010 8:51:15 AM
Long time OpenGL user must learn Direct3D. Where to start? Thanks! As I understand it Direc3D 10 and 11 is only specific extras that work certain cards (sorry if my OGL mentality is still too strong)? Or are they both totally new libraries? So if I want an engine that suppoer 9 - 11, I need to recom... 
Posted September 23, 2010 6:32:15 PM
problem with GLSL and arrays furrymaster: I can confirm that it does not work. If there are other suggestion I would be happy to hear them! 
Posted July 30, 2010 2:58:00 AM
OpenGL + WIndows 7 + ATI = Problems Gotten back some data and there are some interesting results (from app in previous post). The problem occurs when trying to render a shadow casting light with a high quality shadow (w edge smoothing), but rendering it without the shadow smoothing wor... 
Posted June 17, 2010 7:47:55 AM
OpenGL + WIndows 7 + ATI = Problems Thanks for the replies so far! Yeah I know I supplied pretty much zero information, but I was hoping there would be something extra special about the Windows 7 OGL drivers that would help me narrow down the search. I use an ATI card, but o... 
Posted June 17, 2010 3:54:17 AM
OpenGL + WIndows 7 + ATI = Problems Quote:Original post by maspeir It sounds like a driver issue. ATi is notorious for writing bad OpenGL drivers. Unfortunately I hae a lot of experience with that and I think this too can be called a driver problem. I was hoping it would be possibl... 
Posted June 16, 2010 11:33:04 AM
3D Fractals and Deferred Rendering Saw the GigaVoxels a couple of days ago. Anybody got info on how it works? From what I read I am assuming it builds the voxel on frame-to-frame basis, but I could be completely wrong... 
Posted December 3, 2009 2:33:13 AM
3D Fractals and Deferred Rendering ptitjulien: Wow!! What kinda computer is this run on? And what algo do you use? Using distance estimation or just brute force? This is way better than my realtime :D 
Posted November 28, 2009 7:05:07 PM
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