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Full Name Cory 
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Member Since 4/3/2006 5:59:00 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Rotation and calculating firing angle troubles.. Ok, hopefully someone can help. Ive been playing with this for a while. I have a circular object rotating around its center. This diagram should help explain my troubles. The entire object circles around the center clockwise, in radians. I th... 
Posted July 23, 2009 9:57:46 PM
Brain fart. How can I reduce some number ranges to another range? Hey all, Im working on a radar of sorts and am having a huge brain fart.. and google isnt helping much either. I have three number ranges.. 1 - 10,000, 1 - 30,000 & 1 - 55,000 I need to be able to convert each to a range from 1-64.. a... 
Posted March 30, 2009 8:06:17 PM
Shmup questions.. Been thinking about working on a side scrolling shmup. Im curious though, how do most people go about doing their shmups? Im talking in respects to the waves of enemies.. For ex.. at 10 secs, this group comes in.. then out at 13 secs.. next wave... 
Posted December 16, 2008 3:08:58 PM
Kollectiv - XNA based puzzle game - Released! I am happy to announce that Kollectiv has been released! Now considering this is really the 1st game I have ever released, all criticism is welcome, both good and bad! Kollectiv was written in C# using Microsofts XNA. Here are a few screenshots: ... 
Posted September 9, 2008 12:49:23 PM
Kollectiv Kollectiv is a fast paced puzzle based action game that combines elements from other popular puzzle and strategy games to come up with a brand new, unique and addicting gameplay style and objective. Players will delight in the mutiple levels of... 
Posted September 1, 2008 12:55:10 AM looking for 2d artist that can draw a PIG !! Team name: Project name: Suu-ey! Brief description: This is a single player game based off of the old Atari 2600 game Taz. The game is 90% completed with just a few things left to be implemented such as the new graphics, poweru... 
Posted August 22, 2008 3:04:18 PM
[XNA] Help implementing blur effect sample. rendertarger/depth stencil errors Ok, im trying to implement a shader sample (bloomatic) in xna 3.0ctp from ziggywares site. [url][/url] And I have added the following to my project, in the appropriate spots.. Effect b... 
Posted May 18, 2008 8:35:23 PM
Title/Logo Art Contest for current project.. Well, this is and isn't a contest. The winner gets to see his title graphic on the title page plus his name in the credits! I need a logo or title graphic for the game. I'm thinking I want one similiar to what I already have on the... 
Posted May 12, 2008 5:24:50 PM
AI help - flocking behavior - C# Ok, so I thought that next on my list was tackling some AI. I was looking at Boids Psuedocode for a flocking setup. Well, I set up a new project, got a background and some sprites. Im populating the list, and displaying the sprites, then wit... 
Posted April 23, 2008 3:30:40 PM
Colored block grid matching algorithm help! IM trying to wrap my mind around an algorithm here. I have an 8x8 grid.. Multi-colored blocks randomly filling the grid.. What Im looking to do is find matching colors of 3 or more in a row in the cardinal directions, no diaganol matches. so it could... 
Posted April 9, 2008 12:35:25 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Rotation and calculating firing angle troubles.. Overcomplicated things.. doh.. just take the initial angle the objects should be firing at, track the amount of rotation and increment that each frame.. add the tracked rotation + intial firing angle, and boom. works.. doh... 
Posted July 24, 2009 2:00:42 PM
Rotation and calculating firing angle troubles.. Well, the b objects are positions attached to the main object. Firing, meaning I want to move a sprite from its origin, b, whereever it happens to be on the main object (since its rotating) at the correct angle to its destination.. and I want th... 
Posted July 24, 2009 12:56:46 AM
Brain fart. How can I reduce some number ranges to another range? Thanks for the assistance all! Got it!  
Posted March 30, 2009 8:39:55 PM
Green Blob Thingy I might try it.. but considering there is NO info on the website or here.. no screenshots. no nothing.. until then, Not worth the risk. No offense, but you need something up there besides a link to the download.. 
Posted September 10, 2008 10:25:13 AM
Kollectiv - XNA based puzzle game - Released! Quote:Original post by Daaark It's running now. Very nice so far. It scares me how it used 113, considering that I am going to make a similar 3d game like this for XNA, and have to fit it in 150mb. Well, and I am sure that it could have been done... 
Posted September 9, 2008 1:36:03 PM
Can't run XNA in full screen mode Just curious, but have you tried creating just a new empty project (windows game) and setting that to fullscreen instead of just using the spacewar template?  
Posted May 26, 2008 2:41:18 PM
[XNA] Help implementing blur effect sample. rendertarger/depth stencil errors Definately appreciate the help yet again remigius! Makes sense, since the game is running at 800 x 600. I just need to find a "How to use a shader in 2D for newbs for XNA" tutorial.. =)  
Posted May 19, 2008 10:54:43 AM
[XNA] How to ? (remove sprites) Quote:Original post by Dieseltjuh on the begginer help forum i made the same post :x but as you can see there, i used List<texture2D>("filepath"); In theory then, when your cycling through your list of objects and run across one that i... 
Posted May 8, 2008 6:12:11 PM
.Net 2D tile based engine (free)? If you can or will use XNA, or even if just want to convert it, head over to Nick Gravelyn's blog. He has a whole series of video tutorials walking you through every step in creating a multi-layer tile map and editor. Might be worth a shot! Oops..... 
Posted April 30, 2008 5:29:32 PM
AI help - flocking behavior - C# Fun fun! lol.. I know I asked for it, so.. this should keep me busy for a little while. Its been a busy weekend and I needed something to study =) The only thing I got done this weekend was to add some code to convert my velocity and position an... 
Posted April 29, 2008 12:00:17 PM
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