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Nickname jebkhaile 
State/Province, Country Skane Lan   Sweden
GD Gathering City Malmo, Skane Lan, Sweden
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Member Since 2/19/2008 10:39:40 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Artifact's House Globe Artifact's House Globe is a 2D RTS game created in Lua with our Daisy Moon game engine (written in C++). The game was created for TIGSource's "bootleg demake" competition, which ran during August 2008. A "bootleg" means "inofficial copy" and "demak... 
Posted September 8, 2008 6:22:21 PM
Weird lock-step synchronization error in fullscreen Hey I'm using the lock-step method to synchronize our RTS game "House Globe" (posted in the image forum here: People have started sending replays to me, which are simply recording... 
Posted September 9, 2008 3:49:48 PM
Server Source Code for Online RPG Hello I used to post here a few years ago but lost my account, but I thought it was time to come back with some fun news :) Once upon a time I was developing a game called Whispers in Akarra. This was a 2D online role-playing game with a p... 
Posted February 19, 2008 11:00:34 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Sword Fight - Project searching for Programmer & Artist (DesignDocument 0.1 done) Quote:Original post by FireSlash18 1) Avoid first person in a design document. While it is interesting how you came up with the project, it shouldn't be in the design document. I disagree, this part of the document was very interesting and gave a... 
Posted January 26, 2009 11:26:10 AM
Artifact's House Globe Quote:Original post by Th0ughtCr1me Really excellent man, great job. My brother and I spend a few hours playing in multiplayer. Hehe cool! I was waiting for a big epic fight, but all it took as a Maternal Vessel a... 
Posted September 11, 2008 2:28:54 AM
Weird lock-step synchronization error in fullscreen Ok, thanks! Nice article. Why - so - complicated?! On the other hand I realized that I've made a mistake. I knew about floating point errors, so I wanted to use a frame time that is exactly IEEE-compliant. So I chose 0.00625... but that's not r... 
Posted September 10, 2008 2:17:33 AM
Artifact's House Globe Thanks! Let me know if anybody wants to try the game online some day :) 
Posted September 9, 2008 10:56:04 AM
Artifact's House Globe Quote:Original post by GenPFault Can the OSX version be convinced to compile for Linux? We tried once, but it's unlikely we'll try again. Works in Wine, though. 
Posted September 9, 2008 5:02:35 AM
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