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Full Name Arthur Times
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State/Province, Country GA   United States
GD Gathering City Augusta, GA, United States
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Member Since 1/8/2003 4:46:03 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
HDR Lighting I'm sure it's been asked here before but I'm having trouble finding it. I've also seen the few Intel related tutorials around but for some reason I'm just not getting this. Does anyone know of some decent tutorials or pointers that show how to li... 
Posted August 19, 2008 11:20:52 AM
How it's made:Motherboards Tom's Hardware went on a tour of Gigabyte's headquarters and put up a slideshow showing how motherboards are made. Pretty cool stuff so I thought I'd share 
Posted July 22, 2008 2:14:28 PM
What's the appeal of Geometry Wars? So I'm reading today's daily gamedev and I see mittens going gaga over the new Geometry Wars. I'm not flaming I'm just asking an honest question because I want to know. What's the appeal of that game and games of those type? I want to know becau... 
Posted July 15, 2008 9:43:51 AM
frenet frames for dummies (in other words help please) I'm working on a game where an object follows either a catmull-rom spline or a bezier curve. I want the object to rotate and spin along the curve/spline as it follows it in relation to the curve/spline. I'm thinking I need to calculate frene... 
Posted July 1, 2008 1:46:00 PM
Thread questions concerning synchronization I'm continuing my journey of thread programming with the current game I'm working on and I have a question. This issue is moot with a single processor system however I'm wondering out of curiosity. On a multi-processor system with 2 diff... 
Posted June 29, 2008 7:05:28 PM
threads, mutexes and the expense of locking. I'm working on a game using threads to handle various parts of AI but the threads will have common data elements that will be shared between them. Obviously I could use a mutex to lock down access to the shared elements but I'm concerned beca... 
Posted June 25, 2008 4:43:58 PM
C++ iterator vs [] This should be a simple enough question but I can't seem to find anything on the web or searching through the forums. If I have a vector and want to iterate through the members is it faster to use the "at" or "[]" function/operator or an iter... 
Posted June 17, 2008 4:47:21 PM
Chesstacular This is by far my most ambitious project. It's a battle chess clone written from the ground up in C++, OpenGL and SDL. It's basically Chess with characters from Quake2 and Quake3. I also added basic terrain for some stages and n 
Posted April 21, 2008 2:17:00 PM
Chesstacular released This is by far my most ambitious project. It's a battle chess clone written from the ground up in C++, OpenGL and SDL. It's basically Chess with characters from Quake2 and Quake3. I also added basic terrain for some stages and non ICS network play... 
Posted April 18, 2008 1:55:29 PM
Chesstacular released Chesstacular releasedPosted by: Arthur Times at April 18, 2008 9:31:44 PMThis is by far my most ambitious project. It’s a battle chess clone written from the ground up in C++, OpenGL and SDL. It’s basically Chess with characters from Q... 
Posted April 18, 2008 9:31:44 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Daily I played SWG for a year and this is what struck me from the article on SWG: Quote:Galaxies repeatedly came under fire from critics for not properly fulfilling most players' Star Wars fantasies. "We've learned how important it is to listen to yo... 
Posted October 27, 2008 4:50:17 PM
FPS Environment Pack Quote:Original post by DarkPsychosis Such nice environments, it seems such a shame to waste them on something as mundane as an FPS Where is the merit in criticizing someone's personal gaming choice? What purpose does your comment serve in a... 
Posted September 9, 2008 10:45:15 AM
Your favorite Linux distros or ones you're currently testing out! My personal preference is Gentoo/KDevelop. I've been meaning to give Code::Blocks a try but haven't had a chance yet. 
Posted August 28, 2008 12:06:48 PM
MMORPG likes and dislikes Quote:Original post by Iron Chef Carnage I want an MMO with no NPCs at all, where everything that gets done, and made, and sold, is handled by people. For the crafting part Star Wars galaxies had this before the NGE (or whatever it is they call... 
Posted August 25, 2008 4:00:09 PM
Stealing and mmos In all honesty how could this been seen as anything other than griefing? Could you give a bit more background on where you are going for this? If your goal is to say "because you can steal in real life you should be able to steal in an MMO",... 
Posted August 25, 2008 3:52:47 PM
I'm Here To Learn! I suggest you start with simple 2D programming. It's really not that difficult. I also suggest you use DirectX 7 API calls (if the latest SDK is backwards compatible that far which I think it is) since that was the last version of Direct X to truly... 
Posted August 8, 2008 3:26:19 PM
SDL programming? Quote:Original post by BlodBath SDL is a decent library, however I would recommend that you try SFML, which is similar to SDL except written in C++ with an object-oriented design. It will help familiarize yourself with the object model and some of... 
Posted July 28, 2008 9:07:21 PM
The Occasional GameDev.Net Daily Thanks for the occasional Do you have any idea on how often you will update the "occasional" The content for the wolverine link has been removed. /begin nerd Wolverine's claws are bone coated with Adamantium whi... 
Posted July 28, 2008 3:30:59 PM
GameTutorials Squared? Quote:Original post by DrakeFG Ok so i won't use it! I'm studyin C++ now from the Deitel&Deitel Book...What do you think about it? IMO Deitel&Deitel books are great books. They truly do an excellent job of TEACHING the material. 
Posted July 26, 2008 9:45:15 PM
GameTutorials Squared? Quote:Original post by DrakeFG Ok I understand ;) But are there any positive comments? Does The Cd came with a sort of textbook? No. It's just a collection of tutorials. Again the codedumps themselves don't teach much. It's the comments th... 
Posted July 25, 2008 12:09:22 PM
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