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State/Province, Country Cornwall   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Bude, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Member Since 9/27/2006 7:45:14 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Ironfoot Dev - Coder (C++, HLSL) Team name: Ironfoot Industries – Project name: Development name is Black Thorn. Brief description: Product development begun start of June - First Person/Third person action adventure. Currently approaching... 
Posted November 14, 2007 3:13:42 AM
Ambient Occlusion Shader Hi, shader question :) - currently working with the TGEA engine which supports HLSL shaders, and searching for some form of ambient occlusion lighting for 3d content. Came across the following at this website, though for OpenGL seems an ideal solu... 
Posted November 13, 2007 6:11:44 AM
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 Glad to announce first in the line of the new Ironfoot Content Packages, featuring 9 buildings, with a further 8 detail objects. Model source files included LWO & OBJ, with TGA UV map exports. Designed for RTS style of games with WW2 styled... 
Posted September 27, 2006 12:04:45 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 certainly sparked a debate :) when I initially posted with the picture their where no statements or rules in regards to whats allowed & whats not - of course it has to be game related in some form, though ultimately its upto the administrator at the... 
Posted September 29, 2006 4:53:16 PM
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 I do have a selection of normal maps for these buildings which I hadn't included in the primary pack, perhaps in the free bonus update next month if I can get them finished - the problem with them is the view distances these builds are design for you... 
Posted September 29, 2006 5:11:53 AM
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 Hi - yes, the second pack which ive just started to work on will contain a small range of vehicles (cars, trucks, forklift etc), along with a greater range of buildings/assets to complement the first pack. I do also have parts of a third pack... 
Posted September 28, 2006 3:14:56 PM
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 Thank you for the comments & feedback :) - its all good information & certainly helps for future packs and updates. Exchange rate is always a problem, specially dollar to pound :( Ollie: Few, Earth 2150 made a good attempt on industrial... 
Posted September 28, 2006 4:10:24 AM
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 My apologies, the only reason I posted this thread was that their are a number of content packs listed in the gallery previously (e.g. , 
Posted September 27, 2006 4:06:03 PM
Ironfoot RTS Content Pack #1 Consider each item is just over £1 pound, and the time spent on each building, thats not to bad considering - if you went out and employed a freelance artiest to do similar, even at a low wage it would be far in access. I do intend to release... 
Posted September 27, 2006 2:35:04 PM
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