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Full Name Mauro Gentile
Nickname GENTS 
State/Province, Country Arese
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Job Title Jr Programmer 
Job Description Student & Game Developer 
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Member Since 5/1/2004 9:06:01 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Test a game MIDlet on every existing phone Hi, I've developed a J2ME game, and now I want to test on every existing phone supporting MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.0 or higher. How is it possible?! Could you try it on your mobile phone and tell me on which model you try and if yo... 
Posted May 27, 2007 11:24:53 AM
Pokemon Virtual Pet - 3D mobile game Pokémňn Virtual Pet It's not an official 3D mobile game! It's only a test for my thesis at university of Milan - Bicocca. It works with OpenGL ES, a full coded skeletal animation, has a working menu, and stats page. I've developed it in th... 
Posted October 29, 2005 10:10:20 PM
Skeletal Animation Hi guys!!! I'm trying to develop some skeletal animation stuff for Symbian OS enviroments (working on Nokia 6600 & OpenGL ES - Hybrid Implementation)... I've looked for some tutorials or source code of OpenGL skeletal animation but it seem... 
Posted July 24, 2005 6:59:01 PM
HeightMap Hi friends! I'm here to ask you a terrible thing ^__^ How to use HeightMaps?! How does it work?! Where could I find a good and well-made tutorial?! THANKS A LOT ^__^ Bye, 
Posted May 2, 2005 4:16:54 AM
Shadows Volumes + Animated Charachter Hi guys! I've a new problem with shadow volumes... I've get out the right way to render very good shadows for static objects... But the problem arise when I use animated characters with skeletal animation... I could not understand which Mesh shoul... 
Posted April 7, 2005 2:33:00 PM
SDK Indipendence?! (UNSOLVABLE?!) I've noticed that my games don't work on copmuters where isn't installed Microsoft SDK... Which is the problem?! How to solve?! Which SDK files should I copy?! I DO NOT REFER TO ANY SDK FILE... I USE ONLY MY ENGINE FILES (SDK INDIPENDENT... 
Posted February 28, 2005 9:03:11 AM
NVDIA Effect Files & RenderTarget RENDERCOLORTARGET, RENDERDEPTHSTENCILTARGET, Render-to-Texture Data, etc. How is possible to manage all these parts within an effect file (.fx) and with which source code could I manage them?! THANKS for help ^__^ Byez, [Edited by - GENTS... 
Posted February 16, 2005 5:11:44 PM
Using Effect files (.FX) in DirectX 9 ARTICLE I've written an article on this topic, and I've sent it to, but I've not had reply... Take a look to this topic Should I re-send the mail or it's arrived and is in "consulting-phase" ?! THANKS ^__^ 
Posted January 31, 2005 4:35:22 PM
Load EFFECTS within an X file Hi friends! I'm in front of a new problem... While exporting a mesh from Maya with the new Exporter (December SDK), I could include DirectX shaders and FX files linking within an X File... Now I've only a little problem!!!!!!!! How can I... 
Posted January 2, 2005 6:14:07 AM
Using effect files (.FX) in DirectX 9 tutorial I've written an article on this topic. While waiting decision for uploading or not my article, I'll post you a link to it to my website. HERE IS THE LINK TO MY ARTICLE/TUTORIAL I've also written an italian version: HERE I... 
Posted January 27, 2005 3:40:11 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Emulator - OpenGL ES I've used Nokia SDK emulator with Hybrid gerbera implementation!!! Bye, 
Posted November 25, 2005 12:31:06 PM
Pokemon Virtual Pet - 3D mobile game The idea is to create a Virtual Pet 3D game without using Pokemon as character... Thanks for replies!!! Bye,  
Posted November 10, 2005 4:31:33 AM
Pokemon Virtual Pet - 3D mobile game This is the simplest AI system! It's a sequence of if-then-else, that exstabilish what the Pet have to do... Byez,  
Posted November 7, 2005 12:53:45 PM
modify 3d loader for OpenGL ES you could simply combine all this parts in a single mesh... Then you use a single .h file with this mesh... You could also put a lot of meshes in the .h file but you've to change variables or array names!!! But I usually combine all parts making... 
Posted September 24, 2005 3:29:36 AM
modify 3d loader for OpenGL ES Hi Giacomo!!! Using MilkShape 3D you can export you meshes in a 3D format called MilkShape 3D ASCII File format... I've includedi in my website a simple tutorial (Engish or Italian) on MilkShape3D models and their uses with OpenGL ES... In th... 
Posted September 23, 2005 4:09:19 PM
modify 3d loader for OpenGL ES Hi Giacomo!!! I've a working version of MilkShape3D exported meshes for OpenGL ES... You can see my working engine at GENTS GAME DEVELOPMENT WEB SITE... If you need some help I could made a little tutorial for you... Byez, 
Posted September 22, 2005 3:10:09 PM
fps counter Try to take a look here: Byez, 
Posted August 5, 2005 5:33:47 PM
read vertcices from file I thinks that it's possible but your app would be more slow in starting phase... So you could load a lot of models in .h files and then inside your app you could chenge model to display... PS: Se ti serve poi ho implementato la skeletal animati... 
Posted August 5, 2005 3:56:05 AM
Skeletal Animation Ok that'all!!! I've posted a demo movie on my website GENTS GAME DEVELOMPENT at the Symbian OS Apps page... I'll write soon the tutorial!!! Bye, 
Posted August 2, 2005 6:14:09 AM
need a lib to convert avi to 3gp I don't know any lib... But you can use this tool: AVS Video Converter I hope that will help you!!! Bye ^__^ 
Posted August 2, 2005 3:40:10 AM
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