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Member Since 3/27/2009 7:55:16 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Multiplatform SDK (Tech Demo) Hi All, I decided to share what I've developed over the course of the years. I posted something about this in the 'Image of the Day' section long time ago. I used my own multiplatform SDK to write my first iPhone game (See in the firm). For... 
Posted January 1, 2011 6:20:41 PM
DynaDream's dynalib GUI demo Hi all, This is a demo showing a preview of a graphical user interface system that is part of a large development kit developed by me over the years. The system is totally platform independant and has no source or binary dependecies (Except fo... 
Posted March 27, 2009 3:49:50 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
DynaDream's dynalib GUI demo Quote:Original post by ajm113 Oh, I see nice! :D You definitely, have a lot too teach about GUI programming with OpenGL. I would like to know some techniques. I'm not asking for source code of your project, but I would like to know a few things f... 
Posted March 29, 2009 5:14:04 PM
DynaDream's dynalib GUI demo Hi all, Some peoples emailed me requesting a Linux and a MacOSX demo. Here is the Linux version (32 bit) link for the download: The demo was tested with Ubuntu 6.x and 8.x but sho... 
Posted March 28, 2009 5:44:06 PM
DynaDream's dynalib GUI demo Quote:Original post by ajm113 Wow, very cool! I want to use this GUI in my new game I'm making! It runs fine for me with Vista, no lag or slow down with Areo on. I would like to see some docking or sticky technique build in. So you can move... 
Posted March 28, 2009 5:30:21 PM
DynaDream's dynalib GUI demo Quote:Original post by DarkHorizon As a developer, my first question would be, what collection of libraries does yours compare to? Then my second question would be, why should I use yours instead of others? It looks like you've put quite a lot of... 
Posted March 28, 2009 5:22:44 PM
DynaDream's dynalib GUI demo Hi all, Thanks for commenting. Yes, the salturated colors can appear ugly, but it was an attemp to test with color schemes. The system is totally configurable and can be both skinned and themed. I will post more detailed demo later, at the e... 
Posted March 28, 2009 1:08:45 PM
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