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Get to know berdal84...  
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Nickname berdal84 
State/Province, Country Languedoc-Roussillon   France
GD Gathering City Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
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Member Since 12/7/2007 5:26:36 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Super Bataille 2 Chars - v1.0 Hello, I come here to present to you "Super Bataille 2 Chars - v1.0". Sbdc (Super Bataille 2 Chars) is a 100% Free 5 minute game. The game is very similar to the wiiPlay's tank mini game. Sbdc contain 3 different modes: - A training mode... 
Posted April 28, 2008 12:07:09 PM
Super Bataille De Chars - by Berenger DALLE-CORT - A game by Bérenger DALLE-CORT ( ) develloped with Shiva 1.5.3 Demo coming soon... [Edited by - berdal84 on December 7, 2007 3:38:11 PM] 
Posted December 7, 2007 10:50:01 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Super Bataille 2 Chars - v1.0 Quote:Original post by atomhamster nice work! we enjoyed playing it in multiplayer, too, but after some time we we looking for some variety. changing startpoints for all players would be nice, so you dont have the same situation each start. ... 
Posted May 6, 2008 8:41:27 AM
Super Bataille 2 Chars - v1.0 Quote:Original post by valentin-galea Lovely graphics! btw: you should consider adding proper hyperlinks to your post, not just the address, as not many people are willing to copy/paste it in the browser... you are loosing precious clicks! Ok,... 
Posted May 2, 2008 12:38:47 AM
Super Bataille De Chars - by Berenger DALLE-CORT - Quote:Original post by Bankie Feel free to nick any of my ideas. Testing has shown the invisible tanks mode (visible when you fire) to be a whole lotta fun. Sorry, my english is very bad, I just understand these words now... :d Cool ! ... 
Posted December 13, 2007 2:47:25 AM
Super Bataille De Chars - by Berenger DALLE-CORT - Quote:Original post by programmer88 kool, looks a lot like 'tanks' on wii play Hello programmer88, yes, It's a remake, but a multiplayer mode will be available. bérenger  
Posted December 7, 2007 4:37:47 PM
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