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Full Name Daniel Frith
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Member Since 6/4/2005 8:53:41 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
C++ layout manager? Anyone know of a open source layout manager for C++? Ideally very lightweight, and not as part of a larger GUI library (unless it can be easily used standalone). By layout manager, I mean something like this Java stuff here: http://download-llnw.... 
Posted September 16, 2010 9:38:06 AM
euler velocities to angular velocity vector How can I convert velocities specified about the x,y,z axes to the conventional way (a vector with magnitude as the speed, as used in physics engines like ODE)? I want to do this to fit in with the 3d engine I use, which has the convention of usin... 
Posted July 12, 2010 6:05:34 AM
X11, get mouse button state Hi, Does anyone know how I can query the current mouse button states in X11? I can use XQueryKeymap for keys. I don't want to rely on events. 
Posted May 28, 2010 11:15:28 AM
is there a better design for this interface? Hi. I'm making an interface for things that are "pausable" in my game. Originally I had this - class IPausable { public: virtual ~IPausable(){} virtual void Pause() = 0; virtual void Resume() = 0; virtual bool IsPaused() = 0; }; ... 
Posted May 26, 2010 6:57:06 AM
Define textures per-polygon Hi. Are there any ways to define a texture change within a list of polygons [indices]? In my application I could potentially require a different (and unique) texture for each polygon of the indices array (in the worst case scenario), so I canno... 
Posted July 6, 2009 3:58:55 AM
boolean mesh difference Hey, does anyone have any links to any descriptions of algorithms for performing a boolean difference between two triangle meshes? (with proper filling of any holes created) btw I know there is at least one open source software which do... 
Posted July 2, 2009 9:20:58 AM
objects jittering, timestep/interpolation problems I apologise for the amount of code dumped in this post, but I am really at my wits end... I'm having problems with jittering/stuttering in my game engine, that is, visible objects in the world that are moving occasionally shake as if jumping very... 
Posted May 11, 2009 10:32:05 AM
Unskinning a mesh, is this possible? Hi, Is it possible to "un skin" a mesh? I'd like to deform an animated mesh in real time. e.g. to create a slice or cut into it. Obviously the modifications need to occur on the mesh after it's been animated, so the slices are in the co... 
Posted October 18, 2008 5:53:23 PM
Neural networks/reinforcement learning for a game entity Hi! I've had an idea for a project in my AI course! A game entity in a virtual environment, perhaps with two controls: it turns left or right (all the while moving forwards). The goal would be to maximise the distance travelled or minimise the... 
Posted September 28, 2008 4:40:36 PM
mixing more than two vectors It seems easy enough to interpolate only two vectors. But how do I mix an arbitrary amount of vectors? Each vector would have an interpolation amount between 0.0 and 1.0, which defines how much effect it has on the final result. And i... 
Posted March 14, 2008 7:41:37 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
game clone, is that legal to sell? The name does seem a little close for comfort for something that presumably isn't a parody. But a key thing to consider is that even if it isn't definitely illegal, probably with any pressure from PopCap Google might simply roll over and remove yo... 
Posted August 17, 2010 4:58:56 AM
Open source true game engine Blender? But I think you'll struggle to find anything that compares to the commercial offerings. 
Posted July 13, 2010 7:24:34 AM
euler velocities to angular velocity vector Correct me if I'm wrong, but since that is for rotations not velocities won't it wrap around at 360 degrees? and I should have mentioned, my rotation is in order pitch,yaw,roll (XYZ). 
Posted July 13, 2010 4:21:26 AM
CentOs remote desktop help Alternatively Xming, which I think I found easier.. There might also be a thing with XDMCP: Also you may need to set appropriate firewall rules [but maybe not if you use the app... 
Posted July 13, 2010 4:11:35 AM
Buying Art Assets Nice sticky on the Irrlicht forums: 
Posted July 12, 2010 5:01:08 PM
Help a lazy programmer do his work in his bedroom. Regarding the library/power outlet, get some spare batteries for your laptop? If it'll make you more productive, buy some right now. I would highly recommend the book "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield, for motivating yourself. Really it is jus... 
Posted July 12, 2010 7:08:03 AM
X11, get mouse button state Thanks. I'll have a look at it. 
Posted May 29, 2010 10:08:07 AM
X11, get mouse button state Ok. The reason I wanted this, is because key or mouse input events do not seem to be received when the window does not have the focus. Is there any way to change it so they are always received? ... Imagine I use a key or mouse button in my game... 
Posted May 29, 2010 6:28:40 AM
X11, get mouse button state Ok, never mind, with further research I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. I'll just have to use events. Bah. 
Posted May 28, 2010 3:15:33 PM
is there a better design for this interface? Ok. I am now using ref counting. I'm still interested if there is any better design for the ref counting class though. Possibly there isn't. 
Posted May 27, 2010 4:45:14 AM
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