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Get to know alfith...  GDNet+
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Nickname alfith 
State/Province, Country Rhone-Alpes   France
GD Gathering City LYON, Rhone-Alpes, France
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Member Since 3/13/2006 9:44:44 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Grav "Grav" is a small game I did to make a break before coding the sound in my main project "DDream". It is using C++, OpenGL, SDL, SDL_image. From the readme: Goal: Reach the base square before timeout Problem: Gravity perturbations are pres... 
Posted September 24, 2007 5:24:55 PM
DDream I am working on a new game where a viking must fight monsters during his dreams. He has a great destiny and some Gods are testing him. The tiles are moving according to the objects/creatures that can be found in the level. There will be weap... 
Posted June 15, 2007 9:43:05 AM
Catch Them All from the readme file: goal: Capture humans and bring them to your base ! But you are not alone and some humans are armed ! setup: "config" is the local graphical settings FULL: FALSE // fullscreen or windowed mode WIDTH: 800 HEIG... 
Posted March 24, 2007 10:54:14 PM
multiple send in one frame... I'm doing a fast action multiplayer game. I'm using UDP. The way I am doing it is: The good: The packet size is "small" (max 500 bytes) The bad: Sometimes (10 in a second), I am sending multiple (2 to 5) packets to the same client in the sa... 
Posted February 21, 2007 5:09:41 AM
BuB You are in a Petri box and you need to clear it from the micro-organisms. You must become bigger to be able to absorbe them without being touched. ESC: quit S: screenshot P: pause Use the arrow keys to move. Use space to improve your size, be... 
Posted December 11, 2006 4:08:00 PM
Get the rocks You control a truck that must collect the rocks to bring them one by one on the factory. Avoid the diggers that can collect rocks too ! To get a rock back from a digger, you can collect the special blue rock and fire it at the ennemy... 
Posted December 7, 2006 2:51:11 PM
PanGhost PanGhost is a game inspired by Pang where you must clear the ghosts from the level . When firing on them, they split and become smaller to finally disapear. Keys: left/right/up arrows to move/jump space to fire s to take a screenshot ESC... 
Posted November 29, 2006 11:35:22 AM
SNA This is a snake game I did. The code is available on demand, it is working for Windows and Linux. [edit: new link] From the doc file: Keys: cursor left: turn left cursor right: turn right s: screenshot ESC: quit Goal: S... 
Posted October 25, 2006 9:29:59 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
What is your biggest program/script yet? For now, it is my old unfinished spaceship game: alfith@alfith-desktop:/HUGE/work/Code$ perl Game/src/ 157 text files. 137 unique files. 22 files ignored. http://cloc.sou... 
Posted June 30, 2010 4:58:54 PM
What is your favourite game????? Game: Flashback Platform: played it on MegaDrive and PC Why: there is a story, smooth animation, great graphism, some challenging parts  
Posted June 25, 2010 10:20:29 AM
Gradually expand texture I think you want an effect like the one at the 15th second of this "Titan AE" video. youtube Titan AE video It should be possible to do it using a fully UV-mapped sphere and a texture with a small colored dot at the center. You just have to... 
Posted May 25, 2010 4:08:12 AM
The Daily I asked a Chinese colleague about the blog: he explained me it is quite common in China to have such blogs that only translate other websites to give better access to the information (some sites may not be available for everyone and people may n... 
Posted July 3, 2009 7:35:43 AM
Procedural development from here: Virtual terrain building section you can get this PDF: Siggraph 2001 paper "Procedural Modeling of Cities"  
Posted March 27, 2009 7:23:45 AM
2D Random Terrain/Map Generation - Similar to Worms It can probably help: GameDev image of the day thread about the subject Direct link to the tutorial given in the thread  
Posted February 11, 2009 1:58:52 AM
PacMan linux I tried the linux version just now. I don't think the package is updated: the SDL_mixer library is still missing and the main files are compressed. I tried the game with the PacMan script (using the libs provided in the package) and it crashed whe... 
Posted January 14, 2009 3:50:35 PM
Worldmap: Tiles vs canvas approach I used the second approach for a prototype I did. I did it that way for the same reason: I don't like when the tiling is obvious (strangely enough, my current project is heavily tile based) and I needed to represent locations with very unique details... 
Posted January 13, 2009 5:08:44 AM
Fringed pixels in complex image (Photoshop) You can separate the opacity layer from the color layer and work on it using brightness/contrast to convert the gray pixels to black. It takes a few seconds.  
Posted November 13, 2008 2:31:15 AM
Scientists have bridged the uncanny valley, cue S1m0ne. only the face is CG: "The face in this video is entirely CG, while the rest of the shot is live-action. If you'd like more information on the project, just let us know. You can also learn more about Image Metrics at" ... 
Posted August 19, 2008 5:10:52 AM
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