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Get to know DrPetter...  
Full Name Tomas Pettersson
Nickname DrPetter 
State/Province, Country Ostergotlands Lan   Sweden
GD Gathering City Linkoping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
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ICQ ID 29053372 
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Member Since 2/10/2006 1:22:40 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Sculptris - Adaptive mesh sculpt editor This started out as an experiment in triangle tesselation and has turned into a relatively complex 3D editor over the last three weeks. The idea was to build a tool where I could sculpt a piece of virtual clay freely without worrying about tesselatio... 
Posted December 20, 2009 11:58:34 AM
Framebuffer extrapolation for raytracing This is a quirky little experiment I undertook about a week ago, but which I had been pondering for a number of months earlier. The demo implementation is simple and limited, but the basic idea is to take advantage of frame-to-frame coherency of a (... 
Posted December 21, 2008 12:24:38 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Sculptris - Adaptive mesh sculpt editor It's not related to voxels. This is pure triangle mesh editing - the internal representation is only vertices, edges and triangles. Sharing code - maybe, later. I want to have my fun with it first. Not planning on locking it up for no go... 
Posted December 22, 2009 9:48:26 AM
Framebuffer extrapolation for raytracing Yeah, the technique won't work very well with typical "show-off" raytracing effects like crazy reflections/specularity, but rather for more every-day stuff where you're actually trying to make something look like a realistic environment. Transparency... 
Posted December 23, 2008 10:12:46 AM
Framebuffer extrapolation for raytracing shurcool: Yeah, I actually tried that same peripheral blurring trick in Photoshop myself recently to prove a point in a discussion - but as you also discovered, regular gaussian blur doesn't really do the trick for static images. I found that a blur... 
Posted December 22, 2008 5:26:10 AM
Framebuffer extrapolation for raytracing Thanks for the interesting links. Indeed they seem very similar to what I'm doing. As per my typical routine though, I tend not to research prior work related to ideas I have, since reading up on tons of completed research would spoil all the fu... 
Posted December 21, 2008 2:48:25 AM
3H-GDC m.V: Something Special (winner: BeanDog) DrewGreen: Don't worry. It seems to be a common reaction, and something I sort of expected. It's probably impossible to do well on your first attempt, you have like 1 second to find the right key and press it :) My game is definitely one y... 
Posted February 15, 2006 3:49:51 PM
3H-GDC m.V: Something Special (winner: BeanDog) Hmm... car physics eh? Might have been, I tend to do that :P EDIT: Ah, the profile page has been fixed - you mean Island Racers? I remember commenting on that one, yeah. I'm fairly surprised I did so well considering how harsh my game a... 
Posted February 15, 2006 1:09:17 PM
3H-GDC m.V: Something Special (winner: BeanDog) scgrn: Yay, now it works! Indeed it plays smoothly, and it's surprisingly hard too! I can't understand why the cheese beams keep insisting on just barely missing the monkeys, it always causes me to steer right in front of one and end up bei... 
Posted February 14, 2006 9:04:36 AM
3H-GDC m.V: Something Special (winner: BeanDog) matt_j: Yours was cool, took me a while to get what I was supposed to do (just fired at the falling debris at first), but when I did it was like "Woah, it's Lemmings! sort of..." :) Not very challenging, true. And not much variety, but it's a cool... 
Posted February 13, 2006 9:41:01 PM
3H-GDC m.V: Something Special (winner: BeanDog) That's an awfully big obsession with color use for a compo that was supposed to not be about graphics... imho ;) Anyways, you actually got scgrn's entry to run? Now I _really_ want to play it :) Also, did you ever fall through an upward-facing... 
Posted February 13, 2006 7:03:15 PM
3H-GDC m.V: Something Special (winner: BeanDog) If it's that close then maybe you should call in a few additional judges, both to make it easier and to ensure it's a fair decision. 
Posted February 13, 2006 10:14:17 AM
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