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Get to know gjoel...  
Full Name Mikkel Gjoel
Nickname gjoel 
State/Province, Country Staden Kobenhavn   Denmark
GD Gathering City Frederiksberg, Staden Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Member Since 4/23/2006 7:20:01 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
mdx - aug-sdk: readback from multisampled rendertarget This is a short description of how to get it working, just in case someone needs it. Background: I needed to read back from multisampled rendertargets. The utility-class RenderToSurface will not work in this case, so I created my own wrapper-clas... 
Posted August 13, 2007 7:25:16 AM
immediate disposing of swapchains Hi - ok, this is yet another "I'm doing swap-chains but they bug on me"-thread. I'm really in a mess here, so I hope someone can help me out. C#/Managed DirectX btw. [question] The swapchains implementation described below works like a ch... 
Posted July 17, 2007 6:39:06 AM
iterated fractal systems This is a couple of shots from a scene in our latest demo "deluminate". Heavily inspired by a previous post here on gamedev. Besides various eyecandy, the scene consists of a "fractal" calculated like this: pickover attractor x1 = sin( p0... 
Posted March 23, 2007 12:14:17 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Procedural Bump Mapping on the GPU Unfortunately I don't have time to try this out right now, but is there any chance of getting away with a complete hack (sorry Iņigo) like this? 
Posted July 9, 2010 7:12:27 AM
Random particles Very cool! :) - love iterated fractal systems. The beauty you can get from that level of simplicity is astounding! :) - previous iotd-posts on the same topic :) http://www.... 
Posted March 3, 2009 9:36:36 AM
Developer's Image Library 1.7.1 Released I used to love devil (OpenIL), but switched to the much more mature and supported FreeImage, when development stopped (and getting the bugs in openil fixed didn't seem to be on the horizon). I'm sort of indifferent about its return - I won't... 
Posted September 2, 2008 4:52:47 AM
Thread-safe singleton - looks like you have to be careful around here. None the less, I get around x2-3 speed-up by using this implementation of sin/cos lookup-tables. cheers, 
Posted November 20, 2007 10:03:58 AM
Thread-safe singleton Quote:Original post by rip-off Quote:Original post by Joni-MattiThen there's a special case on the Math class which has static functions sin, cos and tan which use a lookup table implementation. No, don't do this! Have you profiled? Lookup t... 
Posted November 20, 2007 7:35:58 AM
[c#] RenderToSurface Switch directx to debug-mode, and start dbmon (from your visual-studio tools dir) - this should give you a better errormessage to start from. 
Posted August 14, 2007 3:32:39 PM
mdx - aug-sdk: readback from multisampled rendertarget Ok, I should have been more specific: I'm trying to do a screenshot at a resolution larger than monitor-size. So I will never actually render the data to the physical monitor - ie. the front-buffer is not interesting to me. An alternative solution... 
Posted August 13, 2007 12:15:23 PM
mdx - aug-sdk: readback from multisampled rendertarget I'm trying to do a multisampled screenshot. 
Posted August 13, 2007 9:48:49 AM
immediate disposing of swapchains The disposal pattern is how managed-d3d is structured to do the deallocation of surfaces - and hence, how I'm currently doing it. I'm explicitly calling dispose() though, as the allocation/deallocation are in separate functions. My question, I bel... 
Posted July 18, 2007 8:23:37 AM
immediate disposing of swapchains I guess a simpler questions is: What is the command with least performance-penalty that will flush the d3d-command-buffer? (unfortunately I'm not using d3d10, where I would be able to call device.flush) 
Posted July 18, 2007 4:03:34 AM
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