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Get to know arudson...  
Full Name Andrew Rudson
Nickname arudson 
State/Province, Country Ontario   Canada
GD Gathering City Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Current Occupation
Job Title Game Programmer 
Job Description programmer at Psuedo Interactive 
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Rating 1033  (Rate this user)
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Member Since 9/1/2005 10:05:03 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Demo Squad This is my first IOTD, and I figured why not post some screens from my latest independent project, Demo Squad. As you may have already guessed from the screenshots, it's a bomberman clone. The game supports up to four players (human, or computer-c... 
Posted June 19, 2006 2:30:36 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Am I using my delta-time incorrectly? (re: simple frame independant movement) Adam Hamilton is correct. Instead of limiting the game's speed to 100hz, and moving your objects by a fixed amount, let your game loop run as fast as it can, and multiply your object's movement (in units per second) by the amount of time that has ela... 
Posted February 2, 2007 11:36:30 AM
simple RPG spell question I would do it the way you are doing it -- each spell type is it's own class. Each player would have a spell handler (a SpellBook or something) that can have spells added to it. So the object relationship topology would be: Player --(one to many)--... 
Posted January 31, 2007 11:25:38 AM
Linked Lists, help! [EDITED FOR CLARITY] I also noticed in your original code that you have something like this: node *temp; temp = head; //setting to beginning of list while(temp->next != NULL){ . . . If head is NULL, and you try to access it's ->next member, y... 
Posted January 30, 2007 2:37:40 PM
space sim dev with quake engine II Just figured I'd mention that the Freespace source code is available as well. Cheers. 
Posted January 30, 2007 2:23:27 PM
Large Terrain Creation? Actually, I'm pretty sure WoW uses multi-textured heightmaps. There are places in the world where they have overhangs, and cave-like structures, but you can tell these are faked using separate models that are thrown ontop of the heightmaps. I'm... 
Posted January 29, 2007 1:37:52 PM
[SDL] undefined reference to "WinMain@16" WinMain is the entry point for all win32 applications, which is what you're project is setup for. Either change your main() function to winmain() or change your project settings to compile a console app. Cheers. 
Posted January 29, 2007 10:56:26 AM
static object I would recommend reading up on them regardless, and trying them out for yourself. A little extra knowledge never hurts, and if you're planning on working professionally in the game industry, they *are* used at many studios. So even if you... 
Posted January 26, 2007 2:48:20 PM
Lottery as a business model? yep. Depending on how you play either game, there's probably as much luck involved in an FPS as poker. But in general, as soon as something gets "interesting"... it's gambling. 
Posted January 23, 2007 3:21:33 PM
In game cinematics and improved physics Ya that's very slick. Good work! Ever give thought to licensing your engine?  
Posted January 19, 2007 3:47:47 PM
Blending operations with multitexturing Gotcha. I believe the GL_EXT_texture_env_combine extension is what you're looking for. Here's the extension spec: Cheers. 
Posted January 18, 2007 4:25:49 PM
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