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Full Name Mohamad Skafi
Nickname arithma 
State/Province, Country Saida
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Member Since 2/10/2005 8:00:04 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Is my CV good enough So I was preparing my CV lately for a graphics position (but not in a game studio). Mohammad Skafi's CV Would it resonate with employers at least so that I can come out as a viable option in entering the industry (not as tester, but I won't exp... 
Posted July 18, 2010 5:13:49 AM
Book Recommendation: Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications? I have this dover book, but I read somewhere online that it uses some old notation and that recently there has been rise for a different notation (I believe differential notation) that is more widely used in the other literature (physics specifi... 
Posted July 22, 2010 4:32:09 AM
A bunch of beginner questions So I'm new to the OpenGL world. I recently made an OpenGL ES 2.0 demo that worked on the now discontinued AMD emulator. I ported it into OpenGL, and all shit ensued upon me. The demo can be found here: download. Questions follow: - I am... 
Posted July 3, 2010 7:51:04 AM
Portfolio Website Review So our plan is to get out and started using web development as a spring board for short term cash that could fund our venture into game development. Your insight and first impression is most appreciated. Please check it here 
Posted June 24, 2010 7:25:57 AM
Arithma's Basic Fly A little something I created in about 12 hours relearning D3D and using DXUT... The most important thing I picked up through the development is controlling a space ship in 3D. The quality of the code still sucks, but am a little bored with it... I... 
Posted May 14, 2007 9:23:29 AM
[Lebanon] Breaking in from a Distance I have been in the web development industry for a bit more than a year now. - have a mechanical engineering degree from a local university here in Lebanon. - built myself a little experimentation place on the side and blogging about it: Blog ... 
Posted April 6, 2010 3:18:53 AM
[Cross Forum Post] Automated Refactoring. Am I blithering? Post on Can you please review my thinking process, and whether my results do actually have some merit. Much appreciated  
Posted May 20, 2010 4:02:53 AM
Support Requested for new Interactive Company In Lebanon Hello all, I am Mohammad Skafi, from Lebanon.. I've been helpful at times here, and I've had a lot of help from the great guys that visit this website. My partner and I decided to leave employment work to shell out a new web company and subtly go f... 
Posted March 18, 2010 12:42:09 PM
Getting a new Monitor I've been having some hard time working on my laptop monitor lately and decided to get a larger screen for programming and other work related purposes. I do play a game every now and then, along with the usual DVD movie. Entertainment is second... 
Posted February 10, 2010 3:41:13 AM
Adding and removing form elements I realize this is a very basic javascript question but I was gettin quick and dirty on a lot of subject together and can't afford to read up to the level to do that just yet. I need at the very least the subjects and variable properties tha... 
Posted September 9, 2008 3:30:35 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
WinMain violates RAII (when code crashes) Quote:now I know it's the 'runtime memory leak' that I'm always scared of, not 'app crash memory leak', thx. Not being scared of an 'app crash memory leak' shouldn't get you too cozy about an app crash. There are only a few cases where an app... 
Posted December 29, 2010 2:07:03 AM
Can someone help me name my API? I'd call it Miranda. More developers would want to pick her up and learn the API. I would call it SSG: Slick Scene Graph I would call it TD or ThreeDee How about: ThirD Why not call it: DepthEngine Or how about: TriangleOrchestra Or why not: Eu... 
Posted December 21, 2010 3:19:24 PM
Is OOP better for developing games? @Antheus: Aren't we overstepping the fact that GUI systems (like Windows' GUI itself) is based on an infinite loop updating all contained elements? On a descriptive level however things are done in a more object oriented manner. C# Forms for... 
Posted August 9, 2010 5:43:28 PM
Are subqueries bad? Not to hijack the thread, but instead to put an example where I have failed to convert a subquery to table join. I am trying to select with t1 the corresponding latest t2 child record. (This can be thought of a versioning system, or a topic and la... 
Posted August 8, 2010 8:23:23 AM
Is OOP better for developing games? @MarkS: When you have a collection of objects that are almost of the same type but need a little bit of specialized behavior, what technique do you use to specialize that behavior? In OOP land the usual approach would be creating an interface for wha... 
Posted August 7, 2010 2:48:21 PM
2D game engine SIMILAR to flash? I mainly use flashdevelop to create little demo-like experiments. You may also want to checkout for examples. The downside of using flash is of course the lack of proper hardware acceleration (for things like shaders and so on). Th... 
Posted August 7, 2010 9:48:09 AM
delaunay triangulation doubt The closest match for the intended word, my guess, would be 'clarification needed' in a more proper grammar form. 
Posted July 31, 2010 5:53:22 AM
Is my CV good enough I am in no way offended by the replies, in the contrary, I appreciate the time taken to respond. I still haven't sent the CV link yet, and I know it is out of the standard. My experience has been a weird one as well: I've started as a Mechanic... 
Posted July 24, 2010 6:17:04 PM
Is my CV good enough Link fixed now, thanks for the catch. I will reconsider the arrangement of items, but as it was targeted at some employer, I catered it for their research interests. Perhaps I should be making more versions. After a second look, I think I better... 
Posted July 18, 2010 6:22:50 AM
A bunch of beginner questions Can anyone help with why this post got unnoticed? 
Posted July 4, 2010 3:24:28 AM
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