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Full Name Sijmen Mulder
Nickname Sijmen 
State/Province, Country Noord-Holland   Netherlands
GD Gathering City Purmerend, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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Member Since 11/21/2003 7:38:05 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
On software, sharing, and money In business to business situations, one business pais another business to make software. Software is written to specs, delivered, and paid for, done. The payment for the effort and time of the programmer is very direct. Now as for b2c apps li... 
Posted October 7, 2008 8:09:14 AM
[SDL] Anti-aliasing? When, with SDL, blit images on a background, the edges are sometimes somewhat ragged. Especially text sometimes gets ugly. So, I wondered if there is any way to do anti-aliasing with SDL. I thought of these things: 1. Use anti-aliasing from... 
Posted July 10, 2004 6:43:17 AM
When a programmer starts drawing After majoring in game technology, I decided to take the game design minor at school (I'm doing a CS-like course). Last friday my jaw dropped to the second floor when I heard we actually had to draw. And not just something, but an actual human model.... 
Posted February 4, 2008 6:49:35 PM
Difficulty choosing a language Long story short, I'm looking for a language (or a combination of languages) to make a new game. Options I've considered: Objective-C with Cocoa. Call me a Mac zealot but I love it, especially with the Ruby and Python bridges, one of whic... 
Posted January 20, 2008 1:08:42 PM
No! Too late! (new business name) I was about to register the domain name for my to-be company, which was free a few days ago, only to find out that it has since been registered. This really sucks as I liked the name very much. Now I have to go back to the drawing board to find... 
Posted December 28, 2007 7:52:38 PM
NDA, international, plain English Hi, I want to make an NDA between me and a tester of my software. I'm living in the Netherlands, he lives in the USA. Which law is this governed by? Whatever I wish? English is the language we both understand. Even if the agreement is under Dutc... 
Posted November 14, 2007 4:10:59 AM
(Real-life) context switches I find it very hard to make context switches IRL. Sometimes I'm doing something, like reading a comic or so, and then I know I have to do something, and I -want- to do it, but I just can't. Like some form of laziness. I also have it when playing RTS... 
Posted November 25, 2007 6:21:36 PM
Build system For a game me and others are making, the release build process is quite cumbersome: 1. The project is built in Windows using Visual C++. Setup is made with Nullsoft ISS. 2. The project is built in Linux using make (in addition, autopackage might... 
Posted November 8, 2007 6:33:21 PM
A short story about.. something Hi, I got the impulse to write a short story earlier today, so I went ahead and wrote one. I had this scene in my head and wanted to describe it. Originally, the story was written in Dutch, but then I translated it to English in the hope s... 
Posted November 5, 2007 6:43:48 PM
WPF looks great... ... but I'm never gonna shell out $ 499 for Expression Blend. I'm currently making a Mac app for Tiger using Cocoa and Objective-C, but for version 2 I really want a Windows version. So I went back to .NET to check the current state of affairs, an... 
Posted October 19, 2007 8:20:28 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[sdl] What is Pitch? As previously mentioned, sometimes it's more efficient to the system to pad every scanline (row of pixels) with a few bytes before starting a new line. So when trying to locate a pixel in memory, you should use y * pitch + x. 
Posted December 16, 2008 3:38:03 PM
Trailer making - What do you use? (I'm on Mac) I'm recording to AAC which has great quality and is easily decoded which makes editing tasks much quicker. Then I load the AAC file in Final Cut Express where I edit it. I usually export to 640x480 H264 and with 48KHz sound. I've... 
Posted October 16, 2008 6:40:33 AM
On software, sharing, and money There are some really interesting ideas here. Still it seems there's not one well-established way to have large-scale, expensive software projects without charging for copies, apart from open source software which is a wholly different beast. ... 
Posted October 12, 2008 12:28:38 PM
[New Game] Notepad Wars Wow that's pretty cool. I really like it. 
Posted October 7, 2008 8:18:13 AM
The Daily This column (the series) dragged me back to 
Posted July 26, 2008 5:26:02 AM
If you move to America, you better learn English. Grekster, I'm pretty sure British English will be more than enough to get you through the checkout at a supermarket ;) 
Posted July 8, 2008 5:21:50 AM
too old? I'm the Xst person to tell you, but you're not too old at all. Here's an anecdote: I've just graduated from a technical/programming course, and studying with me was this (at the time) 28 old guy who used to be a craftsman. From what I've seen, he... 
Posted July 7, 2008 5:40:35 PM
PC remains Europe's favorite gaming platform Tried to translate the original article as well as I can (no new information, just much of the original wording): PC to stay the most popular gaming platform. AMSTERDAM – The PC is still the most popular gaming platform. However, console game... 
Posted July 2, 2008 9:01:24 PM
Simple C# Question Involving Game Loops What you could do is setting up a timer ever 1/30th of a second or so and call Invalidate() on your form in the timer callback, which will cause the window to repaint. By the way, the bitmap is now read from disk every time your window is red... 
Posted June 21, 2008 6:27:54 AM
The Daily Quote:Original post by mmelo C'mon guys, don't you all be so malicious. I'm sure there's a pretty good explanation for the whole Majestic Studios thing. I mean, look at that "Limbo of the Lost" vs "Unreal Tournament 2004" - there's no snow on t... 
Posted June 13, 2008 9:00:36 PM
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