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Get to know ManTis...  
Full Name Maciej Kozlowski
Nickname ManTis 
State/Province, Country Warszawa   Poland
GD Gathering City Warszawa, Warszawa, Poland
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Member Since 8/27/2004 1:49:26 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Work in games industry thread (with a twist) How many of you out there got OUT of the games industry? We all got here lured by the promise of working on something we love and care about. After some time you see that it's not all awesome games making, it may be putting up with incredibl... 
Posted September 30, 2008 8:42:51 AM
Welcome! Welcome to forum dedicated to eating fondue while sipping Gato Negro and listening to Vaya Con Dios, in here you can talk about eating fondue while sipping Gato Negro and listening to Vaya Con Dios. If you feel like sharing your eating fondue whil... 
Posted November 7, 2007 9:35:42 AM
[4E6] Glass Trap (copypasta from my devblog with slight updates) Well, this year's 4E contest was announced. The elements game must consist of are: Accountants, Ponies, Crystals and Explosions. Sounds ridiculous enough? Well, let's get started on my gam... 
Posted October 1, 2007 11:13:34 AM
Semi official FAQ I can't put in a real FAQ, so this'll have to do. Many of you probably often asked yourself: I'm eating fondue while sipping Gato Negro and listening to Vaya Con Dios, but am I doing it right? What is custom while doing that, what is generally acc... 
Posted November 7, 2007 10:17:47 AM
Tiles/Raycasting Hi! I was trying to do a raycasting algorithm based on paper by John Amanatides (, but something went wrong and I get very strange results, such as ray going through totally different tiles tha... 
Posted October 31, 2006 1:53:04 AM
stl stack fun I'm creating an application that runs as a stack: exit->menu->game. every part of a stack is a separate function. since STL stack cannot use function pointers, i wrap it like that: struct StateStruct { typedef void (*StatePointe... 
Posted September 17, 2006 9:44:08 PM
OpenGL/SDL pbuffers Didn't know which board to put it in, sorry if this was supposed to be in the other one ;). Is there possibility to use OpenGL pbuffer without wiggle, but in SDL? Regards, M. 
Posted August 28, 2006 5:47:28 AM
I was wondering Who in your opinion is more accomplished game programmer? One who wrote millions lines of code and knows everything there is to opengl, creating of real time volumetric clouds and anything that put together makes actual game, but never took time... 
Posted August 1, 2006 12:55:45 PM
Ekaiyo Online If you don't want to read a boring and long story about my gfx developer life, skip to the part after line of hashes ;) Well, this is my first IOTD entry, and even though it's definitely not something that will stand out in a good way, I wanted to... 
Posted July 24, 2006 1:09:00 PM
impostors I looked at trees in Oblivion, circlestrafed them, and to my suprise, the leaves were groups of impostors. I want to create similar effect in my game, but quite frankly I don't know how to use textured quad for it to be always in defined place in 3d,... 
Posted July 4, 2006 10:39:37 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Daily Quote:HOLY CRAP IT'S JAGGED ALLIANCE 2. HOW GREAT IS THAT. IT'S AWESOMELY GREAT! Actually, I wonder if they'll give me more than patch 1.13 did. I mean, if not - what's the point? I play JA2/X-COM/LSN for gameplay, not graphics. 
Posted August 20, 2010 5:30:27 AM
The Daily In other news, Ludum Dare 18 starts this week, and theme voting just started. I was lucky enough to randomly check on their website, figured that maybe somebody else would like to take part in the awesome game making competition this weekend,... 
Posted August 16, 2010 11:52:02 AM
The Daily hmm, I paid 700 quid to go to GDC London couple years ago, and there I met people who offered me job in the game industry. I guess that's not that different from his approach ;) 
Posted July 9, 2010 5:36:32 AM
The Daily Unity for free, woooooooooooo! Also, I decided last week to not buy indie and wait till 2.6 is out. Now I want to slap myself (I'd get upgrade to Unity Pro for free) 
Posted October 29, 2009 6:52:21 AM
The Daily GameDev.Net Oh come on, not mentioning MILO? If that is not scripted, we have just made another (gigantic) step towards sci fi reality. 
Posted June 3, 2009 4:27:38 AM
Mobile Phone J2ME Software Renderer why did you white out the FPS on smooth shading? 
Posted May 19, 2009 6:05:25 AM
Design Round Table 0: No More Health I don't really like the current approach (regeneration) as it drastically slows down the pacing of the game. The idea behind it though is quite good: take away the old arcade system of lifes and turn it into something more analogue, realistic. The 'h... 
Posted April 7, 2009 1:01:14 PM
The Daily Quote:Original post by lmelior Quote:"I go to the bathroom and then I try to poop and I'll come up with a good idea."TMI Suda 51, TMI. Besides, the porcelain throne is for reading (I prefer the euphemism "I'm going to the library"). Or for playi... 
Posted March 26, 2009 12:51:33 PM
Creo Forma This is absolutely brill. Two thumbs up. Looking forward to playing it :) 
Posted January 21, 2009 8:42:54 AM
The Daily There's presidential election in the US now? 
Posted November 4, 2008 10:32:20 AM
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