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Full Name Dave 
Nickname RaveniX 
State/Province, Country West Yorkshire   United Kingdom
GD Gathering City Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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Member Since 11/2/2005 10:32:33 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Sky Rendering Have been playing with methods for rendering a day/night cycle in real-time. I have read alot of articles on Atomospheric Scattering and their implementations. However, many seem to be very calculation intensive and slow. Some of the faster meth... 
Posted March 18, 2009 10:24:45 PM
New Tactics RPG Project I am working on an upcoming untitled indie PC Tactics game inspired by classics such as Tactics Ogre, Bahamut Lagoon, FF Tactics and Fire Emblem. It will have a single and multiplayer mode and will be rendered in 3D using OpenGL. After a w... 
Posted September 25, 2008 5:47:24 PM
Real-time sky system... Attempt four at making a real-time sky system...Just looking for opinions/ideas. (e.g. How fake does it look?) I was also wondering if I should use more than 1 cloud layer and if so, procedural like the layer in the image? Or in the form of billboard... 
Posted November 2, 2005 11:01:02 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Help with debugging, problem with openGL text color, rendering to texture See previous post edits re: driver/card combos. Have you tried drawing text first? 
Posted May 14, 2010 2:49:03 AM
Help with debugging, problem with openGL text color, rendering to texture Probably no use to you now, but I had this issue with my GUI. In the end it turned out to be the order of the draw calls. The text was being drawn behind the semi-transparent GUI objects. When using alpha, you need to reverse the draw order. i.e. Dra... 
Posted May 14, 2010 2:40:00 AM
Sky Rendering Thanks for your comments... The text is a bitmap font generated at runtime using my own libs. It supports most Truetype fonts and can apply affects like Drop Shadow and Stroke. Also it generates data for correct spacing, character widths etc for n... 
Posted February 1, 2010 9:14:39 PM
Sky Rendering Thanks for the tips. I have now implemented auto exposure so as the sky brightens as the sun rises in the sky. This also creates like a glare effect around the sun. Also I have modified the implementation so that the scattering effect only co... 
Posted March 19, 2009 2:46:03 PM
New Tactics RPG Project It's the first milestone in the project and no less important than any other. So why not publish it? :) Sure it's not as spectacular as a later milestone, but the whole purpose is to show others that you are actively producing something. I pesonally... 
Posted September 26, 2008 1:02:36 PM
Finding terrain height Within the fuction... GetHeight() returns the height of the actual heightmap at that point. function GetHeight(X, Y: Integer): Single; begin if X > MAP_SIZE-1 then X := MAP_SIZE-1; if X < 0 then X := 0; if Y > MAP_SIZE-1 then Y... 
Posted January 12, 2006 1:06:16 AM
Finding terrain height For example... if you have x, y, z and y is your up axis... Object.Y := GetInterpolatedHeight(Object.X/CELL_SIZE, Object.Z/CELL_SIZE); or if Z is your up axis... Object.Z := GetInterpolatedHeight(Object.X/CELL_SIZE, Object.Y/CELL_SIZE); 
Posted January 11, 2006 10:46:52 PM
Finding terrain height This function assumes your terrain top left corner is 0,0 and the terrain space is in the positive x and y. Replace Y with Z depending on your coordinate system. X needs to be world position divided by cell width Y needs to be world posi... 
Posted January 11, 2006 10:09:09 PM
OpenAL oggVorbis streaming problems The code looks fine. The problem is that you are decoding and swapping in a loop which stops when the window is resized/dragged. And because it stopped you can't swap the buffers. So openal gets to the end of the buffer and stops playing as it sho... 
Posted January 11, 2006 7:20:54 PM
OpenAL oggVorbis streaming problems Yes, I had the same issue! When you move, minimise, maximize or resize the window the audio stream stops playing. I solved this easily by handling the Resize message of the window. When this message is fired i simply wait to check if the window is no... 
Posted January 10, 2006 5:09:30 PM
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