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Member Since 10/3/2003 12:10:53 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
My games current Progress Hey all, this is the game which I have been working on for the last 6 months. I am dedicated to the project and I have gone thrugh alot to create it :) I have just accomplished several milestones (namely full lua integration, and an engine op... 
Posted August 12, 2006 1:35:35 AM
"fadeing in" a mesh Hey All, Moving ever forward with my project, I am trying to add a 'transparancy' propertie to my model objects. I want to be able to pass in an alpha value, and have that mesh/model be partialy blended with the background by that given value. ... 
Posted September 13, 2006 6:02:34 PM
Really Simple Shadows Hey Folks, I know shadows get brought up alot, but I don't wanna do realistic shadows, or anything real fancy. I wan't to simply have a dark circle at the characters feat that deform acording to the geometry they are walking on. Take this... 
Posted August 31, 2006 11:28:00 PM
A simple geometry question Ok, I have a circle on a graph. Specificaly the screen :) When I click the mouse on the screen I want to know the relative angle of the line starting from the circles center to the click-point. Example: Circle is at 35,35 and I cli... 
Posted August 22, 2006 9:36:42 PM
Converting a 3D location to a 2D raster position Hey Guys, Maybe you can help me out on this one. My game is in 3D, all the little monsters and characters walk around the game map. I want damage numbers to be displayed over the characters when they hit each other. Sorta like in DW VIII... 
Posted July 23, 2006 10:00:11 AM
OpenGL - 2D large scrolling background I'm playing around with doing some pre-rendered backgrounds for my game project similar to what has been done in games like Final Fantasy VII or Baulders Gate. In these games, there is a large, pre-rendered, background image which the characters walk... 
Posted June 18, 2006 12:46:21 PM
Palette Swapping a texture Can you do a palette swap on a texture? You know how in a game like Warcraft III, each side gets the same units, but with different colors. How is that done? I doubt they have multiple versions of the same texture, that seems to wastefull to... 
Posted June 8, 2006 9:26:10 AM
An excelent and unique game concept I recently heard about this game on NPR: It's a game where you try and oust opresive regimes by organizing non-violent resistance movements :D I wanna play! Anyone else think this is a cool idea? 
Posted April 15, 2006 11:05:08 AM
Pathfinding using Lua Hey, I am implementing an A* style pathfinding algorithem for my game which uses a Lua scripting engine extensively for everything except core drawing routines. I was thinking about implementing pathfinding in C/C++ for speed, but then it occ... 
Posted April 11, 2006 1:43:36 PM
Iterating thrugh STL map If I have a STL map of objects, how do I set up an itterator to go thrugh them? I tried doing it the same way as I do a vector or list, but it doesn't seem to work the same. Can someone show me a simple code snipit of an iterator going thrugh an S... 
Posted April 8, 2006 11:28:32 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
My games current Progress Quote:Original post by Kram looks very cool... Do you have any videos of it in action? I would love to see how it looks in action, especially the enemies and the heroes etc... Nope, none yet. I am thinking about starting a YouTube channel to d... 
Posted May 1, 2008 6:38:50 AM
My games current Progress Quote:Original post by d h k Extremely nice work! :) In fact, one of your "bad-guy" designs was so nice that I started rebuilding it in Cinema 4D. Now, I've thought about posting here, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I don't want t... 
Posted March 5, 2008 2:25:05 PM
My games current Progress Quote:Original post by DarkHorizon Hi Psyjax, Your game really looks great, congratulations to you for progressing so far in its development! Certainly not a small feat for a sole developer. I checked out your website, and I came across the na... 
Posted March 5, 2008 2:07:11 PM
My games current Progress Quote:Original post by swiftcoder That looks really good! Any info on the issues you have run into keeping all 3 platforms working well? Quote:Original post by Sindwiller For the Blender-discussion here: Ive tried Blender several times and... 
Posted March 5, 2008 9:54:44 AM
Dev c++ and OpenGL Quote:Original post by mako_5 Back when I used it (a couple of years ago), yes. Look on nehe and in the tutorials they have downloadable source specifically for DevC++. Keep in mind that there are options, libs, and stuff you need to include... 
Posted September 27, 2006 8:50:43 AM
"fadeing in" a mesh Grr... Still haveing trouble with this. Let me be more specific. I have a fully textured 3D object. Compleate with lighting. I can load semi-transparent RGBA pngs, and they map correctly. However, how can I fade in/out the fully textured 3D... 
Posted September 13, 2006 8:12:21 PM
Really Simple Shadows Texture projection looks like it just may be the key, If anyone else wants to chime in with any tutorials, samples, or other suggestions of perhapse simpler techniques, please do. I am a one man show, and I really wanna finish this damn game... 
Posted August 31, 2006 11:59:36 PM
Really Simple Shadows Quote:Original post by paulshady The game looks pretty sweet man......I like the look of it. I was trying to do this a while ago, I'm pretty sure you use some type of texture-projection or maybe it's called "decalling" - maybe that isnt much help... 
Posted August 31, 2006 11:45:04 PM
A simple geometry question Ok, I craked it :) Here it is for posterity in lua code: RADTODEG = 180 / math.pi; function AngleOfPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2) result = 0 x2 = x2 - x1 y2 = y2 - y1 if x2 == 0 and y2 < 0 then result = 270 elseif x2 == 0 an... 
Posted August 22, 2006 10:44:33 PM
A simple geometry question Quote:Original post by SiCrane That's not a well formed question. You can get a line from the center to the point of click, but you need to have some other line to get an angle with. For example, an angle with a line going from the center of the cir... 
Posted August 22, 2006 9:51:18 PM
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