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Member Since 3/22/2007 4:08:55 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
C++ map editor tutorial, it dosent use tiles but pieced images like in Aquaria game We are going to learn how to create an in game map editor that dosen’t use tiles, but directly backdrop images that you can translate, tint, rotate, scale, etc, in different parallax layers and camera zooming. You can have several tilesets and you ca... 
Posted January 9, 2009 10:45:39 PM
IndieLib is now Open Source IndieLib is now Open Source under the LGPL license. You can download the complete sourcecode, and I'm looking for developers in order to create and IndieLib development team. You are REALLY welcome! 
Posted September 24, 2008 7:13:34 AM
Tutorial: Tetris in c++ from scratch Tetris tutorial in c++ render independent in one hour After spending lot of hours this weekend I've just finished the Tutorial of how to create a clone of Tetris using c++. We are going to learn how to create a stunning and great Tetris cl... 
Posted December 14, 2008 8:42:18 PM
IndieLib - Rapid Game Development IndieLib is a robust 2d engine that I think can be useful for the gamming community, specially for the indie game developers. The main purpose of IndieLib is to make the things easier for the game developer, specially for those of you that love tr... 
Posted August 8, 2008 7:29:59 PM
IndieLib 2d Engine - Fast Game Development Hello! I’m really excited to announce the first release of IndieLib game engine. It has been a lot of hard work for several years in which I have been working in this project. What started like a hobby has become in a quite robust 2d engine th... 
Posted April 9, 2008 4:53:45 AM
Tutorial: 2d Terrain generator for worms style game Hello! I have just finished a tutorial about how to implement 2d randomly generated terrain similar to the ones of Worms games. The source code is in java, but It can be easly moved to other programming languages. You can read it here: ... 
Posted March 23, 2007 12:15:41 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
C++ map editor tutorial, it dosent use tiles but pieced images like in Aquaria game Quote:Original post by Lovens Quote:Original post by Lovens Oh ok ok my tools programmer told me he was going to look at the tutorial today. I'll ask him to correct english mistakes. No problem mate! * bump * Oh just looked at the tutori... 
Posted January 13, 2009 2:49:37 PM
C++ map editor tutorial, it dosent use tiles but pieced images like in Aquaria game I'm happy it was useful for some of you :) Please, if you don't mind, could you help me in order to fix English mistakes? It would be enough if you can report here errors you see in the tutoria. I'm not very good at English (I'm Spanish). Thank... 
Posted January 13, 2009 6:17:04 AM
C++ map editor tutorial, it dosent use tiles but pieced images like in Aquaria game Quote:Original post by PCN It's a really cool idea and I like it. But maybe you could add a feature to lock-down certain tiles to a user-defined grid? That way things like world tiles could be in perfect spacing, but other things like characters or... 
Posted January 10, 2009 3:00:55 PM
IndieLib is now Open Source IndieLib 1.03 released. DeadlyDan, I didn't see your answer. Sorry for the LONG delay. You can join the team just posting on IndieLib forums: Here, for example. 
Posted January 4, 2009 6:50:55 PM
Worms - Terrain normals This is a little bit offtopic but maybe it could be useful for you: 2d Worms Terrain Generator Tutorial 
Posted December 25, 2008 12:48:51 PM
Simple circle/AA box collision? [edit]Sorry is c++[/edit] Hi, On IndieLib engine I implemented collision system that let's you create collision areas (triangles, rectangles or circles) and add them to your sprites grouped by names. And you can rotate / scale your sprites or... 
Posted December 25, 2008 10:43:01 AM
Tutorial: Tetris in c++ from scratch Thank you rip-off, I've uploaded a new version with "ifdefs". Now it's not necessary to change anything in order to compile it under Linux. You just have to run make ;) The same for the windows version, unless for vc 2008 express. But it should wo... 
Posted December 24, 2008 5:29:33 PM
Tutorial: Tetris in c++ from scratch Great! :) Linux users will be happy. Can you please make a gzip version ready so I can upload it? Please modify the header files crediting you and give me the link to your webpage so I can write a post and link to you. Did you changed something... 
Posted December 16, 2008 2:41:47 AM
Tutorial: Tetris in c++ from scratch Quote:Zip is no problem, at least not if you use the default deflate compression. It supports other compression algorithms that may give the Linux implementation of zip trouble, I'm not sure. I've never had a problem though, and I can verify that it... 
Posted December 15, 2008 7:44:24 PM
Tutorial: Tetris in c++ from scratch Quote:the proprietary RAR archive format is not friendly to Unix either. Now I'm using zip format, but I can't remember if it is possible to open a zip file under linux easily. I remember the .gz / .gzip extensions under linux, but I don't know if... 
Posted December 15, 2008 5:54:02 PM
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