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Member Since 5/11/2004 8:18:14 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Gostek Viewer Gostek Viewer is a small Soldat app that lets you edit and preview your player settings. It also displays animations which is useful for people who are modding the gostek or animation files. It's unfinished but I'm not actively working on it any... 
Posted November 29, 2006 11:35:41 AM
looking for feedback on my game idea I've been working on this idea for a few months and wanted to get some feedback on it :) It's a 2D side-scrolling online multiplayer game. At its simplest it allows players to play against each other in deathmatch-style matches, o... 
Posted July 26, 2006 10:30:07 PM
Soldat PolyWorks A map editor for Soldat, written in VB6. I made it because the original Soldat map maker was hard to use and lacking in features. ctf_Oracle and Nightlights1.1 are maps that I made using PolyWorks, Cambodia is a default Soldat map. 
Posted June 12, 2006 4:05:11 PM
looking for feedback I put this together relatively quickly and I'd like some ideas on how I could improve it. I have two rough textures using basically the same set of polygons: wireframe: There are limitations with it but I chose this method beca... 
Posted May 12, 2006 11:34:54 PM
fresnel lens for pc gaming Building a collimated display for pc games and flight simulators using a common fresnel lens I was wondering if anyone here has tried this, and how effective it is. It's supposed to give the image on the screen more depth and make the experie... 
Posted May 31, 2006 4:49:56 PM
mmm caek :9 My first caek :D Also it is my birthday, I'm 20 \o/ 
Posted February 24, 2006 11:27:00 AM
Soldat PolyWorks update - now with waypoints PolyWorks is a map editor for Soldat. If you don't have Soldat you can get it here. Soldat 1.3.1 was released on the 9th. Download Soldat PolyWorks Check the readme and help file for more info. Also the Soldat forums thread.... 
Posted December 24, 2005 12:55:38 PM
Soldat PolyWorks Thought it would be nice to get some feedback from the gamedev community on this work in progress :> PolyWorks is a map editor for Soldat. If you don't have Soldat you can get it here. I'm pretty sure you need Soldat to run PolyWorks. ... 
Posted September 6, 2005 5:27:36 PM
Hero Machine Hero Machine I made this (one of my rpg characters): my brother made this one: Now I wanna see what you guys come up with [grin] 
Posted March 1, 2005 5:48:50 PM
loading from binary files I am trying to load from binary files that were created in Delphi. I'm using VB 6. This is what the first two things in the file look like in Delphi: TMapFile_Header = packed record Version : integer; end; TMapFile_Options = packed re... 
Posted December 14, 2004 9:03:14 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Show and Tell: Your latest work/projects... [image heavy] Here is some of the stuff I've been working on for school. This was my first time texturing a 3D model (I didn't model her). I used Photoshop and Maya: I made these two animations within the past three weeks, in Maya: musica... 
Posted February 3, 2008 8:06:49 PM
RPG human gender differences Quote:Original post by JasRonq I'm designing an RPG and am trying to figure out a way to balance differences in stats and other aspects between genders. For instance, males are stronger, so what should females realistically get more of in balance? I... 
Posted October 6, 2007 1:29:47 PM
Your first time(calling all screen shots) My first game, made with QBasic when I was 15: I recently posted about my old programming stuff here. 
Posted August 19, 2007 11:40:28 AM
Contact lenses? I've been wearing contacts daily for almost 8 years. I switched to O2 Optix less than a year ago. I've always worn my contacts for a month or longer before replacing them wtih a fresh pair and I've never had an infection or any other problem. I'm pre... 
Posted July 30, 2007 9:02:22 PM
Daler Menhdi vs Prabhu Deva Sundaram Reminds me of this: World Of Warcraft: Dancing 
Posted July 28, 2007 10:28:22 PM
Post VS2K5 Schemes  
Posted July 25, 2007 4:35:36 PM
Can we stop depicting women like sluts now? I think the problem is not that the women are acting sexy or slutty in those videos; it's that they're often there to dance provocatively around the male rapper in order to make him appear more manly, and promote the "harem" image. There's also the m... 
Posted May 12, 2007 8:20:33 PM
Component Based Game Architectures (examples?)(more info?) These links might be helpful: A Data-Driven Game Object System (slides) Introduction to Dungeon Siege Architecture Building Object Systems - Features, Tradeoffs, and Pitfalls (.ppt) Refactoring Game Entities with Components Searchi... 
Posted April 23, 2007 12:56:07 PM
Current Projects? Third rewrite of the character/animation editor for my 2D side scroller: the game isn't far enough along for interesting in-game screenies. 
Posted April 10, 2007 7:23:01 PM
Your recent art work.... Some drawings I made for my college application portfolio:  
Posted April 8, 2007 8:37:39 PM
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