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Member Since 11/8/2005 2:31:37 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Canyon Terrain Editor Canyon Terrain Editor is a project I have been working on for the past several months, on and off. It is designed to allow users to create terrain very quickly and intuitively, which makes it perfect for game development. It exports to... 
Posted September 19, 2010 12:20:58 AM
Canyon Terrain Editor Beta 1 Canyon Terrain Editor (working title) is a tool designed to allow users to create quality, realistic terrain quickly and intuitively. It is focused toward game development, but it could easily be utilized for other applications. Features include a wi... 
Posted April 28, 2010 3:30:33 PM
NeHe tutorial licenses The code in the tutorials from the NeHe website are free to use for anything, right? I just want to double check that there aren't any restrictions or licenses on them. Thanks. 
Posted April 2, 2009 12:00:41 PM
Video Screen Capture Can someone tell me how to video screen capture in Linux? I'm running FC3 (old I know). Thanks 
Posted January 31, 2008 7:40:06 PM
Non-Blocking IO in Windows I've gotten Non-Blocking IO to work perfectly in Linux, using select(), but apparently this approach is invalid in Windows. How does one check if the user has entered something into the input in Windows? Something along the lines of: if (Ch... 
Posted January 22, 2008 11:07:32 PM
Fire Simulation After seeing one of Humus' demos, I decided to take a shot at a fire simulation, though I used a different method than what Humus used for his. I made a fire texture (though I'm no texture artist) and applied a procedurally generated distortion... 
Posted April 15, 2007 2:48:14 AM
Font Policy What is the policy on the availability of the font.bmp that is supplied with the source download for Lesson 17 of the NeHe tutorials? I'd like to use it in a small (possibly commercial) project I'm working on. Thanks! 
Posted November 8, 2005 2:37:17 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Canyon Terrain Editor Beta 1 The second beta of Canyon Terrain Editor is now available. There's a fair chunk of new stuff in this version, including some slight improvements to the user interface, basic random terrain generation, some important bugfixes, and more. Full blog p... 
Posted July 25, 2010 9:22:49 PM
Canyon Terrain Editor Beta 1 Quote:Original post by Boruki I saw this on my phone while I was out and I can't believe noone has commented on it at all. I had a quick play around with it and I have two gripes: 1) The start position and how clunky it is to get to a... 
Posted June 9, 2010 2:01:24 PM
Imagine Earth That looks very polished, nice job. 
Posted August 2, 2008 1:22:25 PM
OpenGL outdated? OpenGL is not outdated. OpenGL is cross-platform, can do whatever Direct3D can do, and is (at least, in my opinion) easier to use. As kRogue pointed out, DX10 is going to have some problems anyway, because it's restricted to Vista, which is not pop... 
Posted June 12, 2008 1:45:22 PM
Real time rendering of planets The first shot in particular looks really good. Nice work. 
Posted June 12, 2008 12:03:01 PM
Isometric shadow mapping That's looking pretty cool. Will be cool to see it in action. 
Posted April 27, 2008 3:27:29 PM
pointers, what do they do for me? Pointers hold the memory address of another variable. You didn't set y to point to anything. To make some use of the pointer, you could do something along the lines of: y = &x; // set y to point to x cout << *y << endl; // print what... 
Posted April 24, 2008 10:43:57 PM
Non-Blocking IO in Windows In case anyone is interested in what I was doing with this, check out TAWS Volume 4 on my game development blog, here: 
Posted January 25, 2008 8:35:25 PM
Non-Blocking IO in Windows Quote:Original post by bpoint kbhit() does not wait at all. It simply returns a bool which states whether there is data in the console's input buffer or not. You can then use getch() in order to pull the character(s) out of the buffer. I phrased... 
Posted January 24, 2008 10:52:14 AM
Non-Blocking IO in Windows Yes, this is all in console. Does kbhit() wait until there is something on the input (that is, after the user has hit enter), or just until a key is pressed? 
Posted January 23, 2008 10:20:47 PM
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