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Member Since 9/19/2004 10:35:43 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Real time genetic alg. for procedural animation. So i was reading about euphoria ( and how it works using neural networks trained with genetic algorithms. And how it needs time to be trained and learn to react and do all the cool stuff the video... 
Posted July 8, 2008 8:55:08 PM
where are those green twins? (character design) I know this a long shot but... I saw an artist portfolio not too long ago (about a moth), in the character design section there were a couple of brother/twins, green skin, kinda cartoon, nice artwork. I remember saying to myself that i really lik... 
Posted February 22, 2008 5:08:20 PM
So... no one estimates? [Was: COCOMO for games?] Hi, Recently i've been studying metrics and estimating methods for software projects. You know: Function Points, Web Object Points, COCOMO, KLOC, Cyclomatic complexity, etc... practically everything that helps you messure the size of you project and... 
Posted October 26, 2007 6:16:58 PM
Not rendering an object, but hiding everything it blocks. I'm a little lost about the way i should approach what im after. Here's the main idea. I have an object (a wall) that i don't want to render in the scene, but i also don't want to render the stuff that this object is hiding... here's a drawi... 
Posted July 2, 2007 12:51:43 PM
Cellphone contest entry This is our entry for a local cellphone contest, which ended last monday. The game is about a local soccer player in his effort to drink beer and avoid fans and the paparazzi, all this the night before a (worldcup's calification) match. You sho... 
Posted August 3, 2006 2:50:27 PM
J2ME: Sprite, Layer VS hand-made classes... Hi all, i want to know if there is a speed advantage in using J2ME classes like Sprite. Does it have some kind of "low level" access to images and buffers that i cannot achieve by making my own sprite class? In others words, are those clases (Sp... 
Posted January 27, 2007 11:49:37 AM
Webcam emulating cellphone camera... Hi all, i have to build a j2me application that works with the image captured by the camera integrated in the cellphone. since i don't own a cellphone, i just want to use this app in Sun's WTK 2.2 Emulator, and i was wondering if i could use a webc... 
Posted September 28, 2006 3:05:39 PM
avoid OO in cellphones? Me and some friends are working on an entrie for a cellphone game contest... everythign was working fine except the code was very messy. I decided to modify the code to make it more OO. So i made a character class, a scenario class, etc. Whe... 
Posted July 24, 2006 6:31:34 PM
[P2P] is this feasible? (using a public IP peer to redirect messages) ok, so im currently working on a P2P application, and NATs are getting on my way. I don't feel like using "punch through" because (please correct me if im wrong): * messages between two peers are no more than 2 or 3 (hi, hi, how are yo... 
Posted March 14, 2006 10:46:45 AM
Basic questions: Double Buffering, and Frames per Second Ok, so finally i'm working on my second game, and i decided to consider some things that i just ran over in my first game (asteroids clone). First: Frames per second? Ive seen a lot of people talking about 'how many fps their game gets'...... 
Posted May 1, 2005 4:46:15 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Anyone seen Inception yet? Quote:Original post by mikeman (...) The suicide scene,as Cobb remembers it, contributes to this interpretation, as she jumps from the window of the opposite building(...) Actually, i think it was the same room, with two windows facing each other... 
Posted August 26, 2010 6:52:14 PM
Real time genetic alg. for procedural animation. Thank Steadtler for your quick reply! As for [1], you say it has been done... Any chance you happen to have a link to a [site|game|article|experiment] that might have tried it? As for how the final animation looks, i guess i kinda saw that co... 
Posted July 8, 2008 9:59:53 PM
[XNA] Getting the height of the terrain Quote:Original post by Mavix_2008 That's not exactly what I need. I don't really want to use a heightmap. Do you perhaps know of a program that can convert a 3D model to a heightmap? This tutorial might help you do that: http://en.wikibooks.... 
Posted March 9, 2008 10:10:18 AM
Have you ever purchased a game for more than $60 plus tax? Over here the standard price of a new generation game is 80-85 US$. You can get used ones for about 50-60US$. Older games (ps2 and gc) are in the range of: new 25-50, used 15-25. 
Posted February 21, 2008 1:59:58 PM
Need to use the data in this array from another function, in C You could change your function so it gets an array to fill.... like this. (i removed the temp parameter since you don't seem to be using it). /*****************************/ int FILL_PAY_RATES (double paytype[10]){ /************************... 
Posted December 1, 2007 4:42:34 PM
So... no one estimates? [Was: COCOMO for games?] Thanks guys, every opinion was very helpful. I understand that metrics are not very accepted in the software industry, and i haven't had any experience with them to backup or refute that they work. But i think it could be possible to come up with... 
Posted November 21, 2007 7:10:19 PM
Got some strange facts about how your part of the world works? Chile: 1] Every Sunday, from 6am to 2pm the main avenue of the capital (Santiago) is closed so people can walk, jog, bike, skate.. Some activities are organized by the cityhall, other is just people who go there a do whatever they want. I've seen... 
Posted November 4, 2007 11:30:26 AM
So... no one estimates? [Was: COCOMO for games?] *bump* So... Someone has a method for estimating the size of their projects? 
Posted November 2, 2007 2:57:55 PM
Setting Up OpenGL I recently compiled openGL + GLUT in Code::Blocks, i don't know if it will work out with Dev-cpp but what i did was: Add this line to the linker. -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lglut32 But even with that i got the same "redeclaration of C++ built-in type... 
Posted October 13, 2007 1:08:10 PM
Labor Day Weekend GameDev Contest - Winners Announced! Quote:Original post by eedok desdemian - (...) I just couldn't get how to play the game properly, was difficult to do some operations and I couldn't figure out how I did some things like climb up the line once stuck to the wall (...) you h... 
Posted September 3, 2007 2:39:00 PM
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