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Member Since 6/30/2005 12:42:47 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Per-Pixel Lighting and MD2 model demo This is a per-pixel lighting OpenGL Shading Language shader that I coded up after realizing that regular lights wouldn't work on my 2-poly floor. The effect turned out very nice, and it supports texturing and whatnot, at a decent framerate &... 
Posted June 18, 2006 12:53:27 AM
Help with RMI So, I have a small RMI demo app which has a few classes, Server, Client and NetworkInterface (which is the interface that the Server publishes to the RMI registry) Server starts up, sets up RMI, just sits idly in a thread, which is exactly what I... 
Posted April 27, 2007 12:52:08 PM
Help picking a system to develop on This sounds a tad weird, I know... I'm looking to learn more about low level stuff, maybe try my hand at writing a graphics library, write a bit of assembly, etc. I'm looking for a machine to develop for, one where I have full access to the h... 
Posted January 4, 2007 12:14:29 AM
Neural network uses So, I wrote a 3 layer feed-forward neural network (Pretty much identical with what's in AI For Game Developers, with much cleaner code) and I'm trying to think of a good use for it, like a "game" that it can play and you can see it learn. Right no... 
Posted November 6, 2006 12:19:12 PM
What's this thing on my ceiling? Picture: This is on the ceiling in my bathroom, in a small apartment. On the bottom it says "DO NOT PAINT", like the two smoke detectors and the CO detector in the other two rooms.... 
Posted November 1, 2006 10:05:01 PM
Visual Studio 2005 versus 2003.NET What's the difference? I need to be able to do a C# .NET project that hooks in with some VB.NET code that other people wrote. I know 2003.NET can do this, but can 2005? I have both ($5 each, I <3 student discounts) I've been using 2003.NET... 
Posted October 2, 2006 3:49:41 PM
Anyone use XCode? I've got a problem It helps if you've used the older versions of XCode. I'm trying to get it to compile my SDL + OpenGL applications, but it's being annoying. Remember in the pre-2.0 (I think... maybe pre 2.2) versions of XCode there was a window that came up when y... 
Posted September 18, 2006 5:14:00 PM
using glReadPixels() on a texture I've got an interesting little problem here... I'm making an isometric tile map in GL, which is working quite well, but I need to be able to figure out which tile a point lies on. The way I chose to do this was via a "mouse map" picture, with... 
Posted July 1, 2006 7:39:57 PM
Quick GLSL uniform variable question I'm working on my per-pixel lighting shader, and I'm trying to get it to support more than one light Normally it always used gl_LightSource[0] for all the calculations. This worked fine, and hardly reduced the framerate (about 60 FPS ... 
Posted April 22, 2006 9:37:40 PM
Weird specular lighting on floor I'm having a bit of trouble getting my floor to light up at all. Here's a screen: The light is built using the code: float light_position[4] = {0.0f, 1.1f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; float ligh... 
Posted April 22, 2006 4:00:57 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Help with RMI I found a tutorial on the net that might answer my question, so I'm gonna play with that for the night.  
Posted April 27, 2007 6:56:27 PM
Help with RMI I don't see what could be going wrong for you, but I exported the Eclipse project as a jar here and put it in the same directory as those .java files. Also, I don't want to just post the code here, it's too long. 
Posted April 27, 2007 4:59:44 PM
Help with RMI It's a problem with the classpath, I think. Don't run it from the directory with the .class files, go up a directory and do java rmidemo/Server Don't forget to run "rmiregistry 1119" in another console before you start the server 
Posted April 27, 2007 3:30:41 PM
Help with RMI It's a bit clunky to open up 5 rafb/paste windows, so here, I uploaded all the .java files: Client and Server are obvious (they both have main methods, when I run this I open up three consoles, on... 
Posted April 27, 2007 2:00:29 PM
Why use low rez textures in distance? Is it unnecessary to use the low resolution texture if you generate mipmaps for your normal textures?  
Posted April 17, 2007 2:01:59 PM
code signing - do I need to do it? I wouldn't be surprised. At the very least it would repeatedly ask you if you're sure until you punch the computer. 
Posted April 3, 2007 3:42:51 PM
help to make my program run faster Not only are you loading 28 megabytes from your hard drive, which would take a few seconds at least, but you're asking the computer to allocate 28 megabytes of memory to you, and I imagine do some kind of processing on the data (put it in s... 
Posted April 3, 2007 2:45:40 PM
please help me!!!All The steps to make a game Making games is actually very simple. I'll outline the steps: 1. Post a topic asking about how to make an MMORPG 2. Use Visual C++ 2005. On the top left of the interface there's a "Game" wizard. It will ask you what kind of game you want to m... 
Posted March 5, 2007 12:49:59 PM
What are most popular games coded in? Actually, this is not well known, but C++ supports up to 32 colors in G++ if you use the -fextra_colors flag. They're apparently planning to add support for up to 256 with the next release! Also, professional MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft are... 
Posted February 24, 2007 6:31:57 PM
glLightfv: cant move my light!!! I think I found your problem. (Or, at least, a problem) After putting an obscene amount of GL debugging in your program, I have found that OpenGL is generating a GL_INVALID_ENUM in main() on the line glutCreateWindow("Test Window"); the... 
Posted January 22, 2007 7:04:09 PM
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