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Member Since 4/6/2002 4:41:18 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Distort/Shimmer Effect Respecting Depth I was wondering if anyone knows of a distort/shimmer effect, or anything post process effect that respects depth? So for example, when you have a heat shimmer, it'll only distort the samples behind it, and not sample from objects that are dra... 
Posted August 11, 2009 5:27:37 AM
Best way to pay people internationally ? I am currently working on a game programming contract and my boss lives in Europe. And we were trying to find a way to pay me, so we tried, PayPal, but when he tried to pay me paypal says that I need to upgrade to a premium account? And that it... 
Posted August 20, 2008 8:11:59 PM
[DX10] Append to Steam Out I am having trouble appending to the steam out buffer UINT offest = -1; Device->SOSetTargets(1,&AppendBuffer,offset); The buffer only has info from the last draw call, then seems to get overwritten each time. Any info is appreciated... 
Posted December 17, 2007 7:58:18 PM
ASP Local Storage So I want to keep some data in local storage in a ASP page, but my web host does not support databases. Is there any way to make a file and read and write data from it on the server side? 
Posted October 1, 2007 12:29:56 AM
Spherical Harmonics Shadows This was my senior project. Basically I picked 3 spherical harmonic based lighting methods and used them to light a scene. Before I started this 3 months ago I knew nothing of harmonics so it was pretty though for me. Here is the papper if an... 
Posted May 11, 2007 9:42:19 AM
Canadian Marrying American So I married my self one of your American girls, feisty ones they are. We got married in Dec in Maryland. The problem is now that we are both done school we are now moving to Toronto. Ive been trudging through the immigration sites but I... 
Posted May 17, 2007 8:53:49 AM
Green Programer? Okay, I have to put this in the beginner section cause I probaly should know this. On cragslist job postings, i see at the end GREEN PROGRAMMERS NEED NOT APPLY in caps? what's a green programmer? racism? ha i laugh  
Posted May 3, 2007 1:56:30 AM
Sending Integers to a Pixel Shader Okay, so I want to send ints to a pixel shader form a vertex shader(not as a uniform constant) So, Ill just send them as floats right? But, TEXCOORD's get interpolated and that invalidates the ints when it does that? Is there a solution to this... 
Posted April 28, 2007 2:36:48 PM
Good Dance Music for Chicks that's not Rap Yeah, so my wife has been listening to a lot of club-rap lately since she likes dancing so much, but I can't stand it! She doesn't like it ether, but she says it's the only good dance music out now. So is there a dance genre that I don't know... 
Posted April 13, 2007 7:08:28 AM
Volume Intersection Sphere to Sphere I am trying to find the volume of the intersection of a sphere and a sphere. I found a equation from Mathworld but it seems to give me negitive volumes. here's what I coded for it: float v = PI*sq(r1+r2-d)*(sq(d)+(2.0f*d*r2)-(3.0f*sq(r2))+(2... 
Posted April 10, 2007 5:55:33 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
What's your opinion of the 3DS Quote:Original post by Rattrap I'm curious to see if I can see a 3DS in 3D. I've had eye alignment issues since I can remember, which basically results in my right eye being dominant. Thus I don't really see in 3D (or have depth perception). Any... 
Posted June 16, 2010 6:00:10 PM
Z-buffer check: when is it done? Quote:Original post by Nik02 In D3D11, you can enable depth writes on less-than or greater-than basis compared to the incoming calculated depth. This way, you don't necessarily disable early z optimizations if you can ensure your output depth i... 
Posted March 24, 2010 11:29:53 AM
Z-buffer check: when is it done? I believe the the video card has a another depth buffer(Hierarchical Z Buffer) that it uses to test at this early state. It wont be able to do this if your pixel shader outputs depth, or other things like alpha test or change depth test direction. An... 
Posted March 24, 2010 10:36:19 AM
Skybox, texture resizing, it spoils the edges Quote:Original post by prux Quote:Original post by MetaKnight Oh that's really interesting, have you tried setting those textures to clamping mode? I am guessing the any filtering is picking up white on the other end of the texture thi... 
Posted March 17, 2010 2:26:00 PM
Clouds When I did it, I used Those papers/slides should talk about all the cool stuff, lighting, scattering and impostors. 
Posted March 17, 2010 1:11:29 PM
Skybox, texture resizing, it spoils the edges Oh that's really interesting, have you tried setting those textures to clamping mode? I am guessing the any filtering is picking up white on the other end of the texture [Edited by - MetaKnight on March 17, 2010 11:14:17 AM] 
Posted March 17, 2010 11:14:52 AM
[DX9, C++] Pixel shader texture sources and targets As far as I know you cannot do this. So you'll have to create another texture to render to, and depending on what you're doing you'll want to switch the textures so you can read from the last rendered texture next frame. edit: damn Evil... 
Posted March 17, 2010 8:41:58 AM
Fast Real-time Translucent Rendering Technique Using Spherical Harmonics This is really cool! and seems actually useful! Did you store SH data per vertex or pixel? It looks like vertex to me right now from those pictures. 
Posted November 19, 2009 2:00:43 PM
Distort/Shimmer Effect Respecting Depth Thanks guys, I guess sampling the depth is the only viable solution. But like you guys said, it's probably doesn't create very noticeable artifacts 
Posted August 11, 2009 8:20:53 PM
Best way to pay people internationally ? Ah nuts, so it does look like my options are limited. I was hoping there would be a flat pay would be best, so I guess a direct bank transfer done monthly would be better then biweekly.  
Posted August 20, 2008 11:26:14 PM
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