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Member Since 4/8/2009 5:54:07 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Introducing Type Raiders, a touch typing game that is actually fun INTRODUCING TYPE RAIDERS June 21, 2009 – As their sophomore effort, Catnap Games is today announcing Type Raiders, a brand new game being developed by the studio and slated to be released in summer 2009. Type Raiders helps players practice and... 
Posted June 21, 2009 8:44:07 AM
Scene one, take one As opposed to the previous image I submitted, what you see in this one is all rendered by the game engine and has been created using the standard tool pipeline. No hand editing of XML and no fixes were needed to get this screenshot. Finally! 
Posted May 1, 2009 9:52:24 AM
Appetite for destruction A taste of the graphics for my next game (yet unnamed) and the accompanying editor used to create it. The building needs to be fully destructible (break windows, add cracks, balcony and other bits must fall of etc. so it has to be assembled - a simpl... 
Posted April 8, 2009 9:05:39 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Appetite for destruction Quote:Original post by sweetbread "The building needs to be fully destructible (break windows, add cracks, balcony and other bits must fall of etc." "Rampage" comes to mind. Remember that game? Nice job on implementing destructable obj... 
Posted April 9, 2009 8:13:57 AM
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