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Get to know sirGustav...  
Full Name Gustav 
Nickname sirGustav 
State/Province, Country Skane Lan   Sweden
GD Gathering City Malmo, Skane Lan, Sweden
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Job Title Programmer 
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Member Since 10/26/2003 3:17:19 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Looking for a rapid deployable gui framework & language Hi all! I'm considering throwing out C# as my script/utility/rapid prototyping language for some smaller(both less overhead and smnaller download when deployed), cross platform solution(windows & ubuntu, osx as a bonus) solution. I don't really... 
Posted November 27, 2010 7:17:41 AM
Looking for a 2d level editor Hello all! I am looking for a 2d level editor that isn't tile based, preferably with entity and layer support. Do you have any suggestions?  
Posted October 4, 2009 6:26:58 AM
Recommend a simple math library? Is there a simple math library out there that has - simple(glsl like) syntax - data seperated from functions - no template-based headers - bonus if it would use point3/direction3 syntax instead of vec3 syntax. I've been using cml, but it's... 
Posted October 11, 2008 2:54:20 AM
Is there a simple ConfigurationFile library (for C++) out there? A few days ago I found myself in need of writing (and reading) some simple data, settings, to a file, nothing complex at all really. A few lines of basic text file I/O would do it. However I want it humanly readable as well. What does 1 have in commo... 
Posted May 19, 2008 4:06:08 PM
[4e6] World Wild West Working title: World Wild West style: Third person celshaded cartoony sneaker/shooter/beatemup (possible) with some humor involved (nolf style) Story: Bandits come to your town, you decide it's time to kill them all, once and for... 
Posted October 12, 2007 3:11:33 PM
The 4th Dimension (completed game) So... In my quest to make a complete game with each engine, here is my second game. My first game was made with a homegrown 3d engine in OpenGL with ODE. This one however is in 2d and uses HGE and bass(through HGE). My previous game was made in... 
Posted November 26, 2007 1:02:28 AM
lolball Super Monkey Ball is fun. Playing with a particle editor is fun. Playing with a physics demo is fun. Making games is fun. Getting to choose the final project that you are going to do in a game-programming course is fun. I combined these and it... 
Posted March 25, 2007 5:54:19 PM
Getting a controller for my PC: 360 or Rumblepad? I’m looking at both the 360 controller and the Logitech Rumblepad 2. The 360 work on the 360 as well, but the Logitech one seems more logical, and I don’t own a 360(or any console for that matter). I can’t decide which one to get(thou... 
Posted March 5, 2007 2:10:17 PM
Questions regarding physics based animation I am currently investigating techniques for my next game. While looking at the physics enabled animation in Unreal 3 or reading about euphoria(IGN article) I decided that this is what I want/need in my next game (third person shooter, my current is a... 
Posted February 27, 2007 8:52:55 AM
Extra parameters to a function-pointer that already has been defined? Short question: Is there a way to send extra parameters to a function-pointer without altering the function pointer or how it is called (i.e. no setting of global variables between calls)? Long question: In my search for the best scripting langu... 
Posted September 25, 2006 11:43:04 AM
View All Topics Started By This User

Some recent replies made on our forums
Looking for a rapid deployable gui framework & language Language doesn't really matter, as long as it's a good one. C++ is not a good language, as it takes too long to compile so I wouldn't call it rapid :) Regarding native, I would say that I would like native look and feel, but it doesn't need to... 
Posted November 28, 2010 5:45:38 AM
SFML - image.LoadFromFile() not working As far as I can see, nothing is wrong with your code, and I believe my code looked roughly liked that before I rewrote my image loading, as I believe sfml could use more error codes than true/false. That said, I am using the 2.0 branch (and had other... 
Posted October 27, 2010 2:55:49 PM
Advanced Game Engine Design I pretty much stopped reading here... Quote:Original post by Scrut Cmon you know wtf this shit is ... but I'm wondering how you managed to access the hardware given that your "Platform" module already takes care of that. Anyways... this is all... 
Posted October 13, 2010 2:07:40 AM
what would make a scary fps coop game? Personally I don't play scary games, and from what I can tell, the games that people say are scary are pretty lame. Doom3 scares consisted of giving physics objects a thrust or letting a monster attack you from behind. Fear slowed down time and showe... 
Posted October 4, 2010 5:11:31 PM
[C++] Coding Styles I used to have no prefixes on member variables, but after getting bitten by a typo and, perhaps a lower than usual warning setting, like this: class Class { int member; Class(int membr) : member(member) {} }; Now I use a mMemberVariabl... 
Posted April 13, 2010 1:35:13 AM
Help needed for parsing algorithm Recursion is one easy way of solving your problem... void Node::read() { string line = readline().trim(); if( line == "}" ) return; if( line == "{" ) { Node node = new Node(this); // set parent; // recursive c... 
Posted April 11, 2010 2:03:34 PM
Level Format Design: Appreciate Feedback Those are really different questions, you're comparing apples and oranges, though they are similar they are also different, let's break it down: Text-files versus binary: text files are easy to hand-edit and read, but harder to parse. What it real... 
Posted March 1, 2010 1:43:49 AM
Tweakable Constants There is also anttweakbar that has a gui and doesn't read your code at all. [Edited by - sirGustav on January 26, 2010 11:55:08 AM] 
Posted January 26, 2010 11:55:39 AM
OpenGL GUI Personally I wouldn't use qt for a game menu since qt is a huge library, and all I want is to be able to click on stuff with some fancy animations... While I haven't decided but I do have a small list of gui libraries and links, hope it's helpf... 
Posted January 13, 2010 12:47:16 PM
Third Person Camera I usually have a camera entity that stores it position, rotation, fov etc. If the rotation is stored as a 3x3 matrix, a quaternion or as a 4x4 matrix with the position it really doesn't matter. Then I have my player with a position and a rotation. H... 
Posted January 12, 2010 5:42:21 PM
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