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Get to know CyberGorgolith...  
Full Name Alex Nankervis
Nickname CyberGorgolith 
State/Province, Country TX   United States
GD Gathering City Austin, TX, United States
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Member Since 6/24/2007 12:02:27 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Air Master 3D Air Master 3D is a full-3D arcade flight shooter for the iPhone, controlled primarily through the accelerometer. Each level centers on a procedurally generated island, so no two games will have the same layout. Wingmen assist you in battle again... 
Posted September 14, 2009 10:41:31 AM
Gammon Trigger Gammon Trigger is a top-down space adventure game that we've been working on for a couple months now. We're still early along, but we just finished a preview demo that contains a single mission with tutorial, plus some free play at the end. O... 
Posted April 28, 2008 12:07:26 PM
Problem with passing string objects I have a function void S_SetObjectMaterial(int id, asCScriptString &matName); which I register using rval = se->RegisterGlobalFunction("void SetObjectMaterial(int id, string &matName);", asFUNCTION(S_SetObjectMaterial), asCALL_CDECL); ... 
Posted June 24, 2007 12:25:11 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Air Master 3D Quote:Original post by ricardo_ruiz_lopez Luck... and maketing plan. Maybe you find this link useful: Did you spend only one month developing that game? I'm really i... 
Posted September 15, 2009 4:25:52 PM
Air Master 3D Quote:Original post by gimbal_ quite an achievement I'd say! What kind of emulation are you using? Wrapper libraries that mimick the IPhone APIs? And how are you getting the application deployed to the IPhone? I read that it is a difficult process..... 
Posted September 15, 2009 1:14:40 PM
Gammon Trigger The nebulae are generated from a few layers of Perlin noise with turbulence - so there are maybe 4 or 5 layers, each assigned a different color, which are added together. At runtime, the nebulae are animated with a displacement texture. 
Posted April 30, 2008 1:10:13 PM
Gammon Trigger I'm looking to release for other platforms in the future, but for now I'm just keeping our engine portable so it'll be easier when that time comes. I haven't played Star Control 2 (I probably should), but I have played the Genesis port of Starflig... 
Posted April 29, 2008 12:09:11 PM
Problem with passing string objects Ok, thanks! But there's a new problem, this time with BC_ChkNullS: as_context.cpp line 2840 size_t *a = (asDWORD*)*(size_t*)(l_sp + WORDARG0(l_bc)); should be size_t *a = (size_t*)(l_sp + WORDARG0(l_bc)); It is checking the first bytes... 
Posted June 24, 2007 5:52:07 PM
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