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Member Since 2/27/2007 4:21:15 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter WIP This is a preview video of our upcoming tactical multiplayer shooter called 'Delivery'. It is developed by only 2 guys (in their sparetime) using Blitzbasic3D. If you like videos, go watch the ingame footage here: 
Posted February 24, 2008 4:32:25 PM
Outdoor Screenshot of Delivery This is the first outdoor map of Delivery. Its not finished yet, but you can get a taste of it. Hope you enjoy it. 
Posted June 4, 2007 10:58:25 AM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter Crysis go home ;-) Just kidding, we are pushing hard to finish the first outdoor map of delivery-game. It's getting better each day... btw. we opened an english forum at you are welcome to join and give us your opinions... 
Posted July 17, 2007 1:15:12 PM
Another interior ingame-screenshot of Delivery Its progressing ;) Yesterday we started to animate the main characters. So expect a playable (alpha-)version in a few months. We are heavily developing this baby in our sparetime - so please be patient ;) For more information (german only... 
Posted April 8, 2007 5:25:01 PM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter This is an early screenshot of our upcoming tactical teambased shooter called "Delivery". Currently it supports: - Bloom - Depth Of Field - Motion Blur - Normal Mapping - Indoor & Outdoor Levels - Physics more to come... This is a 2 ma... 
Posted February 27, 2007 8:58:44 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter WIP too much wobbling makes me sick. but i'll try your hint. 
Posted April 4, 2008 2:13:30 AM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter WIP for sure, this map is far from being complete. and yes, we have outdoor environments with rocks and grass and valleys and trees. but as you know, we are just 2 ppl developing this one, so progress is slow but steady. stay tuned ;) 
Posted April 2, 2008 2:13:30 AM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter WIP i like b3d very much - but its getting old these days (DX7). a new dx9/10 engine would be perfect. but i have little hope... i have already purchased cobra basic as a successor, but i didn't code a single line of code with it ;) still too much work w... 
Posted February 29, 2008 12:25:44 PM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter WIP yes, i am using just a little fx lib for DoF/Bloom. the rest is plain b3d with its pure DX7 power ;) 
Posted February 25, 2008 6:33:40 AM
Outdoor Screenshot of Delivery its pure dx. i've switched to masked grass, cause of endless z-order issues with alpha'ed grass. 
Posted September 22, 2007 3:03:22 AM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter indoor and outdoor together is no problem. the engine can handle this. its only a 16 player game, so the maps will be very small in size. mocap studio: we do not have one, we just used the equipment. we did not pay anything for it, cause... 
Posted July 20, 2007 1:09:08 PM
Delivery-Game Tactial Teambased Shooter yo buddy, its blitz3d in its glory. DX7 engine (+ various dlls). old, but still looks very nice ;). lightmapping was done using [g]iles. 
Posted July 18, 2007 3:09:57 AM
Outdoor Screenshot of Delivery i am using single surface meshes for the grassquads. clusterize them for better performance. you have to decide how dense and how high the grass will be (think of fillrate!). its not an easy job, you will find several new ways of improving the engine... 
Posted June 5, 2007 3:09:37 AM
Outdoor Screenshot of Delivery its WIP, you are right. i am heavily coding on the grassengine at the moment, so expect the grass to become more naturally and better looking. but it takes its time ;) 
Posted June 4, 2007 12:21:11 PM
Another interior ingame-screenshot of Delivery ok, just for you guys! i've added english language support to my page. the forum will get an english board too. 
Posted May 14, 2007 1:37:45 PM
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