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Member Since 12/21/2003 7:16:39 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Really Rather Good Battles In Space Images from the beta release of my new real time strategy game, "Really Rather Good Battles In Space" ( Coding and level design took around 2.5 months of full time work, though I got a head start by reusing lots of c... 
Posted November 18, 2006 8:49:02 PM
Really Rather Good Battles In Space beta 1 released A real time strategy game with fleets of spaceships. Game website Screenshots: Questions: - does it run? - does it crash? - does it run at a sensible speed? - what are the specs of your computer? - is it too hard or too easy? - h... 
Posted November 18, 2006 2:51:05 PM
Scaling down textures Hey, my game eats up lots and lots of video memory, so I wish to give the user an option of scaling down the textures (i.e. a 1024 by 1024 texture could actually be stored at 512*512). What is the standard way of doing this in OpenGL? Cheers, J... 
Posted November 5, 2006 3:04:41 PM
I'm stuck. Short but hard programming problem. This is a spaceship: ####> Each ascii character is, say, 23 pixels by 79 pixels, or generally some awkward number. To make efficient use of power-of-two textures in video memory, it is stored like this: ### #>0 000 Where 0 is empt... 
Posted November 2, 2006 9:35:58 AM
Write little scripts to make little ships fly about and shoot each other and stuff 
Posted October 2, 2004 2:49:24 AM
Sort of finished an AI script based strategy game The game design was based more on what I thought would be interesting to program than on what I thought would be fun, but maybe someone will find it interesting. It’s mostly feature complete, but it doees... 
Posted April 26, 2004 11:31:16 PM
Names for weapons wanted Anyone fancy suggesting a name or two or three for my game? It is set in space, and as with all space combat games I need a big selection of weapons with silly names. Well, not intentionally silly. I need names for: - lots and lots of sorts... 
Posted January 10, 2004 2:29:54 AM
Yet another alt tab question I’ve been reading all the previous stuff on this forum about alt-tab issues, and as my game is no Half-Life I quite like the sound of simply reszing the desktop to match my desired resolution and then running in windowed mode. However,... 
Posted January 16, 2004 9:10:41 PM
A couple of beginners questions I’ve read various general articles around the internet on protocols and network game design and such like, and I’m about to start reading the DirectPlay tutorials. However, I wonder if anyone could answer a couple of game design q... 
Posted January 2, 2004 9:54:33 AM
Vector vs linked list How often do you have to be deleting an object from a container to make it worth using a linked list? I’m writing a real time strategy game (sort of), and as such I have a container of sides, each of which has a container of groups, each of... 
Posted December 29, 2003 12:32:50 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Gratuitous Space Battles Definitely much better than my efforts. I have to wonder though, is the game's name at all inspired by me? I know people come up with the same ideas independently all the time, I'm just wondering. 
Posted June 15, 2009 4:52:15 PM
Really Rather Good Battles In Space Thanks for the heads up! It seems having a silly title has benefits. 
Posted December 15, 2006 4:09:28 PM
Tasty Planet I think it would rock as a mini game on the Wii, though unfortunately I guess getting it published would be totally impossible. 
Posted December 8, 2006 7:05:11 PM
Tasty Planet: Eat Everything in the World Quote:I keep getting a bug whereby once I am in the game proper (not in the menus) the guy automatically starts moving down and it is impossible to stop moving down. Quote:Hmmm, never heard of this one. Are you using Mac or Windows? An... 
Posted December 8, 2006 7:00:30 PM
Tasty Planet: Eat Everything in the World I keep getting a bug whereby once I am in the game proper (not in the menus) the guy automatically starts moving down and it is impossible to stop moving down. 
Posted December 5, 2006 1:35:44 PM
Really Rather Good Battles In Space There already is a "demo", the beta release is free to download from, feel free to post feedback on the forum at the above website. 
Posted November 21, 2006 2:32:43 AM
Primary Cubes 3D launch ( FIXED DOWNLOAD )... alld42.dll not found 
Posted November 18, 2006 1:50:03 PM
Scaling down textures Well, I think what I am probably going to do is scale the pixels using a function copied from SDL_gfx before the pixels ever reach OpenGL. 
Posted November 5, 2006 6:38:47 PM
I'm stuck. Short but hard programming problem. After spending an obscene an amount of time on about 10 lines of code, this answer seems to work: static void BlitGL_htile_hflipped(glSDL_TexInfo *txi, const SDL_Rect& src_rect, const SDL_Rect& dst_rect, unsigned char alpha, int gl_effect)... 
Posted November 3, 2006 12:34:12 PM
I'm stuck. Short but hard programming problem. It is a little more complicated than that because: a) not all of the spaceship may be on the screen at once. So, first, you have to use the source_x1 and source_y1 arguments to work out from where to start drawing the image (i.e. if sour... 
Posted November 2, 2006 2:00:13 PM
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