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Full Name  Seb
Nickname sebh 
State/Province, Country Bretagne   France
GD Gathering City Rennes, Bretagne, France
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Job Title PhD 
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Member Since 8/2/2006 3:11:33 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Real-time and Automatic Depth of Field blur in Quake 3 Arena Hi everyone! I have implemented a depth-of-field blur effect using a lens equation which is an improved version of the original depth-of-field blur effect proposed by Riguer et. al in ShaderX2 from ATI ( 
Posted July 14, 2008 2:51:17 PM
My implementation of Fourier Opacity Mapping The up-coming I3D conference on interactive 3D Graphics and Games will feature several interesting papers. I have found one of these paper called "Fourier Opacity Mapping", proposed by Jon Jansen and Louis Bavoil, very interesting. I could... 
Posted February 16, 2010 5:38:26 PM
My PhD 3D engine I am going to present you the engine I have developed for all my experiments during my PhD thesis in virtual reality. My subject is : "Using Gaze Tracking Systems and Visual Attention Models to Improve Interaction and Rendering of Virtual Environment... 
Posted January 21, 2010 9:21:50 AM
Real time rendering of Deformable Translucent Objects using GPU Splatting Subsurface scattering is an important aspect developers have to take into account when rendering translucent materials like marble, wax or plastic. Several methods have been proposed by researchers to render such material for offline to real-time app... 
Posted May 1, 2009 9:52:24 AM
Spherical harmonics lighting Hi there! This post is about spherical harmonics lighting! I always wanted to learn how to use spherical harmonics and now it's done! :) The visuals of this post are not really impressive but I find the math behind spherical harmonic powerfull! ... 
Posted September 22, 2009 6:40:05 PM
High dynamic surfaces I first thought about the technique I'm going to present you here the first time I have heard about the Mega-Texture technology of John carmack from Id Software. I wondered what effect real-full texture virtualization would allow us to achieve ? That... 
Posted September 8, 2008 6:22:36 PM
Translucent Material Rendering This effect is based on the work of two researchers : [1] Fabio policarpo's technique : Relief mapping of non-height-field surface details ( [2] Guillaume François' technique to render sub-surface scatter... 
Posted March 26, 2008 1:41:41 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Tower 22 Yeah man! This-is-an-amazing-video! As a huge fan of survival/horror game, I have to congratulate you! There is definitely an Amnesia/Silent hill feeling in your game. Some random questions: - which occlusion algorithm for the level? bsp, port... 
Posted November 16, 2010 5:22:09 PM
Bokeh Very clean demo! Run perfectly on my GeForce7900GT! (75fps) 
Posted November 8, 2010 4:43:27 PM
Blinn-Phong specular on 2D sprites That looks like a really nice engine you did here! (saw it on your website) I would like to see a diablo like done with it! :) 
Posted July 23, 2010 5:17:15 AM
Deferred Rendering Example Nice! Do you plan to develop a game with this engine? 
Posted July 8, 2010 4:30:28 PM
GPU-driven interactive particle system in XNA Looks really good! Can you explain on your low quality motion blur? Particle distortion in the direction of motion? 
Posted July 8, 2010 4:25:09 PM
Realtime glossy reflections Very nice results! 
Posted June 23, 2010 1:11:09 PM
Dungeon Fortress - First Impressions Nice tunnels! Even better if, as you said, they are generated procedurally. :) I think that the next step would be to change surfaces appearance procedurally. For example, you could make some parts dry and other parts wet (highly specular surfaces... 
Posted May 17, 2010 3:26:54 AM
Glob This is a really nice use of the Crytek's Sponza Artium model to demonstrate your framework! Congratulation for your work! 
Posted April 30, 2010 4:27:02 AM
Revolude Nice visual style! 
Posted April 30, 2010 4:16:41 AM
Outbound - Real Time Ray Tracing Wouaouh! this is a really nice ray tracer! I am going to read your paper and presentation to learn more details about it. :) 
Posted April 7, 2010 5:39:19 AM
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