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Full Name Mark  St. Jean
Nickname Besome Games 
State/Province, Country MA   United States
GD Gathering City Easthampton, MA, United States
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Member Since 11/20/2007 10:09:11 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
C++ 2D zooming moves everything down and right? Hello, Someone here who has better mathimatic skills might be able to answer this for me, it seems like a simple question I just cant seem to figure out. Recently I have been developing a 2D platformer. What I do to create a zoom effect is create a... 
Posted November 30, 2009 2:29:21 AM
[PAID]$100.00 for remaking an image in high quality Hello, Im currently working on a project and need help by a photoshop guru. I have a source art image that is about 200x200pixels and I would like someone to help make it larger and in better quality. Its a very simple image, making the $100.... 
Posted September 16, 2009 12:25:54 AM
Anyone know why my zoom wont work? Hello, I have been using a 2D library written with DirectX 9. I have been trying to modify the draw() function to enable me to zoom in and out. After following a conclusion I have made the following edits to the draw() function: void draw(Image*... 
Posted April 19, 2009 4:26:37 PM
C# pictureBox1_Paint() never gets called? Hello, I have been working on an editor for my current project for a while now in C#. Its a map editor. What im trying to do is draw a list of boxes onto the picturebox that displays the map. I had it working for the longest time. A few da... 
Posted February 5, 2009 2:32:43 AM
Box2D help creating a box shape Hello, I currently am trying to make a platform game engine. So far I have created an editor and the engine itself. What im trying to do is create a box shape and draw it onto the screen. Unfortunatly the box seems to be positioned correctly... 
Posted January 29, 2009 1:33:41 AM
[C#] Will draw rectangle on form, but not inside picturebox? Hello, I'm new to c# and am trying to make a map editor with it. For some reason, when I try and draw a rectangle inside my picturebox it wont work. If I copy the code from the picturebox1_Paint() and put it inside the form1_Paint() function it wo... 
Posted October 10, 2008 1:30:41 AM
Do you spend your time playing new games or old ones from your childhood? Hello, I was just thinking about this and I was curious as to what the results would be. I own an Xbox 360 but I rarely use it. If I do I don't spend nearly as much time on it as I do, let say for example, Oracle of Seasons for the Gameboy Co... 
Posted September 3, 2008 2:20:56 AM
Becoming a freelancer developer I'm just curious about how somebody would approach this sort of thing. I have a good looking resume including a two year internship, time in a professional office, and an independent game I have written and sold myself. Are these even good enough qua... 
Posted July 16, 2008 6:01:55 AM
Linx0r v1.2 Goes Live! For anyone that has or hasn't tried Linx0r before, I strongly advise you to try out the new v1.2 demo. Also, Linx0r will be on sale for 75% OFF 7/20/08 for 24 hours. Try out the new version, im sure you will enjoy it! Linx0r v1.2 Demo Direct... 
Posted July 19, 2008 11:16:08 PM
How to get licenced? Hello, I was wondering how one would get licensed to make games by a particular company? I have an excellent looking resume and a history of completed projects to show my ability to actually finish something that I start. What I would like to... 
Posted July 1, 2008 12:27:32 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[C#] Will draw rectangle on form, but not inside picturebox? FIXED :) Don't ask me how this happened but the picturebox I was using was inside a panel. Somehow its location was set to -151, so it was drawing way off screen. I knew it was weird that this wasnt working, and it was because I made a small littl... 
Posted October 10, 2008 9:42:00 AM
[C#] Will draw rectangle on form, but not inside picturebox? Quote:Original post by Mike.Popoloski When you are drawing on the form, drawing coordinates are given in terms of the upper left corner of the form. When drawing in the picture box, the coordinates are given in terms of the upper left corner of... 
Posted October 10, 2008 9:29:37 AM
Is it possible to design and/or program games, while being homeless? I haven't read any of the posts on this yet, but based on the original post I have this to say: My last game (check sig) was written while I was essentially homeless. I lost my job for awhile, as well as my friends and family. I managed... 
Posted September 7, 2008 3:51:33 AM
Do you spend your time playing new games or old ones from your childhood? Quote:Original post by Benjamin Heath I miss DKC now. I jokingly wrote this post yesterday or the other day about it, and now I've been thinking about all the memories about when that game came out. Like the first time I fell off a cliff and that... 
Posted September 5, 2008 2:15:02 AM
Do you spend your time playing new games or old ones from your childhood? This topic has come out greatly. Ratings ++ for all participants. There is definatly a pretty big margin between the two, wouldn't you say? P.S When I think of old games I think of SMB3 and Donkey Kong Country. Does that make me old? lol. EDI... 
Posted September 5, 2008 1:10:44 AM
Google Chrome Quote:Original post by Kobalt64 Quote:Original post by Hodgman Wait, did you tell it to import your settings from IE? Ah... Yes actually. Dang, that's not nearly as funny :( First thing, ROFL Second, after a few hours of use, I noticed t... 
Posted September 3, 2008 4:09:47 AM
Do you spend your time playing new games or old ones from your childhood? Quote:Original post by Trapper Zoid Um, both? It depends a bit on which time period you mean for when I've been playing them too. I play older games all the time, but recently I've only had time to play the Mac port of Puzzle Quest whic... 
Posted September 3, 2008 3:32:34 AM
Diddy says "Gas Prices Too High" Quote:Original post by Benjamin Heath Quote:Original post by Besome Games Don't ask me how I saw this but Diddy's newest blog video has him bitching about John McCain's VP pick because shes from Alaska. He clearly says at the end that "we are the f... 
Posted September 3, 2008 2:31:41 AM
Google Chrome It's just one step closer to Google taking over the world. First they took over the internet with there search, then they photograph the world down to views of streets, and now they are going one step closer to the operating system. I would... 
Posted September 3, 2008 1:26:19 AM
Diddy says "Gas Prices Too High" Don't ask me how I saw this but Diddy's newest blog video has him bitching about John McCain's VP pick because shes from Alaska. He clearly says at the end that "we are the future" referencing black people. I want equal living, not an invasion, lol. 
Posted September 1, 2008 11:45:06 PM
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