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Get to know s_p_oneil...  
Full Name Sean ONeil
Nickname s_p_oneil 
State/Province, Country GA   United States
GD Gathering City Atlanta, GA, United States
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Current Occupation
Job Title Project Manager 
Job Description Leading a development team on various projects 
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Member Since 11/26/2003 11:32:18 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Problems with uniform buffer objects I've been playing around with OpenGL 3.1 and its new uniform buffer objects. I can get it to work perfectly with only one named uniform buffer. As soon as I try to declare a second, it breaks (even if I don't use it). I've tested this with... 
Posted August 23, 2009 5:42:49 PM
YAPPG - Yet Another Procedural Planet Generator This is an update of my previous work, with the source code and projects refactored and cleaned up. The complete source code for all of these can be downloaded from I don't get paid to work on this, and I don't have much... 
Posted October 5, 2005 2:19:04 AM
G3DRuby provides access to advanced OpenGL features in Ruby G3DRuby provides access to advanced OpenGL features in RubyPosted by: s_p_oneil at December 4, 2006 5:54:37 PMG3DRuby is a Ruby extension for the G3D library which lets you do quick application prototyping using OpenGL API features like vertex arrays... 
Posted December 4, 2006 11:54:37 AM
I've published a new article on GamaSutra It's the fourth article in my Procedural Universe series. Fortunately, GamaSutra no longer requires a login just to read articles. Here's the link: Please let me know what you think, Se... 
Posted January 19, 2006 11:32:58 AM
Procedural Planets for *nix Hi all, I finally bit the bullet and made all my procedural planet demos cross-platform. I installed FreeBSD 6.0, wrestled with the drivers and until I got them working, created some autoconf/automake scripts to get it to compile, and then I... 
Posted November 19, 2005 6:30:14 AM
Odd sizes with glTexSubImage2D I am aware of the need to use a power-of-two texture with glTexSubImage2D. However, it really bugs me that the sub-image can't be an odd size. I need to be able to blit odd size patches up to a larger texture (without resampling). So far the onl... 
Posted September 24, 2005 9:31:19 PM
Rendering clouds from space Hi all. I'm working on rendering virtual worlds with dynamic LOD, and so far the one thing that completely kills me is clouds (on a global scale). You can find some very old screenshots at 
Posted March 28, 2005 1:22:57 PM
Dual-core chips are coming Link I think it's time for game programmers to start dusting off their multi-threading design ideas and trying them out (if you have access to a dual-processor system). I predict that almost everyone who claims that multi-threading is useless in g... 
Posted August 31, 2004 5:23:27 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Large Integers SiCrane - shultays is being helpful, and IMO your comments and attitude are uncalled for. shultays - If you're interested, you can improve your class a good bit without a lot of effort by adding shift left and right functions. You can then impleme... 
Posted October 3, 2009 12:19:05 PM
Future of C++ I disagree with jack, or at least with the way he answered. The honest truth is that if you're writing a Windows GUI application, it makes no sense to use C++. If you're writing back-end server components, it makes no sense to use C++. If you're writ... 
Posted October 1, 2009 8:34:55 PM
bicubic interpolation code? Quote:Original post by PolyVox Don't want to drag this off topic as the OP seems to be looking for a CPU solution, but are you aware that in GPU Gems 2 there is an article (Chapter 20) on implementing cubic filtering in terms of linear filters?... 
Posted August 24, 2009 6:24:34 PM
bicubic interpolation code? Quote:Original post by avocados Oops, I meant bilinear interpolation doesn't work well. This project is not in a 3d API. I need to smoothly scale noise for some perlin noise in procedural textures. If you're using the original Perlin noise impl... 
Posted August 24, 2009 6:23:17 PM
bicubic interpolation code? Cubic is the same as linear, but as you interpolate values in a line from 0 to 1, you apply a simple function to convert the line into a smooth curve. The cubic function in my Cg shaders looks like this: // Cubic smoothing, yields C1 continuous... 
Posted August 23, 2009 9:13:13 PM
realistic Earth rendering demo Very nice. I had been hoping someone would come up with a good real-time solution for multiple scattering. Is it still using a simulated 4D texture, or did you come up with further optimizations for it? Sean  
Posted July 27, 2009 8:19:50 PM
Trouble in a class template To elaborate on my previous post, you could do something like this. In the header: template <class T> class PixelBuffer { ... void cleanup(); }; In the source file: // Force compiler to build template using specific types t... 
Posted July 17, 2009 3:09:16 PM
Trouble in a class template It looks like your "cpp file for class" is in a separate library. If that is the case, you may not put templatized methods in a cpp file like that. They must be in the header file. An alternative is to define every possible type you plan to use at... 
Posted July 17, 2009 3:03:33 PM
To progammers who suck at art You can use math to generate most environmental things at run-time. That's what I do for my planet renderer ( It will only get you so far, but it works well for things like terrain, sky, water, clouds, some plants, etc. F... 
Posted June 13, 2009 8:13:29 AM
Rendering Water as a Post-process Effect Great article! I believe a technique like this would be perfect for a spherical planet renderer (you can see a very old version of mine at I reimplemented much of my planet renderer in shaders last year, but I'm not able to publ... 
Posted June 4, 2009 11:40:52 PM
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