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Member Since 6/5/2006 1:13:21 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Skies - Does it run on your computer? Hi All, Please test if my game runs on your computer. Skies is far from finished however any criticism or suggestions are also welcome. Thanks! Download it here. (It's only a couple of megabytes). Note: If the demo crashes o... 
Posted November 6, 2008 8:44:01 AM
Visibility Problem - Need Help Green Units are safe from the Sniper, Red Units are not. The problem is in 3D and I need to be able to calculate where the Saftey Zones will be ... A unit is represented by a cylinder. Its position is taken from the center of the circle o... 
Posted September 16, 2008 10:09:15 PM
byte [] to an IntPtr Help converting a byte [] into an IntPtr?  
Posted April 8, 2007 4:00:36 AM
Concer Description: Concer is a 2D platform game based on the concept of "Conc Jumping" which was a technique used in the game Team Fortress Classic (TFC) to jump over a large distance. The game only has 10 levels and is only a ~2MB download... 
Posted August 4, 2008 12:13:23 AM
Concer Description: Concer is a 2D platform game based on the concept of "Conc Jumping" which was a technique used in the game Team Fortress Classic (TFC) to jump over a large distance. The game only has 10 levels and is only a ~2MB download... 
Posted August 3, 2008 6:23:46 AM
Does my game run on your computer? Just wondering if anyone would be kind enough to test my game on their computer. I was having some issues running it on a laptop the other day but sadly I no longer have access to it. You can download it here!!! I'd love to know if... 
Posted July 27, 2008 7:53:40 AM
Multiple SimpleOpenGlControl [SOLVED] Im writing a Level Editor, using Tao for opengl and need multiple SimpleOpenGlControl's (multiple instances of opengl). The problem is when I make a gl call I have no idea which opengl context the call goes to. Thank in advance. [SOLVED] Si... 
Posted July 26, 2006 10:32:37 PM
Constructor not being called on static object. Why isn't the constructor called on B::obj? Is there a way to make the constructor called? #include <iostream> template <typename T> class A{ protected: A(){ std::cout << "A Constructor" << std::endl; ... 
Posted July 5, 2007 11:28:50 PM
Tool development: Interaction with the game engine. I would love some tips on designing level editor for my game engine. Currently I have a level editor (written in c#) which can save level data into a file for my engine (witten c++) to load. The problem is that lots of the code has to rewrit... 
Posted March 27, 2007 8:21:04 AM
c++ std::list std::list<IWorldObject*>::iterator it; for(it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); it++){ (*it)->Update(); } The problem is (*it)->Update() may remove itself from the objects list, if this occurs on the last el... 
Posted March 23, 2007 9:39:40 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Visibility Problem - Need Help Quote:Original post by Emergent Oh! I see what you actually want! I get it... OK, here (I think) is the answer: 1. Project the occluder onto the plane at the tops of the dude's heads (as Lord CrC suggested), along the sniper's view lin... 
Posted September 17, 2008 11:30:09 PM
Visibility Problem - Need Help Quote:Original post by Lord Crc Quote:Original post by squashed_bug However if the top of the unit is safe it doesn't mean the rest of it is aswell. In the image the 2nd unit from the right almost has its top under cover, if it was moved a little t... 
Posted September 17, 2008 10:17:34 PM
Visibility Problem - Need Help Quote:Original post by Emergent Does a four-word answer help? "Cylinder-frustum intersection test." Thats the easy part. It's the one word answer that I'm afraid of ... Calculus. The hard part is finding the exact area of the saftey zones.... 
Posted September 17, 2008 8:42:59 PM
Concer Quote:Original post by Mybowlcut I got this error: Did you extract all the files from, you can not run concer.exe from inside the zip. freetype6.dll should be in the concer directory. I have made some more changes: Textures a... 
Posted August 7, 2008 9:47:33 PM
Concer Quote:deadstar Textures are garbled on Geforce Go 6400, which makes it unplayable - I recently tracked this problem down in my own project: some mobile chipsets don't like uncompressed textures. Pass GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT or a similar... 
Posted August 7, 2008 9:32:37 PM
Concer Ok I have made a few changes: Fixed the game crashes when a conc grenade goes off during level change. You can now jump/run when you're standing on a conc grenade. You can now press and hold mouse1 immediately after you have thrown a conc... 
Posted August 6, 2008 2:09:42 AM
Concer Ok I have made a few changes: Fixed the game crashes when a conc grenade goes off during level change. You can now jump/run when you're standing on a conc grenade. You can now press and hold mouse1 immediately after you have thrown a conc... 
Posted August 6, 2008 1:58:03 AM
Does my game run on your computer? I've tried it on three XP systems now and can't get it to crash. What OS are you guys running? Is it only crashing at the beginning of a level? Is error_log.txt empty? 
Posted July 30, 2008 9:49:04 AM
Does my game run on your computer? Did it crash after the third level for you _fastcall? It should be looping back to the first (tutorial) level again. At the moment I'm creating some more levels. So hopefully in a couple of days I'll be able to release a proper version. 
Posted July 30, 2008 6:05:36 AM
Does my game run on your computer? Quote:Original post by MasterSlowPoke Doesn't crash for me, but I never got past the double concjump, it's been too long since I've played TFC. I miss my conc jumping sooo much :)  
Posted July 29, 2008 5:47:04 AM
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