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Member Since 2/27/2005 9:19:50 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
New Facebook game: Space Climb I just released my first Facebook App. A small flash arcade style game called Space Climb. If you have Facebook, check it out! Don't forget to post your highscores and challenge your friends! Check it out here: 
Posted January 6, 2011 1:31:13 AM
Warping spread effect Ok I'm gonna post pictures because it will be a lot easier to explain. This will be done on a bitmap. Basically I have a bitmap for the background, and anytime an object moves, it will create an effect that spreads the pixels of the background a... 
Posted February 8, 2010 2:05:36 PM
Fading a bitmap in AS3? Pretty much what it says. I'm using all bitmaps with a double buffer, and copyPixels to a BitmapData object everyframe for drawing: for speed, and simplicity of code. All's working well, but I can't figure out how to copy a bitmap to the buffer at a... 
Posted February 2, 2010 12:46:25 PM
Fake 3D? Are there any articles on the fake 3D systems used in games like Space Harrier or Trail Blazer? What exactly is it called? I think I have an idea of how to implement it, but I would like some outside sources. Any input welcomed. Thanks 
Posted January 11, 2010 12:07:52 AM
Taught rope Ok, so I have a 2D rope simulation implemented using springs, very similar to the NeHe tutorial. It works well, except it's too slack. It moves too slow and can stretch waaaay too far. I have the k of the springs as high as they can go before shit ju... 
Posted June 9, 2009 7:45:09 PM
Simple gravity between 2 masses Ok, I've been searching for hours, trying a few things, but can't seem to get any of them to work. I'm just looking for a simple gravitation pull between 2 masses, mass 1 has the pull, mass 2 is pulled towards it. Mass 1 is just an object that fol... 
Posted December 12, 2008 2:53:15 PM
Website design for cheap, anyone interested? Anyone need a site to be made, offering out my services. My skills with website design inclue: HTML/CSS/JS (HTML, DHTML, XHTML..) PHP/MySQL Graphic Design using programs like Photoshop, and other photoediting apps I also know Flash and some Ac... 
Posted May 2, 2007 5:54:36 PM
Overkill public alpha This is a public alpha version of a game I've been working on that's going to be coming out soon, called Overkill. It's a PC arcade game with a unique (at least I thought it is :) lol) style of gameplay. 
Posted October 20, 2006 12:04:35 PM
Anyone need a site to be made? Well, I'm trying to start a business making websites for people, so if you need someone to design/make your site, check this out: I have all the basic knowledge of making websites (HTML/CSS, JS, etc) and I am also experienced with graphic design.... 
Posted January 22, 2007 9:19:34 PM
Dialog textbox I understand how to get text from a textbox on a modal dialog in windows, but I still don't know how to actually add the textbox the to dialog. How would I add a textbox to a dialog if I was using a modal dialog defined in a resource file like t... 
Posted October 23, 2006 6:23:32 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Warping spread effect I see what you're saying. I'll try that. Thanks man 
Posted February 9, 2010 6:50:44 PM
Warping spread effect It's tranparent, just shows up white cuz of the background. It's basically being split. The "pushing" effect didn't come out too good, just a quick photoshop. Here's a better picture of what i mean. 
Posted February 8, 2010 7:25:07 PM
Taught rope Quote:Original post by gpu_fem I am writing some code / writeup using hard constraints to solve for rope physics instead of springs - need a few more hours though. If there is significant interest (and novelty) I can prepare it to a full blown tuto... 
Posted June 10, 2009 8:53:03 PM
Website design for cheap, anyone interested? Cool, just let me know. 
Posted May 4, 2007 7:46:10 PM
Website design for cheap, anyone interested? Hey, I have MSN but I don't really use it. I'll be on though now, same email address 
Posted May 3, 2007 3:17:57 PM
Anyone need a site to be made? bump Quote:Original post by PixelComposer I'll probobly be interested in your services at the beginning of next month. Cool, just let me know.  
Posted January 29, 2007 7:45:15 PM
Pluto Strikes Back OMG that's so innovative and addicting lol The bat is a little hard to control and takes a little getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad. My personal high is 34895 woot lol 
Posted November 5, 2006 4:55:54 PM
Dune Buggy Very nice, but I think you should add a third pedal and a shifter, because auto tranny's are for noobs(lol), plus it makes it look cooler 
Posted October 29, 2006 5:59:49 PM
Collision detection Bump Thanks JBourrie, that link was awesome. Only problem I'm having right now is if the enemies are moving too fast, they don't "collide", and either go through each other, or some crazy stuff happens. How can I make them still contact even when... 
Posted October 11, 2006 4:20:19 PM
Collision detection Quote:Original post by kiome Quote:Original post by Ganoosh_ Yeah, that's the problem, so many enemies could all be colliding, I don't know how I'd be able to detect that What kind of numbers are you expecting to be on screen at same time? Y... 
Posted October 5, 2006 9:43:34 PM
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