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Full Name Thomas Richter-Trummer
Nickname fimbo 
State/Province, Country Steiermark   Austria
GD Gathering City Graz, Steiermark, Austria
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Member Since 2/26/2007 9:13:52 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
ray traced pixel offset mapping hi I am working on an new parallax like texture mapping effect, but without the most disadvantages, like height leveling, aliasing and silhouette flattening on large angles to the surface. This technique implements a volume renderer i... 
Posted March 2, 2007 8:44:37 AM
Isosurface Terrain I'm working on a dynamic iso surface rendering technique for xyz-fields for DX9, the geometry is calculated totally on the CPU in realtime for huge fields, so the GPU has time for rendering the actual surface. The data field is sampled bicu... 
Posted December 21, 2008 12:22:34 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
ray traced pixel offset mapping right that was some years ago, my page has moved to with some new stuff, but currently I am kind of busy with my job, I actually used some of this techniques for 'Stoked' an open world snowboard title for the XBox360 with a vast open t... 
Posted March 11, 2010 8:22:58 AM
Isosurface Terrain just some more detailed information: The scene is devided and culled by an octree, every node that is small enough to fit in a distance dependent threshold searches for a corresponding Geometry-Buffer in a FILO cache. If there is no matching buffe... 
Posted December 21, 2008 12:49:45 PM
LynxEngine - more screenshots can you tell something about your SSAO technique, I am working on different approaches but haven't found a reasonable compromise between qualitiy and performance 
Posted December 16, 2008 11:31:43 PM
Metaballs Demo Hi, looks interesting, i did something like this just with depthsprites and postprocessing in the pixelshader for a SPH Fluid simulation. Your refraction looks a bit weird, because of the concretion in the middle of the spheres, it seems that your... 
Posted May 17, 2008 12:07:04 PM
Vatan SDK hi, looks next gen, is the sky made with the silverliningSDK ? 
Posted September 13, 2007 10:57:20 AM
ray traced pixel offset mapping hi srezic, there is certainly an assertion in RendererOpenGL.cpp, for debug reason it checks many card and driver capabilities and abort if something is not working, but your card is definitly suitable, so it could be a driver issue, please check... 
Posted March 9, 2007 8:28:42 AM
ray traced pixel offset mapping it depends. SM 3.0+ and furture cards will have far more pixel shader power, even more with an unified shader architecture, so the question is how to utilise this power to achieve more visual quality. This demo is just an unoptimzed showcase, in t... 
Posted March 7, 2007 2:15:40 PM
ray traced pixel offset mapping @Gyrbo: the demo is of course for geforce 7 and up, especially with the soft shadows because of the amount of texture lookups, but there is still room for optimization @Jnz86: i have never testet it on an ATI, it seems to be that there is an... 
Posted March 4, 2007 10:52:08 AM
ray traced pixel offset mapping hi anthony, the errors on the edges are now removed, thanks for the advise. the center cube just shows the deficiencies of steep parallax mapping, it can't be used on convex geometry because of this flating effect. Normally the surfa... 
Posted March 3, 2007 2:37:20 PM
ray traced pixel offset mapping there is now a version online with quite performant Soft Self Shadowing: you can play around with some defines in resource/resources.GravityScript at Line 21 [Edited by - fimbo on March... 
Posted March 3, 2007 9:05:50 AM
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