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Nickname oc2k1 
State/Province, Country Bremen   Germany
GD Gathering City Bremen, Bremen, Germany
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Member Since 4/23/2007 9:04:45 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Lumina 0.3.1 released Lumina is a free crossplatform development environment for GLSL shaders. An ECMA script based language is used for tools and rendering control. Lumina provides maximum flexibility that allows the user to build renderer prototypes for deferred shading... 
Posted February 1, 2008 4:42:45 AM
Lumina 0.3.1 released Lumina 0.3.1 releasedPosted by: oc2k1 at January 26, 2008 7:29:27 PMLumina is a free crossplatform development environment for GLSL shaders. An ECMA script based language is used for tools and rendering control. Lumina provides maximum flexibility th... 
Posted January 26, 2008 7:29:27 PM
Lumina-0.2.8 is out I've released a new version of Lumina, a platform independent GLSL IDE. The new version supports a profiler to determine the average shader run time.  
Posted November 21, 2007 5:20:27 PM
New Lumina version I've released a new Lumina version. It's a fix for 64bit systems: Lumina is a IDE for GLSL Now are geometry shaders tested and officially supported and I've start writing a trutori... 
Posted September 18, 2007 10:50:14 PM
Lumina Some some screenshots of GLSL IDE Lumina The first screenshot are some gears with 8 lights and dual parabolic shadows. All 16 shadowmaps share the same 4096x4096 texture. There are 16 passes needed to generate the... 
Posted May 17, 2007 10:35:14 PM
Lumina GLSL IDE Hi @ all, I would like to present my project: Lumina is a platform independent development environment for GLSL. The rendering process could be controlled by a javascr... 
Posted April 23, 2007 10:03:25 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
GLSL hardware skinning structs aren allowed as uniforms. Use two arrays for quaternions and positions. But for beginning it's recommend to use an array of mat4.... 
Posted March 2, 2008 1:33:04 PM
GLSL hardware skinning the 512 are the minimum that have to be supported. and that are vec4, That is enough for up to 64 matrices. Because some of them are required for other uniforms up to 60 bones are realistic... A small tutorial with shader code: http://lumina.sour... 
Posted March 1, 2008 11:51:03 AM
What happens when multiplying by projection matrix if a Vertex is multiplied with the gl_(ModelView)ProjectionMatrix it is in a 4 dimensional unnamed space. After the dividing the XY and Z component by W the vertex is in postperspective space (range [-1.0.... 1.0] for XYZ if the vertex is located ins... 
Posted February 20, 2008 8:54:52 PM
Particles System OpenSG or GLSL Rotating of pointsprites can be done with a few fragment shader instructions. And the size limit isn't a big problem if larger sprites would be clipped away by the near plane.  
Posted February 19, 2008 4:57:21 PM
questions about CG,GLSL.assembly shaders in OpenGL 1. GLSL can be available in OpenGL 1.5 as extension. (In that case the driver update won't be a wrong idea) 2. No, the required GPU is depend on the shader profile. 3. The old ARB shaders are very limited... 
Posted February 19, 2008 4:53:04 PM
Implements the vertex blending Matrix palette skinning? That won't work without vertex shaders. There are old deprecated extension like GL_ARB_matrix_palette and GL_ARB_vertex_blend, but both are not supported anymore.  
Posted February 15, 2008 5:10:35 AM
Points Selection It is much faster if each point is rendered with another color into the back buffer (16m or 2³² should be enough) After that read the pixel below the mouse with glReadPixel. The opengl picking is not supported in hardware on many cards... 
Posted February 13, 2008 7:16:28 AM
Pbuffer Pbuffers can be used to render into a texture, but it's recommend to use FBOs (frame buffer objects) instead. 
Posted February 13, 2008 7:10:35 AM
GLSL: Bump mapping. Is tangent needed? Bumpmapping won't work without tangents (bitangents can be calculated with a cross product. The calculation is simple: v[0...2] vertex position t[0...2] texcoords = (v1-v0).xyz * (t2-t0).y - (v2-v0).xyz * (t1-t0).y;  
Posted February 2, 2008 11:23:29 PM
Lumina 0.3.1 released Please add the URL 
Posted January 26, 2008 7:31:52 PM
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