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Member Since 4/23/2008 2:47:40 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
3D Online RPG: Symbolic Symbolic - 3D Online RPG ------------------------ Preamble: --------- My name is Steven Page and I am Project Leader of the game under development Symbolic. Symbolic aims to be a role playing game, set i... 
Posted March 1, 2010 10:44:03 PM
Symbolic - 3D Online RPG Help Wanted Symbolic - 3D Online RPG ------------------------ Update March 28, 2010 (version 0.0.5 released!!) ------------------- Version 0.0.5 has been released! You can now download versions for both Window... 
Posted February 12, 2010 12:43:20 AM
Confined [First Person Medieval RPG] I am currently developing a 3D engine for a game underway named Confined. Confined is a first person action medieval rpg. In Confined your character is a mage where you will have to fight enemies to become stronger in order to make progress in the... 
Posted July 27, 2008 12:01:04 PM
PAL Physics help please! I am using PAL Physics Abstraction Layer in my game using Irrlciht as the redering engine. I have followed the PAL + Irrlicht tutorial and have successfully created terrain that allows boxes to be spawned. I searched though the PAL Doxygen and fou... 
Posted July 2, 2008 11:31:16 PM
3D RPG Team Needed ! Deviance Engine: Team name: The Team name is currently undecided, but it will most likely be "The Deviance Development Team". Project name: The project we will be working on is called Deviance (internally called nGine) Brief descripti... 
Posted April 23, 2008 1:06:08 PM
In Game Render of nGine I am presenting some screen shots of a game engine I am currently developing. The game engine (named nGine) is in alpha. It aims to be a highly modifiable game engine, written in C++, using pure OOP, and uses Irrlicht as the graphics engine. The... 
Posted April 24, 2008 10:08:06 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
3D Online RPG: Symbolic Please visit our website! We have released version 0.0.5 which includes a basic battle system, and much more! thanks! 
Posted March 28, 2010 3:32:08 PM
Symbolic - 3D Online RPG Help Wanted I have finished many things, like the alpha battle system, and much more. please read the change log and download the alpha preview and give it a run! theres more where this came from! 
Posted March 28, 2010 3:30:34 PM
3D Online RPG: Symbolic Have finally released the lastest version with TONS of updates, check out the website and the screenshots~! 
Posted March 19, 2010 3:31:06 PM
Symbolic - 3D Online RPG Help Wanted Game has had a major update, introducing the npc system, quest system, and the intro to the battle system. this should introduce what the game should feel like to alot of people. Hopefully this would incite a few more artists to lend a hand on... 
Posted March 19, 2010 3:29:09 PM
3D Online RPG: Symbolic They are freely available models on the internet, and thats probably why they were used in realm crafter. These are kinda like placeholders until we get some artwork done.. On another note, i have uploaded a video to the official website of 0... 
Posted March 12, 2010 7:38:14 AM
Symbolic - 3D Online RPG Help Wanted posted some serious updated, game is coming along. please read the change log and see screenies to see what has changed in this release. we also are in dire need of some 2d artists and maybe another modeler. if any body is interested in doing a li... 
Posted March 7, 2010 2:43:36 PM
3D Online RPG: Symbolic I have finished some serious improvements to the engine with the release of 0.0.3! Check it out! 
Posted March 7, 2010 2:36:43 PM
Symbolic - 3D Online RPG Help Wanted game has had a few updates and requested developer assistance details have changed. 
Posted March 1, 2010 12:27:38 AM
Confined [First Person Medieval RPG] i have bumped this post because the 0.4.1 beta release is out! confined also has an official website ( ) where you can see many more screen shots, videos, or download binary and source! A much more advanced map ed... 
Posted August 11, 2008 10:43:51 AM
3D RPG Team Needed ! A Huge update has been released on the deviance website. We have successfully integrated many new features such as a physics system, a character controller, actors, chase cameras, LUA Scripting back end, and much more. The engine is one ste... 
Posted May 15, 2008 2:18:21 PM
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