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Get to know KEXIK...  
Full Name Mario Hros
Nickname KEXIK 
State/Province, Country Moravskoslezsky Kraj   Czech Republic
GD Gathering City Trinec, Moravskoslezsky Kraj, Czech Republic
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Member Since 5/18/2006 7:03:56 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Panther3D Engine - GUI System On this picture there is my GUI system with all common controls. I draw only lines and rectangles. GUI have small GUI Editor mode and colors are modificable by scheme. On the background there is a screen form the Gears of War ;) 
Posted February 23, 2007 11:09:21 AM
worldSpace-tangentSpace transform problem :( Hey guys, I have serious problem with worldSpace -> tangentSpace vector transformation. In vertex shader I do this: // tangent basis float3x3 tbn = float3x3(,, ); ... 
Posted September 1, 2009 11:03:04 AM
Blending two textures with mask Hi! I have two textures of Earth (Night and Day) and a grayscale mask texture. I want to render these two textures in a way day texture will be in brighter pixels of a mask and night texture will be in darker pixels of a mask. So finally I sho... 
Posted July 11, 2009 6:04:18 AM
Calling constructor of globaly defined variable in static .lib Hi and sorry for my bad English! I have this problem. When I have static .lib project and I write this code to some .cpp: class Test { public: Test() { MessageBox(0, "Constructor of Test called!", "OK", 0); } } g_fck; ... 
Posted September 23, 2008 4:53:58 AM
C++ pointers in two dlls Hi! I have simple question to C++ win32 gurus. I have exe and few dlls, which are loaded dynamicaly using LoadLibrary(). When I allocate memory in one module or open a file using stdio FILE* fp=fopen() and then pass this pointer to second... 
Posted August 17, 2008 3:59:31 PM
English Corrector for Documentation Hello, I am from the Czech Republic so my English isn't good enought and I need someone who have some free time (not too much time required) and good knowledge of English. I will need to correct English grammar on wiki and documentation. ;)... 
Posted March 17, 2008 6:40:08 PM
Screen-space vertex shader Hi, Iam working on deferred renderer, but I have a problem. I need a vertex shader for fullscreen quad to get some per-vertex (screen edge) data. I created a vertex buffer with these values: LeftTop vertex::: X:-1 Y:1 Z:0.5 W:1 RightTo... 
Posted October 15, 2007 3:06:13 AM
Cyclotron - Main machine It is from our old concept. It is most important part of this map. This concept was thrown out. 
Posted February 23, 2007 11:09:43 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Panther3D Engine - GUI System The source code of both of our engines has been released to public. I have updated previous post accordingly. Maybe it will help somebody. :) And thanks for hosting old Alex is making very impressive and good work at Unigine! 
Posted October 13, 2010 11:03:26 AM
worldSpace-tangentSpace transform problem :( If I understand correctly, u think that In.Pos, In.Tangent, In.Binormal and In.Normal I have in vertex shader are in object space. But no, they are in world space as u can see in debug screen (look also at world-space translate widget colors). It is... 
Posted September 1, 2009 2:18:09 PM
Blending two textures with mask Oh, good, but I can't use shaders because I use OpenGL ES for iPhone. Can anybody help me do this using standard fixed pipeline blending (glBlendFunc)? [Edited by - KEXIK on July 11, 2009 9:56:42 AM] 
Posted July 11, 2009 6:56:14 AM
Plane9 Screensaver v0.9 wow, looks good. ^^ Which function did you use for connection splines? 
Posted February 3, 2009 7:46:08 AM
Panther3D Engine - GUI System Hey guys :) hehe it is funny, a reply to 2 yrs old thread, but I have some resources for you. First of all, now I can provide full source codes for Panther3D 1 and 2 engines. They can be downloaded at 
Posted January 28, 2009 11:41:38 AM
Calling constructor of globaly defined variable in static .lib Thanks. As I can see, automatic registration in .lib cannot be simply done. So I dropped the idea with auto registration in .lib and I will use dynamic libraries only. 
Posted September 23, 2008 1:24:43 PM
Calling constructor of globaly defined variable in static .lib Thanks for your reply. Good idea, it can be the problem, because I use this construction for "registering" classes at app initialize time so I am interested only in calling this constructor, not instance of a class. Do you know some method ho... 
Posted September 23, 2008 12:35:56 PM
pvs computation using voxel decomposition Looks good, but will you release demo? I want to see it in action in detail. And what are you planning with it? Will it be closed-source only for your purposes? 
Posted April 20, 2008 3:47:14 AM
space transformations Which triangle do you mean? If you are talking about simple 2D triangle, you don't need to do any transformations because you enter screen-space coordinates (it is what you get after all transformations from world-space). 
Posted March 20, 2008 6:05:03 PM
Creating a Shader Class Or you can extend it and try to do something I want right now... inspired by UnrealEngine 3. Split your shader to "template" and processing while processing will be lighting, shadowing, fog, ... based on material input (properties). Shader... 
Posted March 19, 2008 6:59:00 PM
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