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GD Gathering City Santa cruz, CA, United States
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Member Since 5/14/2004 8:44:38 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Maze Madness Maze Madness (a.k.a. WinMadness) has been in development for a bit, with cycles of short bursts of intense development and long stretches of idling on the hard drive. You, the player, must complete all 9 levels in 3 different modes of play. T... 
Posted June 14, 2006 9:36:14 AM
OpenTK, AgateLib, Boogame - C# 2D I know about SDL.NET and the Tao Framework, but I was looking into a more built up framework for cross-platform C# development of a 2D game. Boogame just has links to hot shemales and foamy the squirrel. OpenTK looks interesting but will it off... 
Posted March 4, 2008 4:01:30 PM
Exploration platformer I've just started on a project. It's kinda what I've always wanted to make. Working a little bit at a time, I hope to be done in a year. The biggest inspirations are Knytt, Untitled Story, and the Underside. The fundamental draw is explori... 
Posted April 2, 2008 1:32:31 AM
2D Dev "Learn Suite" Brief description: Currently looking for contributions or knowledge of existing programs that demonstrate interesting aspects of 2D game development, specifically designed for teaching a concept. Preferred development environment is C#/Winfo... 
Posted March 13, 2008 12:09:03 AM
In-game Console and Scripting I haven't implemented a scripting language or a Quake-style console in my games yet. I was thinking about it and wondering if it's worth implementing a console if you already have a script hooked in. The way I thought about it is that you cou... 
Posted March 20, 2008 2:02:13 PM
Pygame with Python 2.5 and Numpy How can I do this? When I try to use surfarray, it won't work without Numeric, but Numeric requires Python 2.4! Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "li... 
Posted February 26, 2008 12:04:57 AM
DirectX 7 Project Do I have to install the DirectX 7 SDK to compile a projecct, or can I use the DirectX 9 SDK? Missing types: LPDIRECT3D7 g_pD3D = NULL; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 g_pD3DDevice = NULL; D3DTLVERTEX g_Vertex[4]; //... 
Posted March 4, 2008 11:25:41 PM
Playing with PictureBox's Bits I read some good advices from the Cap'n and Mr. Ryves, including bypassing the PictureBox control altogether and using LockBits(). But if I am using a picturebox control, is there a way to manipulate the pixels of the PictureBox.Image without crea... 
Posted February 28, 2008 5:50:40 AM
Ballz from TINS If you've been looking all over the net for a working download of Ballz(also B.A.L.L.z) by ArchMiffo ( Peter Dahlgren of ) ... look no further. I've found it! 
Posted February 25, 2008 6:51:48 PM
Caiman Car Contest The Caiman Car Contest has ended and with 10 entries, everyone gets a prize! Screenshots and Downloads [Edited by - Boder on February 23, 2008 1:35:54 AM] 
Posted February 23, 2008 1:49:38 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
good 2d game engine? another nice new one, that's beta and open source is Construct web: 
Posted September 11, 2009 7:38:42 PM
I just lost my entire night's sleep Joke: 0,0,15872,8448,9984,8448,10208,8208,8208,10208,8448,8448,12032,9216,15360,0 Good? 34,65824,290,1314,1312,70946,70948,87304,87312,9480,75044,8480,74020,74020,73760,73764 
Posted September 8, 2009 11:28:58 PM
Game Design Contests Here's one I had worked on 
Posted September 4, 2009 1:27:04 PM
Game prototype: sidescroller/reflex/steering I think it has to do with how quickly you lose lives, because it seems to build on itself and starts randomly cutting out key input. 
Posted August 22, 2009 4:49:10 PM
Game prototype: sidescroller/reflex/steering I tried it and was impressed. It seemed to have a good overall feel with the look and music, and just the right amount of challenge. At first I didn't download because I wasn't sure I had the latest .NET. Something happened though, the controls... 
Posted August 22, 2009 4:21:20 PM
Maze Madness Hopefully fixed. All my little games are at a googlepages site now that should last and last. 
Posted August 16, 2008 11:53:57 AM
Dungeoneer! is recruiting Love the art, except for the screenshot that looks like shader hell. 
Posted April 4, 2008 1:09:29 PM
Exploration platformer I'm probably not going to finish the project, just don't have the interest required to carry through code, art, and design. The scope would have to be scaled down a lot. Not to mention online OpenGL documentation is a bitch. I might write a b... 
Posted April 4, 2008 12:58:39 PM
Exploration platformer I'm going to go for a combination stencil tiles, texturing, and separate outline. Thought about arbitrary placement, but stuck with my idea that tiles are still suited unless you really have reason and a small enough environment to carefully craft... 
Posted April 4, 2008 11:32:40 AM
Diablo clone Fate 
Posted April 3, 2008 10:14:01 PM
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