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Full Name Nick Gravelyn
Nickname NickGravelyn 
State/Province, Country WA   United States
GD Gathering City Redmond, WA, United States
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Member Since 8/14/2005 10:46:41 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Seattle + Snow = Fun Figured some folks would find this amusing: Coming from Michigan there's an initial reaction to mock the greater Seattle area for shutting down as soon as snowflakes start falling, but once you see... 
Posted November 23, 2010 4:57:50 PM
Help Me Buy a Digital Piano I need some advice from musicians, specifically piano players and more specifically those who have used digital pianos. I'm looking to get into piano and have absolutely no idea what to look for. I don't know what price ranges indicate "good", "great... 
Posted January 5, 2010 7:16:04 PM
Why is 'object' not abstract in C#? Something I was thinking about today as I instantiated an object to use for a piece of tag data just to flag something. Why is the 'object' type not abstract? As far as I can tell the main reason is for use with the 'lock' keyword such as: class F... 
Posted December 30, 2009 6:56:37 PM
Converting Binary .X to FBX or OBJ I just got a bunch of .X models that I want to use, but I need to make some changes. However I can't seem to find a single tool that can convert them into FBX or OBJ so that I can open them up in Maya to do some tweaking. Anyone know of such a too... 
Posted December 2, 2009 10:45:35 AM
Capturing Webcam Video For XNA Game Does anybody know of any techniques that work? Obviously this would be a Windows-only thing since I'd be relying on non-XNA libraries to get the video from a webcam. I'm just looking right now to be able to get the current frame from the camera... 
Posted March 21, 2007 7:45:03 PM
Applying Simple Momentum During Collision I'm having a bit of an issue with some physics and can't find anything online that really helps me solve the problem. Here's my setup: I have two objects that are colliding. Both can have velocity however one of them is environmental, me... 
Posted November 20, 2009 5:22:40 PM
Error Creating Effect in D3D11 After taking a break from native D3D I'm back and decided I might as well learn D3D11 since I never got that far into D3D10 anyway. It seems most things are the same but the effect framework is a little different. I was expecting to link the D3DX11.l... 
Posted November 16, 2009 11:31:04 PM
D3DXVECTOR3 and D3DX 11 It seems to me that there is no declaration of D3DXVECTOR3 in D3DX 11. As such I have a few questions for the gurus: 1) Should I be using D3DX10 to get those structures and functions? 2) Should I just not be using the D3DX structures and make my... 
Posted November 15, 2009 11:39:18 AM
Learning C++ The Right Way I decided today that I want to (re)learn C++. I'd consider myself pretty much a novice with C++ at this point. I know enough to get some things running, I have a decent grasp of pointers/references (though I still could use a little more work on... 
Posted November 11, 2009 12:37:09 PM
How To Support D3D9 and D3D10 In One Game? This may be a funny question coming from a guy with DirectX MVP in his title, but that's because I got my MVP (and spend most of my time) working with XNA Game Studio. I've recently started working on native Direct3D programming as a way to get... 
Posted June 6, 2009 8:48:29 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
1366x768 I got a Dell Studio 15 and had the option (and took it) to have a 1920x1080 display on the 15" screen. Additionally, you can shrink the taskbar in Windows 7 to use smaller icons. I think it gets to about 60-70% of the normal size. 
Posted December 25, 2010 12:28:23 AM
Questions about programming in XNA and asset sizes It sounds like he's on the right path, but there are a few things to keep in mind regarding size: 1) For textures, you can get a HUGE win by making sprite sheets that are powers-of-two in size (512x512, 1024x1024, etc) and using DXT compressi... 
Posted November 13, 2010 7:20:34 PM
Why should I learn an API FWIW XNA (as in the XNA Framework) isn't really a game engine comparable to Unity or UDK. There is no world editor or anything. XNA Framework is a set of managed APIs built on DirectX and some other technologies to make game development in C# fa... 
Posted November 13, 2010 11:28:56 AM
how to kill your wife in 24 hours I fail to see any entertainment in considering how one would commit murder, especially against someone they, at least at one point, said they loved. Quote:Original post by toony i have seen this on many forums so why not here?I'd h... 
Posted October 31, 2010 7:59:51 PM
Seattle Area? Quote:Original post by cutthepeaceQuote:Are there any massive downsides to the area to be aware of? TRAFFIC: I-405 is horrible and I-5 in Seattle gets squeezed down to two lanes each way.All highways around here suck. My main recommendation: live so... 
Posted October 17, 2010 11:08:31 PM
I learned C#. Now what? I agree with all the above in "just do it" with the caveat that you need to keep your expectations reasonable. If you're just starting out, try making little clones of simpler arcade games like Pong, Breakout, Space Invaders, and Asteroids. Picking a... 
Posted October 17, 2010 2:31:58 PM
XNA problem with my game... Quote:Original post by YoYoFreakCJ There has been lots of discussions about this. Long story short, there Random object does produce the same values under some circumstances. I recommend that you multiply the result of Next() with something that cha... 
Posted September 30, 2010 11:21:12 AM
IE9 beta: Not as bad as I expected I used Chrome for the longest time, but now I'm using IE9 as my default browser. It does everything I need it to, at a speed I find acceptable, and I like the aesthetic direction (the back/forward buttons are nice). The only feature I think it's... 
Posted September 19, 2010 3:42:11 PM
DirectX 9, 10, or 11? My two cents: If you're just starting, you're likely a ways off from shipping software and as such the current market numbers really shouldn't concern you. After all, you're trying to learn, not market a product. I recommend starting with D3D 1... 
Posted August 30, 2010 7:38:28 PM
Would you use this VS2010 extension? I think that's pretty useful, mainly for embedding Chrome in there for references. Might also be nice if one could dock Windows Explorer so I could have a file view. Even with two monitors, I occasionally am juggling windows since I like VS full... 
Posted August 26, 2010 11:22:26 AM
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